A Hospital in Another World?

Chapter 150

Ten thousand soldiers, stretching endlessly.

One hundred thousand soldiers, covering the land.

The Magic Council, the Radiant Church, the allied forces of Count Norman, and the army of Midland County, more than forty to fifty thousand people, clashed on both sides of the Duofu River, forming two battlefronts.

Cavalry, infantry, catapults, archers and crossbowmen, spellcasters – advancing, retreating, attacking, defending, all entangled in the chaos.

Sometimes one side advanced, sometimes the other, and dust and cries of battle rose from the ground all the way to the sky.

Garrett Nordmark looked down from the airship and felt as if he saw several giant dragons rolling on the ground, roaring and tearing, scales flying.

Dragons battle in the wilderness, their blood mysterious and yellow.

"Do you see anything?" Suddenly, someone beside him asked.

Garrett quickly turned his head and stood up: One of the three archmages who had left the airship this morning, the one with the strange glowing substance on his shoes, was questioning him. He couldn’t afford to be careless and promptly answered:

"Our forces have the advantage."


"The Radiant Church intended to take advantage of the allied forces’ lack of defense and bite them from behind. If they succeeded, the allied forces would be in chaos, and the battle would be over." Garrett quickly scanned the area below: Although half of the allied forces had crossed, the trenches, deer fences, and shield warriors held firm, resisting the Radiant Church’s assault. The black flag with lightning symbols made several charges, but the fortress remained unshaken, effectively blocking the Church’s attempts.

"Then, the Magic Council’s army blocked their retreat. With both sides working together, victory is within reach."

"Excluding the extraordinary individuals, that’s indeed the case." The questioner nodded gently. "But do you know how many level 10 or above extraordinary individuals are in this war?"

"Count Norman is level 12, the Grand Priest of the Temple of the Spring Goddess is level 11," Garrett tried to recall, "Elder Heath seems to be level 10, and the others... um..."

"The ones from the Radiant Church chasing you today, Lusen, is the Vice Chief Justice of the Tribunal, level 13."

The old mage answered leisurely, stroking a small bird affectionately. The bird pecked affectionately at his hand, and as Garrett looked closely, he noticed that the bird’s back seemed to have metallic scales rather than feathers.

"The Grand Knights of the Knights Order should be on par with them. The leader of the Red Robe Church is one level higher, and as usual, there will be a penitent monk leading the way. Of course, our side’s Carlisle is also level 14, not inferior to them."

Garrett nodded in confusion. Since he transmigrated to the present, he hadn’t witnessed high-level experts above level 10 going all out, so he had no concept of it. The old mage glanced at him, not intending to explain further, just pointing casually below:

"It has begun."

As the last syllable lingered in the room, the airship suddenly jerked, descending heavily. Garrett was thrown upward, narrowly avoiding hitting the ceiling.

Bernard rushed over and grabbed him. A few steps away, the oval-shaped cabin door suddenly opened, and a chilling wind rushed in. The cold breeze hit Garrett’s face, making him instinctively close his eyes tightly.

A gentle force pushed him back into his seat. When Garrett opened his eyes again, the old mage had already stepped out of the cabin door and walked away.

Why doesn’t this airship have seatbelts?

Garrett complained inwardly but knew that those qualified to ride this airship probably didn’t need seatbelts. He rushed to the window to see three figures rising side by side above the Radiant Church, arranged in a T-shape.

The person in the red robe held a large book with both hands, bowing slightly. The one in the white robe held a round sphere in one hand, and the black-robed figure tightly gripped a long sword. The three were identical, kneeling in the air, and their soft voices echoed layer by layer:

"Our Lord, may your holy name be glorified;

May your kingdom come;

Forgive us our sins, as we forgive others..."

On the ground, the church army prayed in unison. The sound grew louder, filling the entire space between heaven and earth. The white light in the sky and on the ground connected into one. The person in the red robe raised his right hand high, pressing it down, and the white light collapsed, rushing like mountains towards the opposing army.

"For the glory of the War God!"

"For the mercy of the Goddess!"

"For nature!"

Three shouts echoed high.

A burst of azure light, a gathering of iron-blooded red and black brilliance, and a cluster of vibrant green light rose, struggling to withstand.

However, compared to the white light opposite, the foundations of the three colored lights intertwined and seemed somewhat disordered. In a short time, they were gradually pressed down inch by inch.

How are the teachers?

How is the bald bishop?

Garrett pressed his forehead against the window, holding his breath. In the chaos, he didn’t even notice that it was the Magic Council army, newly joining the battlefield, that was being suppressed by the white light, not Count Norman’s allied forces. The teachers, the bald bishop, and his comrades he cared about were not under the white light.

The azure light gradually lowered, eventually shattering, and the iron-blooded glow and the green light were also gradually pressed down. At that moment, a thin tornado rose, spinning and rising from the ground!

The tornado broke through the water.

In the first rotation, it grew one circle, rising by a tenth; in the second rotation, it grew another circle. Garrett had only taken three to five breaths, and the tornado had grown to the height of the ship’s mast, simultaneously sucking in an unknown amount of river water.

Glancing at the riverbank in a hurry, Garrett saw that the water level of the Duofu River had noticeably dropped, revealing a section of damp riverbank.

Then, with the tornado’s rotation, the river water condensed into fine ice blades in the wind. Wind blades, ice swords, circled at high speed around the Radiant Church’s fleet, one circle, two circles...

Gradually, a grating sound joined the tornado, the deck cracked, the hull damaged, masts toppled! The ship was gone, no way to go home!

The church army was in chaos for a moment. The Holy Knight Order in the center of the formation could still hold, but above the kingdom’s army and the local lords’ forces, the white light had started to ripple slightly. This movement caused the suppressed emerald light to lift its head like sprouting grass.

The three high-ranking priests leading the divine arts acted decisively. The one in the white robe held the sphere to his chest, the black-robed one raised the long sword high. The collapsing white light condensed into the shape of a long sword, slashing forward with the motion of the black-robed figure.

The sky cracked.

The long sword pointed to the sky, piercing a hole in the densely clouded sky. The sword moved, cutting

 through the cloud layer in the sky; when the long sword fell, the clouds in the sky were split in a line. At the moment the sword fell, the might of the entire sky was carried by the light sword—

And this sword, this dazzling light sword, was directly aimed at the flying airship, slashing towards Garrett’s face!

That gaze illuminated Garrett’s eyes. He didn’t have time to react—actually, even if he did, it wouldn’t have mattered. In his field of vision, a small black figure shot out like an arrow, flying farther and larger, the size of a fist, a basketball, a carriage, a house...

From Garrett’s perspective, it was a flying creature, or something that looked like a flying creature, at least Garrett had never seen a bird with metallic scales on its back. The creature, resembling a flying bird, spread its wings and rushed head-on towards the light sword, pecking, flapping wings, tearing with claws, fiercely fighting.

In a cacophony of sour sounds, the light sword gradually penetrated the flying creature, from the top of its head to its tail, splitting it in half.

A loud noise.

The flying creature disintegrated in mid-air, steel pieces, springs, screws... clattering, scattering everywhere, hitting the hull of the airship several times. The nearest one landed next to the window, just two inches away from potentially breaking the window and causing harm to Garrett.

Nevertheless, the alchemical flying creature had already fulfilled its mission. Above Garrett’s head, on top of the airship, a golden light once again soared, resisting the shrunk light sword by seventy percent.

And in the ground battle, azure, black-red, and emerald lights rose again, intertwining with the colorful magic lights. Empowered by the Magic Council, the army shouted in unison, forming an iron wall, pressing towards the opposite army!

The sun gradually leaned. Garrett looked down at the river through the window, unsure if the river was dyed red by the setting sun or the blood of the warriors who fell into the river, dead or wounded.


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