A Guide to Kingdom Building

Chapter 78: Back to the Campfire Pt.2

Throughout his lifetimes, Adaloun had never experience a reality as dark as he had right now. He's been through worlds where demonlords and monster had reigned. His mission was always focused on liberating the people from their dark grasps while evangelizing them the gods he served—and he served them well all throughout.

There were times where he had to start from the lowest of low or from the poorest of the poor, but the people were always positive and loving. The village, his family and the country were always doing what's good for their citizens.

He had lived in worlds where everyone was treated equally regardless of social standing, morals, race and more. But he never had he imagined to be in a world where the sense of equality was as close to none as it was.

Yes, he had been poor before in his past lifetimes, but he never actually suffered. He never had to eat dried twigs from birds' nests nor stale bread. No matter how poor he was, there was always food on his table and a warm bed for him to sleep.

He realized how bitter and dark this world was early on, but he never lost hope that one day it would change. He wasn't sure how or what he had to do to accomplish it, but one thing's for sure, he will never ask any help from any deity. If he's going to change this world, he will do it by his own hands even if it will prove impossible.

Ironcally, he got help from a deity. He was sought out by a deity and was even given powers. It was something he loathed himself doing but had to concur to the dire situation he was in. The monsters of this world proved to be menacing and deadlier than those he faced before. It was only in this world where he met a monster as strong as a demonlord but was considered a grunt in Calamatis' standards.

He wondered; how did the people of this world handle the monsters before? How powerful were they to impose such threat to them and how were they able to survive all of those? These were the questions he had in mind. Questions, that only a goddess could answer and since he's talking to one right now, it would've been a perfect opportunity for him to ask. But instead, he didn't.

Instead of learning the world more, he opted to ask a different question.

"Then why haven't you intervened?!" He asked the goddess. "You're a goddess! You surely could save them all if you wanted to!"

Oyue looked at him and nodded, "You're right! I could've just saved all of them and imposed myself as their deity but that's not how things work around here."

She patted messed his hair, giving him a taste of what he did to her earlier. "If only the world was quiet as simply as those previous gods you served have thought." She said.

"What do you mean by that?" Adaloun contemplated on her answer. "Simple? What do you mean?"

"In this world, there is what the mortals call as will and freedom. Boop!" The young Oyue touched his nose. "You better remember that before you start flaunting your shenanigans on them! You're no saint here and remember someone might be equally as powerful as you here!"

Adaloun stood up and asked, "If this world doesn't need saving, then why did you ask me to help you? If this world has free will, don't I just live normally like the rest of them? Why did you ask for my help in the first place? If I couldn't help this—"

"Adlaw-on, I have to stop you right there." Oyue shook her head and sighed. "I didn't ask you to save this world. I want you to contribute to it."

The answer confused him even more, "What do you mean by that? Contribute?"

Oyue scratched her head and pouted. "You really are a thick-skulled guy! Basically, I want you to share your abilities with this world, provide them a choice to grow and become stronger."

"Couldn't you just do that in your end?" Adaloun furrowed his eyebrows. "I mean…you can inspire others and they could choose not to—Ow!"

Oyue kicked his shin lightly.

"What did you do that for?" Adaloun grinning in pain.

"Here you are, hating gods for interrupting with your fate." She squinted at him. "And yet, you want me to interfere with the mortals of this world? Kindda ironic, isn't it?"

Adaloun was speechless. He knew Oyue had a point, a very poignant one. He stared at the endless sky trying to understand himself and his goals.

"Adlaw-on, I have to cut our conversation short." Oyue yawned. "My powers are waning. I have to sleep for a while."

Adaloun noticed the young girl slowly fading and approached her. "What am I going to do?"

Oyue smiled at him and answered, "I have faith in you that you can figure it out! Adlaw-on don't stay dumb."

The child pushed him away. "Adlaw-on, I will be gone for a while. Please, don't do anything wreckless! And look for your purpose in this world!" Oyue smiled, "Don't be surprised once you wake-up…Uhmm…" She blushed. "You might be in an awkward position."

"W-wait, what do you mean by that?" Suddenly the entire camp was struck by a blinding light.

Adaloun started falling into a deep hole. As he fell, the bright light began catching up to him and went into his body.

He woke up gasping for air, sweating profusely. He looked around and saw the change in scenario. He noticed himself spread over the bed with a blanket covering his naked body. He tried to move but was unable to. Adaloun felt something bound on his arms and feet. He tried moving his wrist and ankles but felt the cold metal squeezing against his skin.

"My goodness, Oyue! What the hell is this?" He cursed under his breath while trying to look around. He could feel the presence of his gladius inside the room but can't point its location.

It's not that Adaloun hadn't experienced anything like this in the past, in fact, he had quiet a few encounters being bound and naked before, but it was the good kind, and he knew exactly who bound him. This one is different. He's not sure who bound him and why was he bound. Also, metal bindings, normally you don't use that for kinky stuff.

The door creaked and Adaloun could hear footsteps coming his way. He had two options, he could destroy the metal bindings and incapacitate whoever was on the way or he could choose and play along and see how this would go.

Unfortunately, he chose the latter. Adaloun waited anxiously as the footsteps shuffled across the room. The stony wall made it hard for him to see who entered the room. He could only guess from the light steps that it was a woman or so he hoped.

The soft footsteps became more audible. He knew the person was coming near him. He readied himself and tried to look as cool as he could.

"You're awake, I see." Servus 305-M peeked from the stony wall. "Good. That means I don't have to wait another day."

Seeing the wretched redhead during his most vulnerable moment was not Adaloun's idea of surprise. The old erratic slave came approached him and smiled before heading over to the table at the foot of the bed. The redhead sat down and wrote something on it and then proceeded to gather somethings on the table.

Adaloun couldn't see clearly what it was but based on the metal sounding clangs, he had an idea of what they were. He desperately tried to activate his ability but somehow, it didn't work. He tried once more and even tried to yank his wrist out of the metal bind was unable to. That's when he realized he's in big trouble.

"Oh, that's futile!" 305-M answered calmly. "That's made from the same material as these collars. You won't be able to get out of it." He raised a sharp knife checking on its edge.

He looked back at Adaloun and smiled at him. "I think we haven't met…properly." 305-M cracked a smile.

"By the way, my name is…" 305-M began laughing hysterically. "What am I even doing? You can't have my name! I don't have one!"

Adaloun felt something was off. Sure, 305-M was a little loose in his screw, but this was something else. There's something afoot and he's getting what it was.

"Ohh…pardon me, slave." 305-M mumbled. "I was a noble once but had to suffer this fate! They don't understand, I…could've made the Principalia grow!"

305-M wanted to see how Adaloun controlled the aetherium he had. Ever since he saw the aetherium and realized how Adaloun, a slave was able to wield it, made him intrigued. 305-M thought of ways and possible reasons on how he did it.

But he understood that all of those ideas were only but a figment of his intellectual mind. Without any experimentation, he won't be able to prove such. When the Bieroffs' knights sacked the camp, they were supposed to kill everyone save for Lord Prestonheim. Luckily, 305-M made a deal with Lady Adrena to spare Adaloun for his research.

305-M had to do some convincing in order for him to do that. Finally, another member of the noble house would finally give him that chance! Adaloun should've been executed for destroying Principalia's properties but 305-M's persistence got to save him from the brink of death.

He saw a noble cause of making sure Adaloun lives. Just thinking of the experiments he could do, made 305-M's spine tingle with excitement.

305-M yanked the thin piece of cloth covering Adaloun and exposed him naked. The crazed redhead eyed on him from head to foot and smiled.

"The Aetherium and you, will be my prize back to the Principalia! I'll show them." 305-M's mood became erratic as he reached for the sharp knife. "If you don't mind being sliced—I'm sure you don't."

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