A Hospital in Another World?

Chapter 242 (1)

It’s cholera—or rather, the outbreak in this small village is likely cholera. Although bacterial microscopy hasn’t been performed yet, the appearance of feces-like rice water on the ground has provided him with enough information: most likely, more than 90% probability, it’s cholera!

Garrett, nervous on one hand, inexplicably breathed a sigh of relief. Naturally, there was tension; after all, apart from the plague, cholera was one of the notorious class A infectious diseases. He hadn’t yet isolated and purified Yersinia pestis, so the most terrifying epidemic he might currently face would be cholera.

But the relief was genuine as well. If it were anthrax, besides immediately returning to the laboratory and gambling on quickly producing penicillin, his only option would be to summon the priestly bigwigs;

If it were tetanus... Tetanus wasn’t transmitted from person to person, but trying to produce a tetanus vaccine within a few days was even harder than gambling on producing penicillin;

If it were botulism... that...

Victory and defeat are common in military affairs, so please start over again, young hero...

Luckily, it’s cholera.

Cholera, this disease, had a sudden onset, severe symptoms, and rapid transmission. From any perspective, it was truly worthy of the title of a class A disease. However, as long as it was blocked at the source—

Garrett looked around and rushed towards the tallest, largest farmhouse. From the outer wall to the roof and then to the floor, this farmhouse was entirely built of logs, with the bark still intact on the outer wall, showing its roughness to the extreme. The person who could build such a house could be imagined to be muscular.

And after Garrett pushed open the door, he did indeed collide with a giant man and almost flew backward...



Garrett’s back hit the door frame, and he groaned in pain, almost unable to speak. He shouldn’t have left Bernard behind. He must find a way to carry the barbarian with him in the future...

But the giant man didn’t even waver. His huge hands picked Garrett up by the shoulders, turned him aside, and under the light, looked at him:

"Young mage? What are you here for?"

Garrett gritted his teeth and reached back to rub his back. After rubbing twice, he finally managed to catch his breath:

"Where is your village chief? The village has an epidemic! Many people are sick! I am a healer, and I am here to help you!"

"A healer?"

The giant man was skeptical. He took two steps forward, bent down to look. Garrett felt a shadow cast over him, enveloping him from head to toe. Instinctively, he stepped back, and the giant man seemed to sense something, straightened up, and squatted down:

"Young mage?"

Garrett: "..."

Oh no, I didn’t bring my oak staff...

But what I need now is the identity of a priest!

He looked left and right, trying to find a witness to prove himself, then suddenly took two steps sideways. His right hand reached out and pressed on a clump of moss outside the wooden house, silently praying...

"Grow! Grow! Grow quickly!"

He had never succeeded before... His ability to stimulate growth, apart from being able to stimulate root hairs with seeds, was only effective against bacteria. But this time, please, let it be successful! Moss, mushrooms, or even grass seeds blown onto the wall, please give me face!

One second, two seconds, three seconds. A soft warmth spread under his palm, and Garrett let go. A bright yellow mushroom appeared out of nowhere, on the rough bark of the log.

The giant man was moved. He took a step back, with a much more respectful attitude, bowed to Garrett:

"Great priest!"

"Don’t bow! Quickly, call someone to help!" Garrett stomped his foot. The giant man straightened up and turned back, shouting:

"Berton! Aug! Come out! The great priest is here!"

Two more men emerged from the wooden house. They were tall and burly, with unkempt brown hair and stubble. The three of them stood side by side, and Garrett couldn’t help but feel like he had stirred up a hornet’s nest, involuntarily taking another step back. The first giant man who came out squatted down again, speaking as softly as possible:

"Great priest, what do you need us to do?"

"Please gather everyone. There’s an epidemic in your village, and I—along with three mage lords—are here to help you. Let me see your situation and then treat you."

The three giants began to run in different directions, roaring. The roar echoed through the village, and in no time, everyone remaining in the village was dragged over. Most of them came on their own, while a few were supported by others or carried:

"What’s going on? I was just splitting wood..."

"I was just making chicken coops!"

"I’m still sewing clothes..."

"I’m fine, just diarrhea, right?"

"Ouch... my stomach hurts... can you let me finish first..."

There was a chorus of complaints in the village. However, as the third, fifth, and tenth person with diarrhea appeared, the voices quickly grew quieter. Finally, the giant man stood at the door with a stern face:

"Shut up! The great priest is here to help us! —Great priest, please speak!"

Garrett emerged from behind him. With a glance, he felt much more relaxed:

There were no signs of severe dehydration, such as vomiting or diarrhea on the spot, being unable to walk, or wrinkled skin and sunken eyes. If it reached severe dehydration, he would either leave it to fate or gamble with healing spells...

With a relaxed mind, Garrett immediately showed a gentle smile. He stretched out his arms and opened them to both sides:

"Hello, everyone. I am a servant of the god of nature, here to help you. —Up to now, those with diarrhea, vomiting, or any other discomfort, please come to my left. Those without discomfort, please come to my right."

Dozens of farmers and village women looked at each other and began to move slowly. After a few roars from the giant men, their movements finally sped up slightly, from the speed of snails to the speed of turtles. Garrett didn’t urge them, patiently waiting for one or two minutes, and then fifteen or sixteen people were standing on his left.

There were more men than women, more adults than children. Garrett counted silently, comparing it with the textbooks in his memory, feeling more and more certain:

"One village, one-third of the population is sick. Without a doubt, this is an epidemic!"

A series of exclamations rang out. In the queue of patients, an old woman with a waxen complexion staggered and collapsed.

More voices screamed. Beside the old woman, a wan-looking young woman tried to hold up the old woman’s body with all her might, but suddenly turned pale and squatted down, clutching her stomach.

Garrett immediately walked towards them. As he walked, he raised his voice:

"Don’t worry, I’m here!

But I can’t handle it alone, and

one person’s healing spells can’t cure so many people. So everyone must follow my instructions!

As long as everyone listens to the arrangements, everyone will be fine, definitely!"

He directed the patients into the house. After inspecting them one by one and confirming that there were no critically ill patients, he turned around and grabbed the burly man who had come out first:

"Listen! This epidemic is caused by eating or drinking unclean things!

I don’t know where is unclean now, and I don’t have time to find out. You tell everyone, no drinking raw water!

Before eating or drinking, it must be boiled. Before meals or after using the toilet, wash your hands! Wash them with soap!"

Two large blocks of soap were thrown over. They were hard and rough, made by Garrett himself in the laboratory when he was idle. His craftsmanship was really average, and the appearance was unspeakable, but the burly man treated them like treasures, holding them in his hands, bowing respectfully to receive them.

"Oh, and are there still people missing?"

"Yes! Old Barry, Feichi, little Frola—"

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