A Hospital in Another World?

Chapter 121

"Hello, we've come to present a gift to Lord Nordmark—"

"Put the stuff aside! Everyone, out!"

"Todd! Todd! How are you—"

"Lord's orders, no entry! Get out!"

"At least let me see a doctor... I feel terrible..."

"Out! Line up!!!"

Garrett Nordmark chuckled as he drifted past the outpatient hall. Ah, having a barbarian as a security guard was quite convenient—strong, simple-minded, and straightforward. Whatever Garrett said, he followed, and others trying to argue or engage with him proved futile.


Moreover, most visitors, seeing a barbarian, simply gave up on communication and obediently followed instructions. Hospital efficiency significantly improved.

Oh, why couldn't they hire a group of barbarians as hospital security in his past life?

Barbarian security, or rather, the value of the followers his teacher gave him, reached a new peak a month later. Garrett was inexplicably brought to the Lord's mansion, where all the nobles, mages, priests, and knights of Hartland City gathered. Viscount Joane Vaughn, the city lord, waved his staff, expressing indignation:

"Traitors have seized the throne! They've enthroned a false king, trampling on the blood of the rightful heir and locking up the true heir in prison!"

A mild stir ran through the audience, not too strong, like a summer breeze rustling through the treetops. Garrett blinked:

Oh, a change of regime. So, what are we going to do? Go to war? How far is the capital from here? By the time we huff and puff our way there, won't the "rightful heir" have already been dealt with?

Obviously, more than one person thought the same as Garrett. Everyone sat quietly, neither expressing outrage nor chanting slogans. Lord Joane Vaughn took a couple of breaths and continued:

"The false king worships the Radiant Lord! These traitors aim to restore the Radiant Church to the kingdom! The Holy Knights have already mobilized! The Black Cavalry from the Religious Tribunal will set foot on the coast next month!"

Religious Tribunal! Garrett shivered. Witch hunts, arresting heretics, hunting down dissenters, burning at the stake... a series of history flashed through his mind. Meanwhile, the council chamber resonated:


"So audacious!"

Baron Vaughn slammed the table. Across from him, Baron Seymour raised his fist in anger:

"Down with the false king!"

Garrett looked left and right. The mage Gelman Klaus looked as calm as water, his staff gripped tightly, and his knuckles slightly whitened. The bald bishop slammed his heavy metal staff on the ground, cracking the floor. Elder Elwin Wilkinson's oak staff hummed, leaves appearing at its tip without wind:

"Expel the Radiant Church!"

"Yes! Drive them out!"

"Summon all the priests! Prepare for war!"


Ah... so the false king doesn't matter; the Radiant Church is more important...

The memories of the original owner slowly dawned on Garrett:

The Radiant Church had always been a significant force in the kingdom. On the continent across the sea, the Pope could even crown kings—locally, despite the church not completely conquering the kingdom, the combined forces of the king and nobles, the three local religious cults, the Mage Tower, and the city's knight order barely withstood their influence, not being completely eroded.

In the major battle three years ago, the Temple of the Spring Goddess, the Temple of the War God, the Nature Lord cult, along with the Mage Tower and the city's knight order, united, making significant sacrifices to drive them out.

Moreover, Hartland City was just a corner of the battlefield; major figures across the country were fighting. Losing the support of the king, the Radiant Church suffered a comprehensive defeat in the conflict of experts and had to retreat to the mainland...

So if they were to return...

Everyone would die!

The Temple of the Spring Goddess, the Temple of the War God, the Nature Lord cult—all would be slaughtered as heretics!

The deities they worshipped would be branded as demons!

Not to mention the Magic Council; if the Radiant Church caught a mage, they would burn them alive!



Fight to the death to drive them out!

"The Temple of the Spring Goddess is willing to send ten priests to join the coalition," solemnly stated High Priest Holna. The bald bishop once again slammed his staff:

"Two priests from the temple; all personnel, mobilize!"

Nobles of all sizes chimed in. One said, "I'll send two knights and twenty soldiers"; another said, "I'll send three knights, fifteen soldiers, and two sets of armor." Finally, it was the Mage Tower's turn. Mage Gelman Klaus, breaking his prolonged silence, slowly raised his head and spoke:

"Low-rank mages are useless on the battlefield. This time, I'll go alone. Elliott, Karen, you guys stay to guard the Mage Tower in case it gets looted. Garrett, you—"

"I'm going with the priests!"

Garrett blurted out without thinking. Mage Gelman Klaus paused, turning to Elder Elwin Wilkinson:

"Elder, you—"

"Let him go." The elder stroked his white beard and said softly. "Rest assured, with me there, nothing will happen to him."

Going to war! Garrett felt a bit trembling. In his past life, he helped in non-combat situations, but then there was a whole army protecting him, and he could focus on healing. This time, going to the front lines with city guards and the lord's army, would they be capable?

Or should he stick with the Temple of the War God's group? Those temple knights looked reliable, even the priests could fight...

"Don't worry! I'll protect you!" A deep voice suddenly exploded next to him. Startled, Garrett turned, raised his head, and kept raising it...

Bending his cervical spine backward, his head directly angled parallel to the ground...

A tall man over two meters tall was looking down at him. Chewing in his mouth, droplets of meat juice dripped from the corners of his mouth, looking particularly terrifying. In his left hand, he held a large bone club, and in his right hand, a box of surgical instruments. Striding over, he casually tossed it onto the carriage near the door:

"Lord! What else do you need!"

"Gauze! Cotton! Medicines!—You, come with me!"

It was truly touching to have such a powerful warrior following him. The sense of security instantly skyrocketed to +10086...

The hospital was already in chaos. Garrett went straight to the storage room, pointing and directing:

"Willow bark powder, bring it!"

"Calendula infusion, bring it!"

"Alcohol, bring all of it!"

"Alum, bring, bring, bring! Take half of it directly!"

"Spiral compression bandages, how many have we made? Only 20? Bring them all! Get more wooden sticks, sturdy cloth straps, make them as we go!"

"Table salt, take it away! This box is candles, take them all!"

"...Do we really need candles?" Looking at his moving-like

's-a-move attitude, Priest Donald finally couldn't help it:

"Who here can't cast Light Spell?"

"Are you sure there will be spells when the time comes?" Garrett retorted in one go. On the other side, Bernard picked up the box of candles, effortlessly putting it on his shoulder.


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