A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 179: Yuko

"Okay, it's time to inspect the updated system... Status."



Name: Ryuu

Level – 0

Free Points – 0


Power - 2

Dexterity - 6

Perception - 6

Endurance - 12

Mind - 40


(Skills are missing)


Gamer's Body

The Player's Mind

The Emperor's Eyes

Imperial Zone

Orgasm School

Arbitrary Meditation

Thunderstorm of the Undead

Overwhelming Undead Field


The Great Power of Youth


"Oh, the good old skills are back, great. Of course, one should not hope that they will be as imbedded as before. I wonder if anything else has changed... Jarvis, turn on the training mode."

"It will be done, Sir." –


Training Mode Is Enabled

general information

At the beginning of each rebirth, the user will be given several tasks to choose from, for which he will receive certain rewards, and most importantly, the opportunity to leave the universe.

Also, the user has a level, at the increase of which five free points of characteristics are given with which he can instantly increase the traits of interest to him.

Part No. 1 — Characteristics

Strength — this parameter is responsible for the strength of your muscles, their strength.

By increasing this characteristic, you increase your carrying capacity, explosive power, speed, and physical resistance.

Dexterity — this parameter is responsible for the flexibility, elasticity of your muscle tissues, reaction time, body control and muscle memory.

By increasing this characteristic, you increase the speed, accuracy of your movements and control over your own body.

Perception — this parameter is responsible for the user's collection of information from the outside world.

By increasing this characteristic, you improve all your senses, starting with hearing, smell, sight, touch, taste.

Endurance — this parameter is responsible for the activity and vitality of cells in the body.

By increasing this characteristic, you increase the amount of stored physical energy, the rate of recovery of physical energy and the efficiency of regeneration of the body.

Mind — this parameter is responsible for the speed of information processing and its storage.

By increasing this characteristic, you increase the accuracy with which you are able to manipulate energies. It is also responsible for the amount of psychic energy and its recovery rate.

Part #2 — Skills

By performing certain actions, you can acquire a skill, as well as successfully develop it through the activity corresponding to the skill.

You can also acquire a skill by completing tasks issued by the system or increase the level of existing skills.

Each skill has ten levels.

Each skill level gives the user certain benefits that increase both learning speed and efficiency.

It is worth noting that skills are reset at each rebirth, but the accumulated experience and knowledge remain forever with the user.

Part #3 – Abilities

Sometimes, when completing a mission, you may be given an ability, a perk that will stay with you forever.

You already have several abilities.

Gamer's body — this ability removes all restrictions from the user's body and stops regression.

Gamer's Mind — this ability passively protects the user's mind from all kinds of mental and mental attacks. It also protects the user from: insanity, split personality and other mental, spiritual ailments.

Orgasm Scale — this ability allows the user to see how much his sexual partner has left before orgasm, but the main function of the perk is the ability to postpone the partner's orgasm by accumulating his strength.

Attention!!! The system warns you that too much pleasure can harm the psyche of creatures with weak minds.

Eyes of the Emperor — this ability allows you to read and analyze absolutely everything in your field of vision, the viewing angle increases, but the main ability of this perk is to foresee the future of both your opponents and your allies.

Imperial Zone — this ability grants the user the ability to read information about all objects within a radius of 100 meters.

Undead Thunderstorm — this ability passively increases your undead damage twice.

Suppressing Undead Field — this ability, when activated, releases an invisible energy field within a radius of three hundred meters and reduces the characteristics of the undead by half.

Arbitrary Meditation — this ability allows the user to enter into a trance, passive meditation. The effectiveness of trance is half that of ordinary meditation.

Shikotsumyaku - this ability allows you to manipulate the structure of your own bones. The strength of the ability depends only on the imagination and skill of the user.

The Great Power of Youth - this ability allows the user to nourish his body, mind and spirit with mystical motivation and energy for the time of activation, which is available only to a select few, in whose bodies and souls spring blooms forever.


"That's how it is... it sounds promising. The characteristics have not changed, except that the Spirit has been removed, apparently in this universe it is impossible to use spiritual forces. The level and free points of characteristics returned, Gods, as I wished... Hmm, the abilities remained unchanged, that's good."


The universe is recognized... The main tasks are issued.

The task "Long live the Empire!" Has been received.

Goal: To eliminate the revolutionary forces

Reward: "Unknown Ability"

The task "Time Of Revolution" Has Been Received.

Goal: To stage a coup in the Empire

Reward: "Unknown Ability"

The task "Absolute Misanthrope" Has Been Received.

Goal: To destroy humanity

Reward: "Unknown Ability"


- "How interesting." – mentally smiled Ryuu, rubbing his hands – "It turns out even if I do not interfere with the canon, I will still get a free ability... Right, Jarvis?"

"Yes, sir. Even if you don't interfere and the task is completed, you will receive a reward."

- "Perfect." – he grinned and squinted, activated the Imperial Zone and the Emperor's Eyes.

Armed with these abilities, he began to study his body, the bodies of the villagers, and in general to collect general surface information.

For example, the first thing that immediately attracted him was that he, like all people, has prana, and this is already wonderful. He already had a lot of experience in using this energy, so everything was tip-top.

Ryuu also noted the strength possessed by the inhabitants of this village. The weakest man had the strength of chuunin, which means his strength and agility characteristics were within forty values.

All these people did not know about the prana inside themselves, no one used it, which means Ryuu had another great advantage.

As for the life of the Partas clan, everything can be described in a couple of words – a closed tribe.

There were only representatives of the Partas clan inside this village. Medieval technologies and various household items indicated that these people had almost no contact with developed regions.

They preferred these harsh cold lands, although they could clearly occupy more pleasant territories. They all believed that as soon as they left these harsh lands, their clan would gradually weaken, which contradicted their ideology that the strongest survives.

There was a serious gender advantage in the tribe towards women, as men constantly died defending the settlement, then from Dangerous Animals, then from other tribes.

Of course, the women of the Partas clan were not weak. They also went hunting and also had to protect the clan in case of an attack, but they were noticeably weaker than men, so they acted mainly as support. Esdes was only a unique and martial genius who is born extremely rarely.

Because of this imbalance, the women here were either lonely, or they were asking for an already busy man, so there were harems here, albeit small.

Right now Ryuu had forty units in his Mind, so he managed to study the area around him thoroughly before mentally getting tired.

Turning off his abilities, he sighed – "Okay, we need to start training and not get too attached to the locals, they will be cut out anyway, and I definitely won't do anything here. I would like to survive myself."

Ryuu closed his eyes and with a little nostalgia drew some energy from the well of prana and began to restore his skills in controlling prana.

After about half an hour of such manipulations, a window popped up in his mind.


Acquired skill: Energy Control - [Level - 1]


– "How minimalistic, no additional information." - Ryuu shook his head and focused his mind on the skill


Energy Control - [Level - 1]

A tiny talent for energy management.

Energy follows user commands 10% faster


- "Indeed, the new system is not very verbose... Hmm," Ryuu chuckled to himself with interest and took control of prana again.

He didn't feel that tiny talent at all, but he immediately noticed the speed increased by ten percent.

Even that ten percent gave an incredible advantage.

The simplest and most understandable thing is that now the activation of the technique and even the techniques themselves will be faster.

If he had this ten percent in the last world, then with his hiraishin he would be even faster, and this is just the beginning.

Even an ordinary fireball will not only be formed ten percent faster, it will also fly ten percent faster to the intended target, which is even more incredible.

Ryuu grinned inwardly, anticipating how he would take out Patriarch Ootsutsuki with similar reinforcements – "That's what I was missing... Let it make my adventures less fun, but when you are forced to retreat from an enemy that is ten times stronger, it's no longer fun, it's worse than sad, to put it mildly."

The remaining time that he was awake, he spent on regaining his ability to control prana.

At about ten o'clock in the evening, Ryuu finally got tired and, without raising the level in the energy control skill, fell asleep.


He woke up quite abruptly when he felt the intense gaze of his older sister on his face.

Esdes stood by the crib and looked at Ryuu with a smile.

– I woke up. – the girl smiled even harder

Ryuu also smiled and pulled the handles to his sister – "So, slowly we begin to tie our little sister to ourselves and try to instill love and compassion in her."

Esdes quickly held out her hands in response and giggled sweetly when Ryuu grabbed her hands tightly.

– Esdes, is he awake? – a soft female voice was heard

Ryuu couldn't see the owner of the voice, so he turned on the Imperial Zone.

The owner of the voice turned out to be a pretty twenty-three-year-old woman with a size four breast and long hair. Also, Ryuu immediately found out that the woman has a lactation period. – "My mother died, which means I need a wet nurse. Most likely it's her." – he quickly concluded

Esdes turned slightly awkwardly in the direction of the voice and said – Yes, Aunt Yuko.

The woman answered a little upset, coming closer to the crib – Well, what an aunt, Esdes. Call me Mom.

– Okay, m-Mom. Esdes smiled awkwardly, under the gaze of the new stepmother

– Smart girl. Yuko said, patting the girl on the head

Ryuu whistled in his mind – "It's fine, this is not a wet nurse, but a new mother. This Yuko is clearly not very familiar to Esdes, which means that my father found a new spouse overnight, although not a day has passed since the death of the last one. Where did I happen to be born..."

Yuko turned her gaze to the cute, serious little baby in the crib – Hu-hu-hu, what a serious, immediately visible, the son of the leader. – stretching out her hands to Ryu, she picked him up and pressed him to her chest – Great, now we'll feed you.

While the lady was exposing her breasts, Ryuu mentally estimated – "I wonder if my father will be very upset if, after my feeding, his new wife becomes less satisfied with him in bed..."

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