A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 174: Tsukiyomi

Orochi looked warmly into Tetsuya's eyes – In love, as in war.

- OK. – Tetsuya smiled – The main thing is not to get carried away too much.

Almost simultaneously, Mito, Kushina and Tsunade activated tenseigans. Their bodies were covered with a powerful turquoise chakra.

But Kushina did not stop there, soon her body was covered by the powerful chakra of Kurama. As a result, the girl used the Chakra Mod Tenseigan and Kurama Chakra Mod at the same time, which naturally made her even more powerful. At the end, the girl released the Indestructible Sealing Chains from her body.

To Kushina's surprise, Mito was also covered with the Kurama chakra, which at one time became part of her body thanks to Tetsuya. Then, she also released the Indestructible Sealing Chains from her body.

Simultaneously with Tsunade, Mito activated fuin on her forehead. The Seal of the Power of a Hundred, being activated, spread throughout the women's body, greatly strengthening their bodies and techniques.

Tetsuya watched all these transformations with a smile and joy.

Jiraya, Orochi and Tsunade almost synchronously accumulated the necessary amount of natural energy in the body and entered the sage modes.

At the end, the trio of Sennins called out their call.

Manda, Katsuya and Gamabunta looked around with interest when the smoke cleared.

– Jiraya, where did you call me, huh? The Boss Toad spoke grumpily, squinting around and realizing what was going to happen soon. It was a big orange toad the size of a biju, dressed in haori and smoking a pipe in its mouth.

Jiraya, standing on the toad's head, said with a smile – Well, I need your help, you see for yourself.

Meanwhile, Katsuyu, the big slug, humbly and even affectionately addressed Tsunade – I'm ready to help, Tsunade-san.

– Thank you, Katsuyu, I appreciate it. – smiled at Tsunade and stroked her call

– Orochi, do you even understand where you called me? – Manda said angrily – This is not my level of battles, I refuse to die just like that.

Orochi calmly replied, "Don't be a coward, Tetsuya won't hurt you too much..

Kushina looked at all this and smiled and said – I will also summon my animal. –

Everyone looked at her at the same time. New symbols ran through the girl's body, and at the end a huge amount of Kurama chakra escaped.

This chakra began to take the form of a huge nine-tailed fox

– RRRAAAAAARR! Finally, you can stretch your old bones! –

Kurama stood on a par with the draft animals, and Kushina was located on his head.

Tetsuya tilted his head and looked into the eyes of the tailed one, but suddenly the fox looked away.

Tetsuya tensed up – "What the... What are you doing?"

Kushina smiled – I'm ready to give my all!

Tetsuya grinned, folded the seal and hit the ground. A huge fuin crawled on the ground – Then, perhaps, I will make a call.

- "Summoning?" they all exclaimed in surprise

Soon, out of a huge column of smoke, a giant, no, just a super huge honeyeater appeared. It was Fuku, the big honey badger with whom Tetsuya had exchanged blows.

Fuku looked around in surprise while the shocked group of Orochi looked at him – Where am I?

Tetsuya stamped his foot while standing on the head of the honey badger – I called you for battle.

– Oh~oh, this is the first time! I thought you'd never need our help!

– Yes, I don't really need help, I just wanted to brag about my appeal. Tetsuya shrugged his shoulders

– Not bad either. – the honey badger shrugged his shoulders, and then looked at the opponents – Oh, my God... What is this? A snake? And there is a frog! What a good slug! My mouth is already watering!

Manda, Gamabunta, and Katsuyu tensed under Fuku's hungry and lustful gaze–"What the... This is crazy! What a hole this monster crawled out of!" they exclaimed in their thoughts

Tetsuya stomped harder on Fuku's head, forcing him to duck a little – You can't kill, remember.

– And in the mouth to drive and chew, can you at least? – honey badger said a little pityingly

Tetsuya rubbed his chin – Well, you can do a little, but look, don't hurt them too much.

The honey badger grinned and deafeningly clapped his huge paws – Great!

Tsunade and Jiraya turned to Orochi. The girl nodded and said, looking at her call – Manda, lead Katsuya, Gamabunta and Kubi away, you have to delay his call.

The huge snake was outraged – Do you even know what you're asking, huh?! Do you see the size of this monster or not?!

Orochi frowned a little and stamped her foot on the snake's head – Take him away and detain him, as a last resort you will return to your cave.

With a raging sigh, Manda quickly crawled to the side when Orochi jumped off him.

Katsuyu, Gamabunta and Kurama silently followed the snake. Although Kuby was annoyed that the snake was made the main one, but now he was more interested in countering this monster that had the size of a ten-tailed one.

Tetsuya also jumped down from his summoning, and the honey badger, shaking the ground, followed the fleeing "yummy"

Upon landing, Tetsuya immediately felt a huge pressure fall on him, which sought to pin him to the ground.

He raised his head and saw three pairs of tenseigans staring intensely at him. - "Mito, Kushina, Tsunade... Are you trying to limit my speed?" Tetsuya smiled

And he was right. Mito, Kushina and Tsunade decided to join forces and limit his speed, making it approximately equal to them. Of course Tetsuya could activate the eight gates or just use hiraishin, but it was at least some kind of plan of action.

Thanks to their efforts, Tetsui's strength and speed, in the mode of the perfect sage of the six paths, became approximately equal to them, except for skills and skill.

Kushina, Tsunade and Jiraya rushed to the attack.

Tetsuya grinned and prepared to receive their simultaneous attack.

Mito, who was left behind, folded the seal – an Indestructible Barrier. –

The woman's chains shot up into the sky and covered Tetsuya, Tsunade, Jiraya and Kushina with a bluish barrier.

Orochi moved away and sat in the lotus position. She was surrounded by various seals. It looks like the girl was preparing her strongest unique technique.

Tetsuya examined the barrier and closing his eyes for a moment, realized something - "Unbelievable... This barrier is not only able to restrain the ten-tailed, and sealed the space... I can't escape from here with hiraishin. Mom, as always, knows how to surprise"

Meanwhile, Kushina had already reached Tetsui.

With a smile, she threw her fist with incredible force right in the face of her lover.

– Ha! – the girl shouted when her blow was hard to take Tetsu on the block from her hands


– Not bad, Ku, not bad. Tetsuya said, smiling

Suddenly Tetsuya turned sharply, as he felt a strong pressure from the blow from the side.

It was Tsunade. Her relatively small fist was flying with incredible force.

Tetsuya bared his teeth, and strengthening his hands with chakra, took the blow.

As a result, there was an extremely strong bang.


Leaving furrows with his feet, Tetsuya rode on the ground with his feet until his back fell into the edge of the Mito barrier. – "Ho-ho-ho, such a punch will break the completed Susanoo Madara by one or two. We need to be more careful."

With that, Tetsuya activated the Emperor's Eyes.

The voice of Jirai– the Sage's Art, was heard: A Destructive Ball of Flame!

Searing flames burst out of Jirai's mouth. It took the form of a huge ball and rushed towards Tetsui. The most interesting thing is that Jiraya was able to control it in flight, so it will be difficult to dodge.

Tsunade also folded the seal – The Art of the Sage: The Great Typhoon!

Having filled her lungs with air, the girl released from her mouth an incredibly strong gust of wind in the form of a horizontal spiral that was rushing towards Tetsui.

In the middle of the way, the Fireball and Typhoon crossed slightly and strengthened each other. The huge Ball became even bigger, and its flame became more intense and hotter. The typhoon became a Fiery Tornado.

Tetsuya folded the seal with a smile – The Art of the Sage: The Great Water Dragon

With a roar, a large water dragon formed in the air and rushed towards the typhoon and the fireball.

First, the dragon swallowed the fireball and extinguished it, while receiving good damage on its own, and then mutually destroyed with the fire tornado.

Under the guise, Kushina tried to stab the guy in the back, but Tetsuya had the Eyes of the Emperor, and therefore easily intercepted her blow – Not so fast.

Kushina grinned and disappeared with a *poof* sound. It was a shadow clone.

Suddenly, chains burst out of the ground and tried to bind Tetsuya, but he foresaw all this.

The guy jumped aside, and a disgruntled Kushina – Nc appeared next. – she clicked, looking into his eyes – What an unpleasant opponent you are.

Grinning, he replied – What is.

Shrugging his shoulders, Tetsuya flashed a Rinne Sharingan - By the way, never look into the eyes of a sharingan bearer, and even more so a Rinne Sharingan, Kushina... Tsukiyomi.

Suddenly, the girl found herself in a dark world tied to a cross.

"Huh?" she said in surprise

– Now you are in my complete power in this world. Tetsuya said with a smile, "It won't take a second outside, but two whole weeks will pass for us, during which I can do whatever I want with you. –

Kushina grinned confidently – Ha! Yes, this does not scare me! Alone with you, for two weeks... – the girl shook her head and smiled – It's just fine! How often can we be completely alone? This is grace!

– Are you sure? – the guy squinted cunningly, like a fox, putting his hand between the girl's thighs, dangerously close to her pussy – I'm able to increase your sensitivity with the help of techniques... Do you think you can withstand two such intense weeks?

Kushina's eyes sparkled temptingly. She bit her lower lip with lust–I can stand it. Don't underestimate me.

Tetsuya grinned – Good. – he answered briefly and simply. After that, all the clothes flew off from Kushina, leaving the girl completely naked and shackled by a post

Kushina's pupils widened from the fact that Tetsuya activated the wood cloning technique.

Dozens of clones surrounded the girl, who was furiously looking around with bated breath

Suddenly, as one, all the clones simultaneously took out big thick ones from their wide trousers... feathers.

– A? - the girl stared at them in bewilderment

Tetsuya grinned, "This is going to be your hell, Ku. You are the only girl in my memory who is so ticklish. Now we will increase your sensitivity even more and for two weeks we will violently tickle you with the whole crowd. Boo-ha-ha-ha!

– You wouldn't dare! Tetsuya! TETSUYA! Help! AAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! –

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