A Hospital in Another World?

Chapter 162

Death magic again?

Black Crow Swamp again?

Garrett Nordmark sighed. 

I should have become a necromancer long ago. When I met Linde, I joined without hesitation! Why go through all the trouble, trying to get into the Mage Tower with recommendation letters, attending lectures as an observer?

He put on a smile, used every persuasive word, and finally managed to dampen Master Edgar’s enthusiasm. The necromancer expressed regret:

"Ah, that Linde, he’s not good at handling things. It would have been better if he had brought you in at that time. Garrett, when the necromancy school has similar topics in the future, could I invite you to join the research together?"

"Your invitation is my honor." Garrett agreed without much thought. Projects, topics, and funding – everything would come with it. As for unsuitable projects...

"Oh, by the way, Master Linde is your..."

"He’s my disciple," Master Edgar smiled. When he talked about the disciple he valued, a hint of warmth appeared on his thin face:

"After the recent battle, I received a letter from him, praising you a lot. Unfortunately, he’s still traveling outside. When he returns to headquarters, he will definitely come to see you. By the way, after this training, will you stay at headquarters? Any direction in mind? If you’re looking for a job, you can also consider our school..."

"Master, rest assured, I will definitely consider it..." Can you stop trying to recruit me all the time? Garrett hadn’t really thought about employment yet. There were still six months left in the training, and after that, he could stay three more months at the Bridge Magic Academy. Future matters could be considered later. For now, he had a pile of research topics waiting for him...

Of course, he didn’t focus solely on experiments. In the previous month, facing the potential plague, he had to push the research progress hard. Now that the paper was published, it was time to use the superior conditions of the training camp to broaden his reading and develop comprehensively.

Garrett adjusted his schedule. Attend classes in the morning, read books in the academy library in the afternoon, conduct experiments in the evening. Routine meditation before sleep to enhance mental strength, communicating with plants the next morning with an oak wand in hand...

Oh, the last one had made no progress so far. Garrett doubted his aptitude in divine magic; besides relying on medical knowledge for healing, other divine magic seemed out of reach.

No matter, if it’s not meant to be. Garrett pushed aside distractions, focused all his thoughts, and began battling with his initial goal:


I’m coming!

The steps for developing ultrasound magic were simple: Learn, Disassemble, Improve.

Based on his grades from the previous semester, Garrett still had two opportunities to exchange for level one spells and three for level zero spells. Echo detection was only a level zero spell; combining learning, disassembling, and studying its parts took him only three days in total. After learning the magic, dismantling the spell model, understanding each part’s purpose, the real challenge began...

Garrett stood outside the enclosure of the animal husbandry, holding the door handle, took a deep breath.

This animal husbandry, along with the nearby Monkey P4 laboratory, had all been assigned to him according to the previous agreement—of course, along with the land under the house. Though it was a bit biased, more than a bit actually, it was still his own property! Considering its proximity to the Magic Council headquarters, it was equivalent to having a villa in the capital!

To prevent accidental intruders, the project team built a solid wall, enclosing the animal husbandry and laboratory. At this moment, next to the gate, a large marble plaque had been embedded:

Garrett Nordmark’s Biological Laboratory.

Garrett struggled through. This naming style always reminded people of a notorious laboratory, and he didn’t want that association. However, protests were ineffective. The mage who arranged everything for him was swift; in the blink of an eye, the stone plaque was cut, carved, and embedded.

"Still want to change it?"

"Uh... How much does it cost to change the sign?"

"It’s not about money; the main thing is that a piece of the wall has to be knocked down..."

Garrett surrendered. He pushed the door open, and inside, pigs and sheep were calling out loudly. A barbarian carried buckets of water and feed, busy back and forth. Garrett watched his tall figure and couldn’t help humming softly:

"Pigs, sheep, where are you going~~~"

"Garrett, you’re back!" Bernard shouted as he turned around. Garrett tiptoed forward:

"I’m back? Have the horses been taken care of?"

"Yes! The people from Priest Matthew have taken them away. He said the money from selling them will be given to you!"

According to the previous agreement, after the experiment, all experimental animals belonged to Garrett. He handed over most of the horses and almost all the pigs and cows to the Nature God Cult. Half were given as gifts, and the other half were entrusted to them for sale.

After all, the Nature God Cult had helped a lot this time. Without their meticulous care for the animals—measuring body temperature several times a day, cleaning cages, recording data, disinfecting back and forth—Garrett wouldn’t have finished his thesis. The points and contribution points from the Magic Council couldn’t be shared with them; the only way was to share the money.

Moreover, the Nature God Cult was daily poor; giving them things was like setting up a medical fund there, ready to support the poor at any time.

Garrett clapped his hands, quite satisfied with his arrangements. Looking around, pig pens on the left, sheep pens on the right, and a row of rabbit cages in the distance. Garrett, feeling a bit worried, asked loudly:

"By the way, Bernard, can you take care of these remaining pigs, sheep, and rabbits alone?"

"Of course! It’s such a small matter! In our village, who doesn’t know how to raise livestock!"

The barbarian was eager to get started. Garrett extended his arm, tapped his shoulder with his fingertips:

"Then it’s up to you! When you want to eat meat, just kill a few. If you want to eat something better, sell a few and have a feast!"

Thank goodness, the barbarian’s future food supply was finally settled! Now, with dozens of pigs and sheep and two cages of rabbits, even if the barbarian ate to his heart’s content, it would be enough for a year or two!

Being in the training camp for a month, Garrett’s wallet was almost empty T_T

"By the way, start with the sheep. Leave the pigs and rabbits to me—"

"Got it!"

"Give me a rabbit! Carry it to the laboratory!"


Garrett took out a black bat from the material cabinet. After the experiments were over, all the bats were slaughtered, dried in lime, and soaked one by one in alcohol. Garrett felt it was still not clean enough; he wore gloves before picking it up, walked to the rabbit cage, and pointed to the rabbit:

"3, 2, 1! Echo magic, start!"

Successful release... In the meditative vision, ripples trembled

 like water, revealing the outlines of the rabbit, rabbit cage, and walls. As for the rabbit’s internal organs, sorry, didn’t see that.


Well, that’s why he still needed to research. But... with this few bats, would it be enough for him to experiment?


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