A Hospital in Another World?

Chapter 116

"He's going to make it!"

Garrett Nordmark's voice rose triumphantly. At the same time, young John hurriedly ran out to get saline solution, and his words echoed through the open door, reaching the crowded hall outside.

"What? He's really going to survive?!"

"That's fantastic!"

The hall was already filled with a large crowd. Two men who brought the injured person, the injured person's wife, children, and siblings, as well as the family of the child rescued by the injured person—adults were crying, children were shouting, creating a chaotic scene. The pharmacist Linde tried desperately to maintain order, but with little effect, ending up drenched in sweat.

As John opened the door, dozens of eyes turned towards him simultaneously. Hearing Garrett shout, "He's going to make it," everyone was thrilled and buzzing with excitement. Two people nearby hurriedly ran inside:

"Really? Really? How is he now? Is he okay?"

"Don't let them in!"

Garrett screamed. This was an operating room! How could the family members just enter casually?

Did the sterile principles of the operating room still matter?

John quickly halted his steps, extending his arms to block the two men. Unfortunately, he was just a novice priest, a small figure who could block on one side but not the other. The two men rushed forward at full speed, causing him to stumble and retreat.

Helplessly, he could only grab the clothes of one person with one hand, raise his voice, and struggle to shout:

"Don't go in! You're not allowed in! The procedure inside is not finished yet!"

Garrett, hearing the commotion, realized that something was amiss. With a start, he realized what he had neglected:

This wasn't his past life!

It wasn't like the emergency room in the hospital where he used to work, with people coming and going, security guards patrolling, and multiple checkpoints to the operating room!

Here, from top to bottom, there were only six people!

Five doctors (priests) had all entered the operating room, leaving only one pharmacist outside. Unable to fight and unable to shout louder than the crowd!

He should have at least arranged for a security guard!

"No one is allowed in!"

Garrett, with his back to the operating room door, couldn't move and could only shout louder. John struggled to stop, stepping back step by step. Seeing that he had already retreated beyond the door frame of the operating room, Priest Patrick suddenly stepped forward, swinging his arms:



This warrior priest had been stuck at the fourth level bottleneck for several years, but the warrior rank had already broken through the fifth level. His strength completely overwhelmed the situation. With one hand, he tossed each person out, blocking the doorway and shouting loudly:

"No entry! Do you hear me? If anyone tries to enter again, I'll throw out the patient as well. We'll stop the treatment!"

This booming voice echoed through the entire building, following the tradition of the bald Archbishop. The whole two-story building was buzzing with his shouts. After a loud bang, the heavy door slammed shut:

"Do you hear me? No one is allowed in! If anyone tries, throw them out along with the patient. We're done treating!"

This loud shout finally silenced the crowd. Garrett was able to continue the surgery in peace, explaining to the priests while untangling intestines:

"When dealing with critically injured patients, especially those with multiple injuries all over the body, it's urgent everywhere. There's a sequence for treating such cases. In short, start with where the person would die the fastest..."

"Simply put, check the heartbeat and breathing first. If these two are gone, the person will die within three minutes. Next, check the abdomen. If there's major internal bleeding, death will occur relatively quickly, just a bit slower than the heartbeat and breathing. Then move on to the spine, head, pelvis, arteries, and nerves, treating in that order to minimize the chance of death."

The four priests listened attentively, hanging on every word. Patrick suddenly asked:

"I once treated someone who was trampled by a horse... The bleeding had already stopped, the person could stand up, but suddenly fell down and died. Did I miss internal bleeding?"

"That person... was my neighbor, my comrade. Three years ago, in that big battle, he pushed me away desperately but ended up under a horse's hoof. After exhausting all healing arts, I finally stopped his bleeding, but I still watched him die..."

Since that day, the priest level hadn't progressed, until today.

Huh? Quite insightful! Garrett admired him with a glance. However, facing his question, without hesitation, he shook his head:

"I can't say for certain without seeing the patient. Internal bleeding is possible, brain damage is also possible, and there may be even more hidden conditions. In the case of such patients, all I can say is that you're unlucky; it's not about what you did or didn't do."

In his past life, in the hospital, they once received an elderly man. He walked in, walked out, satisfied patient, relieved family. He walked to the payment counter, collapsed before reaching the queue, and died...


The final diagnosis was a ruptured aortic dissection. Where could they argue? The old man came in with a fractured thigh bone!

Patrick pondered. Garrett let him muse while he continued to work on the intestines, repairing damage, flushing with saline, and checking for any active bleeding. When everything was done, wiping off the sweat:

"Joanna, go send a message to the teacher—tell him he can come a bit later and bring me the oak wand."

"Patrick, stand in Joanna's position, keep an eye on the patient's heartbeat and breathing. If there's an issue, call me anytime!"

"Ewen, get ready to close the abdomen... save a bit, use minor healing first, follow my instructions. Close the abdomen layer by layer, from inside to outside, don't indiscriminately throw healing arts. Come on, start closing this layer, it's this thin membrane..."

"What if we just use healing arts directly?"

Patrick suddenly asked. Garrett, staring at the slowly healing omentum, answered casually:

"If you sew it improperly, the inside won't grow together, the inner and outer layers will stick together diagonally, or the intestines will stick together... or the intestines will leak into the gap where you didn't sew properly... all kinds of troubles can happen. Who knows what could go wrong."

Patrick fell silent, and Garrett continued to explain while his hands moved swiftly, manipulating the injured person's muscles and skin, layer by layer closing them, then instructing Ewen to use healing arts. While pulling and explaining:

"This is the peritoneum... this is the extraperitoneal fascia, transverse fascia, rectus sheath... we cut along the white line, otherwise, you'll see the posterior layer of the rectus sheath, rectus abdominis, anterior layer of the rectus sheath..."

With the abdomen closed on one side, on the other side, Joanna's falcon cried out, wings folded, gripping an oak wand and landing on the windowsill. The window rattled, and Garrett looked up, suddenly overjoyed:

"It's here! Bring it in quickly!"

The teacher's oak wand!

A source of magical detection!

The radiography's radiation source!

Just as he finished dealing with the abdominal injury and was about to start treating the two legs, the item arrived!

"Come, help this person up, let him lie on his side!" Garrett gave rapid-fire orders:

"Place the oak wand behind him. Let me first check the bones—I want all of you to enter the meditation state and take a closer look—

Hmm, the skull is fine, cervical spine is normal, thoracic spine is normal, no rib fractures, and the pelvis is clear, thank the heavens! Alright, lay him flat, and let me see how the two legs are broken, making it easier for bone setting—"

In the slightly dim meditation state, from head to toe, 206 bones. Those things that he struggled to memorize over the past month were now vividly illuminated under the bright light.

"So, this is how they're shaped..."

Donald, who had never personally broken someone's arm or leg, murmured to himself.

"No wonder I need to find the teacher..." Joanna clenched her fists. If she were just one level higher, she could use her oak wand without having to seek help from the elders.

"So... it's like this..." Patrick stared at the skeletons in the meditation state, unable to blink. If he had known earlier, if he had seen it earlier...

Walter, Carl, Ron, your legs...

Could you have avoided limping?

"Hey! Don't daydream!" Water droplets splashed across his face. Patrick snapped out of his thoughts, seeing the semi-transparent mage hand slowly fading away. Garrett had splashed water on him:

"Come to your senses! Help me lift the thigh!"

A high-level warrior!

A perfect laborer!

The reason he called you was to help lift the thigh!


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