A Hospital in Another World?

Chapter 215

Whether Follower Number Two and Bernard could get along, Garrett didn’t know for the time being. However, he was immediately faced with a question: how should he get along with Mage Walton?

Archmage Carlisle had already left in a hurry. As soon as the Archmage left, his disciples followed suit, leaving only Aurora Walton and Garrett facing each other.

One, two, three. Three seconds, six seconds, ten seconds. Suddenly, Aurora woke up as if from a dream, jumped up, and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Thank you! If it weren’t for you pleading for me, I would really be finished—I absolutely can’t survive in that place on the New Continent! It takes a month to drift on the sea, and I get seasick! If I were kicked out by my teacher, my dad would be devastated... Oh right, here’s the badge! I’ll transfer my contribution points to you!"

"No need..." Garrett clutched his own badge tightly. Aurora rushed up to him, urgently halted, and clasped his hands together in a praying gesture, shaking them up and down:

"Yes, yes! If my teacher finds out I didn’t transfer them to you, he’ll definitely beat me to death on the spot! By the way, how should I address you? Sir? Your Excellency? Master?"

He recalled the various titles used by followers for their mentors and blurted them out one by one. Garrett had already shivered:


Sir or Your Excellency was acceptable, but the term Master brought back some particularly unpleasant associations...

He even subconsciously took a step back. Aurora froze for a moment, blinked, and cautiously retreated two steps:

"What’s wrong with that?... Boss?"

Boss it is then! Garrett compared it to the previous titles and felt that "Boss" wasn’t unacceptable. At the very least, professors who could apply for projects and have a bunch of assistant professors, lecturers, and doctoral and master’s students working for them were called "Boss" by their subordinates.

He now had several projects... If the project on electrolyzing mithril was successful, when it came time to publish a paper, he could also be listed as the corresponding author!

...Right, as followers, how did they address Bernard? Garrett searched his memory, and the answer was rather sad: the barbarian either called him by his name, or just said "Hey" or "Oi"...

But correcting the barbarian was obviously out of the question. With his thoughts drifting like this, the person in front of him had already started calling him "Boss" one after another:

"Boss, thank you for saving my life, and not sending me to the New Continent. You’ve saved me three times!"

"Boss, I’ll follow you for the next five years!"

"Boss, what tasks do you have for me next?"

"Boss, why did I get poisoned?"

"Because you went to smell chlorine, of course..." Garrett subconsciously replied. Then he suddenly realized:

"By the way, can you help me write a paper? How good are you at writing papers?"

"Don’t worry! I’m really good at it! I’ve published papers in The Ordinary Mage Monthly, The Philosopher’s Stone, and Thunderclap!"

Garrett’s response was to throw him a bunch of experimental designs.

"Do all these experiments for me! Determine the properties of the products! Write the paper! I’ve written down all the precautions, it’s up to you to validate them! If anything goes wrong and there’s an explosion or poisoning, write it down clearly!"

"Yes, Boss!"

"Don’t transfer your contribution points to me, use them to buy experimental materials and apply for equipment!"

"Alright, Boss!"

"Don’t do any experiments that I haven’t authorized! Like electrolyzing caustic soda..."

Aurora Walton’s eyes lit up. His lake-like blue eyes sparkled, and a faint blush appeared on his snow-white cheeks. It looked as if his brain was spinning in his skull, the fan couldn’t keep up with the heat, and his body temperature rose by a degree. Garrett quickly waved his hand:

"Never mind, come with me, we won’t do experiments today! Go back and rest well, and we’ll do them together tomorrow!"

Damn, this really needs to be watched out for! Electrolyzing saturated saltwater at most produces chlorine gas, which can be promptly bubbled into lime water to avoid accidents; but if you melt caustic soda and electrolyze it—Garrett had no doubt that the flames summoned by a Pyrokinetic mage could reach the melting point of caustic soda...

It would produce sodium! Sodium!

Throw it into water and it’ll explode right in front of you!

Aurora Walton visibly dimmed his eyes. He stuffed the experimental designs back into his spatial pouch, hung his head dejectedly, and followed Garrett outside. Leaving the laboratory step by step, leaving the Mage Tower, the more he walked, the slower his pace became. He seemed to be pulled out of the mage tower, with his roots severed...

Garrett couldn’t help but glance sideways. With such a reluctant look, had he been living in the tower since childhood?

"No, I’m from Berrick County." Faced with Garrett’s inquiry, Aurora Walton shook his head quickly:

"I’m not from a mage family... My father is a viscount, he does some small business and sent me to learn magic after making some money. Later, I was recommended by the Mage Tower to Nevis, and then my teacher took me in as his disciple! I stayed in the tower for about three years... Learning magic? I’ve been studying magic for a total of five years..."

Five years of study, three of which were spent on Igor Peak, no wonder he looked carefree, with no ambition at all. As Garrett sighed like this, completely ignoring the fact that he was pretty much the same, important knowledge that others would break their heads to snatch was just thrown out there...

The two chatted as they boarded the small train, clattering all the way down Igor Peak. As soon as they touched the ground, the sea breeze with a fishy smell blew, and Aurora Walton instantly came back to life:

"By the way, how are we spending tonight? Do I need to join you? All the other followers follow their boss... Where’s your home? Is it far from the station?—Who is this?"

"This is Bernard, my first follower, from the northern ice plains.—Bernard, this is Aurora Walton, who will also be following me for the next few years. Get to know each other."

The golden-haired mage froze on the spot. He raised his head, then raised it again, and again... His cervical vertebrae made a painful creak...

"You... hello?"

The three of them turned together, set off, and walked towards Garrett’s house. The further they walked, the narrower the road, and the darker it became on both sides. Aurora Walton looked around while sitting on his horse, looked around, and finally couldn’t help asking:

"Boss, where are we going? Your house?... Is it this remote?"

"Yes—here we are!"

Garrett dismounted. In the darkness, the marble signboard of "Garrett Nordmark Biological Laboratory" reflected the light and sparkled...

"Bernard! Aurora! Come, spray disin

fectant around the lab!"

Garrett happily threw out three buckets of disinfectant. The barbarian didn’t say a word, picked up one bucket. Garrett opened one himself, and Aurora Walton looked left and right, finally understanding that the remaining bucket was his task, and couldn’t help but let out a scream:

"I don’t want it!!!"


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