A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 172: Calmness...

The hot, burning wind forced her to cover her face. Huge sand dunes stretched to the horizon. The sun, knowing no mercy, incinerated with its rays everything that was in this desolate dimension of Kaguya.

As soon as the Orochi group felt another ground under their feet, two loud voices were heard – the Seventh Gate of the Miracle... OPEN UP! –

Guy and Dai, activating the technique, quickly moved to Tetsuya.

He himself activated Limbo and released four shadows from himself, which should be more than enough to occupy Kagyu.

Meanwhile, in the middle of the way, father and son folded their hands in a familiar seal for Tetsui.

"The Midday Tiger! –

With a roar, two clumps of huge atmospheric pressure took the form of tigers and, as if having a mind, coordinated in the attack.

With a satisfied and anticipating grin-smile, Tetsuya instantly activated the First Gate of the Beginning and folded his palms into the seal of the tiger...

– "Impossible!" – Dai and Guy exclaimed in surprise and disbelief at the same time in their minds – "Is he able to use the Midday Tiger on the first gate!?" –

Confirming their expectations, Tetsuya shouted with fervor – Hirudora! –

A millisecond later, another tiger ran at the two tigers.

A second and they collided, forming a strong explosion.


A huge crater formed under them, but the main thing is that thousands of cubic meters of sand rose into the air, completely removing any visibility. Moreover, this sand did not allow you to breathe normally, and also got into your eyes.

Tetsuya immediately protected his eyes and lungs from this sand with the help of a small shield and a filter from the chakra, actually all the others also used similar techniques. They were ready for it.

Guy shouted, getting closer to his teacher and delivering a powerful vertical kick to the side of his head

Tetsuya smoothly dodged and punched right in the stomach area in response, but Dai quickly came to the rescue and already with his hand stroke forced the red-haired man to reconsider the plan.

Turning around, Tetsuya, with a smile, counterattacked both father and son at the same time. The left fist hit Guy in the stomach, in the area of the chakra hearth, and the right fist hit Dai in exactly the same place.

With a pop, two bodies flew away from the red-haired man and landed nearby. Dai and Guy were promptly disabled.

He forcibly deactivated their eight gate technique, which caused them to lose consciousness.

A moment later, the father and son were teleported home by Kaguya.

Tetsuya shook his head – Trying to sneak up on me and catch me off guard is a bad idea, Kakuzu. –

A second later, Kakuzu jumped out from under the sand. He didn't even have time to fold the seal for the technique, as Tetsuya teleported to him at point-blank range and slapped his head off.

Spinning in flight, Kakuzu's head looked around the battlefield with bewilderment – "What did I forget here with these monsters at all..." –

But it didn't end there.

Tetsuya's eyes widened in surprise and cast a wary glance at Kakuzu's main body, which was still standing on two legs without its head.

"That's a little dangerous... Girls, what kind of entertainers you are, as punishment you will be my "pillows" for a month... And pillows can't object when they do various obscenities with them." –

Teleporting quickly, he moved five kilometers away from Kakuzu's body.

The fact is that explosive seals produced by Tetsui were placed on his body, which he gave to his women in case of danger.

And again there was an explosion.


The ground shook violently.

More sand flew into the air, but that's not all.

The sand, driven by the blast wave, destroyed everything in its path, becoming a kind of dust element technique.


A group of four men looked at all this from afar.

– Isn't that too much? Hashiram's eyes widened in surprise. The trace of the sage's regime was clearly visible on his face.

Madara waved his hand – No, you can't take this asshole so easily. Trust me. –

There was also a trace of the sage's regime on Madara's face. Hashirama promptly shared the natural energy, and also explained what was what on his fingers. Uchiha turned out to be a good student.

Looking at the Hokage hat that rested on Madara's head, Tobirama sighed in bewilderment, shaking his head – I can't believe that history has come to this... As after all that you've done, you've been made a Kage... The world must have gone crazy... Well, or you took everyone under genjutsu... –

Hashirama laughed good–naturedly, slapping his brother on the shoulder - Ha-ha-ha, you have shown more emotions now than in your entire past life combined. –

Madara's face should have been seen. No one has ever seen such a happy Uchiha in principle. His whole posture, aura, slight grin and teasing prickly look, as if they were saying: "Look at this Hokage hat. Cool, right?"

– Leave me alone. Tobirama said irritably, pushing his brother's hand off his shoulder. Looking sideways, he saw Sarutobi calmly smoking – Disciple, how could you let this happen, huh? Are you sure you're not into genjutsu? What did I ever teach you? –

Hiruzen replied with a half–smile, "You taught me to see the best in people. You taught me to believe in people. You taught me the Will of Fire... –

Tobirama was indignant – I didn't teach you that! –

– They taught me, they taught me. Sarutobi nodded, puffing on his pipe and smiling

Tobirama raised his hands to the sky while Hashirama, Madara, and Sarutobi stared at him with smirks – Great! Am I also to blame for this, is it possible? –

– Maybe a little. Hiruzen shrugged his shoulders and added, "But in fact, Tetsuya can be said to have put him in this chair. You know, it's hard to argue with him. –

Tobirama pointed his finger at Hashirama's face – This is your son, brother! Your unhealthy love for Uchiha is passed down through the genes! –

– Ha-ha-ha, don't be angry, Tobirama, my son just, like me, saw in Uchiha ordinary kind people who want peace and prosperity. –

Tobirama stamped in irritation – Yes, I wanted to shit on Uchih! Why Madara?! –

Hiruzen, shaking out the ashes from his pipe, said with a smile, "I do not know why Tetsuya wanted to put Madara in the Kage chair, but I know one of the reasons... –

"And what?" – Tobiram folded his arms on his chest

– He wanted to see your reaction to it... And now I understand why he wanted it. Seeing you lose your temper is just magical, sensei. –

Hashirama gaped in surprise, and Madara grinned.

All three of them stared at the frozen Tobirama, expecting a new portion of an angry tirade, but he disappointed them.

Inhaling and exhaling, Tobirama relaxed and again showed off a lean and calm face. Looking at their expectant faces, he calmly asked – What? –

With a disappointed sigh, Hashirama said – Eh, and I was hoping you'd scream a little more... –

Tobirama chuckled – Well, no, your larva wants just that, so let him be content with my calm. –

Slowly out of the swirl of sands, a silhouette appeared – What a pity... –

The four Kage stared at the silhouette.

Coming out of the sandstorm, Tetsuya grinned – I thought that my uncle would please me more with his cries of indignation... You've ruined everything, Sensei. –

Tobirama hummed significantly, closing his eyes.

Hashirama squinted, looking at his son, dressed in a bard's robe from the chakra – "That's what you are... A copy of Mito, there is nothing from me... It's hard to believe that you're my son. This chakra... Yes, you have also mastered the hermit mode at this level... I can't call myself your father, and to be honest, I don't feel fatherly love for you yet... And I don't think it's needed, you've had your own life for a long time... The dead should not interfere in the affairs of the living." –

Hiruzen nodded – Yes, it was necessary to delay it a little... –

Madara grinned in anticipation – Let's start! –

Hashirama folded the seal– I promised Mito to give his all... THE THOUSAND-ARMED TRUTH! –

With a rumble, a huge wooden giant with hundreds of hands behind his back appeared out of the sand.

The majestic view was awe-inspiring...

Hashirama stood on the giant's head, in fact, as did Madara with Hiruzen and Tobirama.

– Susanoo! Uchiha shouted with burning eyes

Soon, a completed Susanoo with Madara on board was sitting on the giant's shoulder. Two swords, wings on his back, a tengu mask, nothing has changed. Madara's completed Susanoo looked just as formidable.

– Summoning technique! Hiruzen shouted, and a large monkey with a staff already appeared on the giant's other shoulder, on whose head Sarutobi and his clones were comfortably placed.

Meanwhile, Tobirama stood next to his brother on the giant's head and scattered kunai with hiraishin marks in all directions.

Tetsuya, being already in the perfect sage mode, smiled and folded the seals, calmly and quietly said – A warrior of the Tree God. –

With a bang, a huge warrior dressed in samurai armor appeared out of the sand. In his hands was a naginata, and the appearance itself was suspiciously similar to the appearance of the user of the technique.

This warrior was the size of a Thousand-Armed Truth, however, its width and mass were larger. But it didn't end there...

– Heaven Sealing Chains. –

Thick golden chains, glowing with crimson energy, burst out of the guy's body and entered the warrior's body, changing the appearance of the latter. The Wood Warrior began to have a golden hue and metallic luster, and the aura itself became more stuffy and oppressive.

– Impressive. Tobirama nodded slightly

Hashirama said with warmth in his voice – Amazing... It's so weird... It was as if he combined himself, me and Mito in this technique... –

– I'm sure it's not over yet. Madara was saying with an anticipatory smile

And Tetsuya didn't disappoint.

Flashing a Rinne Sharingan with the Emperor's activated Eyes, he muttered - Susanoo... –

A rich purple chakra burst out of his body, which clothed the Warrior in dark violet armor.

– What is it... – Madara raised his eyebrows – This is not a complete Susanoo... It's something... more... –

Susanoo Tetsui moved to a new level when he took possession of the Rinne Sharingan. Now he has the Perfect Susanoo in his arsenal.

At that moment, Susanoo's armor, this purple chakra, came close to becoming matter. The armor was not transparent, it looked like a matte purple metal.

Susanoo's skeleton passed through the Warrior, further strengthening him.

He stopped there.

Tetsuya wanted it to be a bit like that battle in Sangoku no Hakaba "Cemetery of the Mountains". yes, and I wanted to conduct an approximate equal and exciting battle.

Tobirama, looked first at Susanoo, who merged with the Warrior, and then at Hashirama – And now? Now this technique seems to unite you, him, Mito and Madara... – Senju began to massage his temples hard and mutter – Calm, only calm... –

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