A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 195: Legend

– And did you like it? – squinting, Esdes said softly so that only he could hear

Ryuu was a little surprised – "Is that jealousy?" –

Then he walked a little away from Shin and Mickey towards the stream. Esdes followed him.

Approaching the stream, Ryuu quickly washed his hands, wiped them on himself and stood up, turned around to face his sister, who was calmly waiting for an answer

– What are you doing? "What kind of question is that?" he asked in bewilderment.

– I'm fine. – She shook her head, and then squinted into her brother's eyes – It wasn't me who was digging into someone else's vagina right now.

- "A stranger? And when did I get my own?" – mentally smiled Ryuu and began stroking his sister on the head – Don't be jealous. This girl had such a hard fate... she needed help.

"You could just give the ointment to her brother. – she continued to sulk

– You saw it. He wasn't able to do it. Ryuu pointed his finger at Shin, who had not yet recovered from the shock, and then added, "You're also a woman. Don't you sympathize with the fate of this girl?

– No. – Esdes answered quickly

– Really? Not sorry at all? Ryuu raised his eyebrows in surprise

– She was weak, and this is the fate of the weak. – she folded her arms on her chest

–Esdes..." he sighed

– She called herself a warrior, but she couldn't even protect herself, let alone the caravan. Moreover, she didn't have the courage to commit suicide before she was raped by that lion. This Mickey embodies everything that I don't like about women. Because of people like her, everyone thinks that women are weak, both in body and spirit.

Ryuu looked into his sister's eyes in shock –"How much did it hurt you that I helped this poor thing?"

All this time he stroked Esdes on the head, which the girl secretly rejoiced at.

– Okay. As always, we have different points of view. – Ryuu shook his head and removed his hand from the top of his sister's head – I'll go talk to the head of the caravan. Maybe I'll find out what.

Ryuu slowly walked towards the caravan, while Esdes followed him with a promising look – "You are my brother, and only mine. Anyone who tries to take you away will lose their head."


– Who's in charge here? Ryuu asked the passing guard

– Yes, they are standing there. – the kid pointed at two tall men

– Thank you. Ryuu replied and walked towards the tall men who were talking gloomily

After activating the Emperor's Eyes, he decided to learn a little more about them



Age: 41

Gender: Male

Faction: Revolutionary Army

Sex Orientation: [show]

Fetishes: [show]

Emotions: Anger, Sadness, Caution

Strength - 75

Dexterity - 95

Perception - 35

Endurance - 64

Mind - 35


Age: 47

Gender: Male

Faction: Shoko Caravan

Sex Orientation: [show]

Fetishes: [show]

Emotions: Sadness, Caution, Fear

Strength - 22

Dexterity - 17

Perception - 22

Endurance - 31

Mind - 41


– "The Revolutionary Army..." – Ryuu squinted – "What have you guys forgotten here." – he thought and looked at a few more statuses, random people. It turned out that the mercenaries hired by the caravan belonged to the Revolutionary Army.

– And here is our savior. Takehito smiled slightly when he saw a suitable boy with his peripheral vision. This man was under two meters tall. There were a couple of scars on his face, which added to his severity.

Makoto, turned towards Ryuu. He was also a tall man, but clearly having problems with excess weight. His thick mustache was curiously twisted into a steering wheel, and the third chin was trembling from the nervous state of the owner.

On the whole, the fat man had a harmless and even positive look, disposing of a conversation. – Thank you very much, young hero. – he said sincerely, bowing as far as his physical condition allowed him – If it weren't for you... just don't think that a verbal reward awaits you! Such valiant deeds, I believe, should be encouraged financially.

Ryuu smiled at the fat man – Thank you. It would be nice to replenish some supplies.

Makoto nodded happily when he realized that the savior did not refuse the reward. – By the way, my name is Makoto, and the commander of our guard, Takehito.

– I'm coming. – he pointed at himself with his thumb, and then turned his finger to Esdes, who went with rapture and finished off the natives pretending to be dead or just seriously wounded. – And this is my older sister, Esdes.

Takehito and Makoto looked at the girl and saw how she crushed the head of a "sharply" revived wolf-man with her foot – You have a cute little sister. Makoto said a little awkwardly

– Oh, I know. – Ryuu waved his hand and smiled sweetly – She's just a miracle for me.

Takehito and Makoto winced when they heard the death cry of a seriously injured native. Baby Esdes, with one swing of the falcata, "gently" cut off Tom's legs and manhood, leaving him to bleed like that. It seems that the girl was lifting her spirits in this way and taking revenge for the heart seized with jealousy.

Ryuu again attracted their attention – How did you end up in such a deplorable situation? Didn't you know that these places are very dangerous?

Makoto sighed – We, the Shoko caravan, have been trading with... the more developed side of Putra for quite some time. We were heading to Nekhen to exchange the goods of the western part of the Empire for the unique goods of this desert place.

He paused for a second and looked at the murdered husbands and mothers of the caravan – We had been attacked by natives before, but it was not comparable to this attack… These natives were much, much stronger than those who attacked us in the past…

As if coming to his senses, Makoto, with gratitude, smiled sharply and put his hand on Takehito – We were lucky that this time we decided not to be greedy and hire stronger people as guards. If it wasn't for Mr. Takehito and his men, we would have been killed before you came to help.

Takehito smiled bitterly and shook his head – This is a weak attempt to praise me and my people. We didn't do our job… These natives were very strong. – he said and thought hard about something

– Do you know where you can find retreating or at least other natives with a similar level of strength?

– Hmm? – Takehito and Makoto were surprised at the same time, raising their eyebrows

– My sister and I travel around the Empire in search of strong opponents. People, animals - there is no difference. – shrugged Ryuu. He said all this so calmly, as if he was asking the way to the library.

"As I thought, they are not just geniuses… they are monsters..." – Takehito thought, internally worried that he had found such children in the backwoods – "If the Revolutionary Army raises them, then we will come very close to victory... Perhaps recruiting these monsters is more important than our mission here."

Meanwhile, Makoto was impressed and replied, "I'm not sure, but maybe these natives live next to one of Putra's legendary burials.

– I haven't heard much about it. – thoughtfully scratching his chin, Ryuu said – It seems that hundreds of years ago several huge tombs were built where extremely honorable people of that time were buried…

- Yes. – Makoto nodded – These were great people and they were buried just as great. Their vast wealth was buried with them. It also concerned wives and concubines who were supposed to accompany their beloved in the other world. Also, their sleep and condition were left to be guarded by special keepers. And for many centuries, the post of guardian has been passed from father to son, from mother to daughter.

Makoto continued to talk enthusiastically, apparently he really liked the culture of this place, no matter what – There is even a legend about these keepers. They say the first tomb was not guarded by anyone, and therefore was looted by strangers from other lands. These strangers were found, killed, and the treasure returned to its dead owner. But since then, each such burial had special keepers, who, often, were nurtured by the future deceased himself.

– Interesting ... – nodded Ryuu

– Yes, but I'm getting off topic. – the fat man said confusedly and cleared his throat – Ahem. So, these keepers are on duty, trying not to leave their post, but should everyone eat? That is why, near such burials, there is usually a village organized by the children of the keepers themselves. Such villages bring everything necessary to the guards of the tombs so that they can continue to carry out their service in peace.

– Yeah. And do you think that you have come under attack by natives from a similar village? – Ryuu tilted his head to the side

– This is just my guess. Makoto shrugged his shoulders, "It seems to me that only the natives from these villages can have such power.

– There is a logic in this. – with his eyes closed, Ryuu nodded, and then looked at Makoto – Do you mind if we spend the night next to you today?

– What are you! Of course not! – the head of the caravan quickly replied, and then with melancholy in his voice added – There will even be a couple of empty wagons for you…


Evening. A big bonfire and people gathered around it.

In a few hours, the caravaneers cleared the clearing and prepared everything for the overnight stay.

Two carts were allocated for Ryuu and Esdes, but Ryuu said they would do with one, which his sister was secretly happy about.

– Damn me, it was just insanely delicious! Makoto was saying, stroking his stomach

Next to him sat his wife, also well–fed, but still quite a beautiful woman - Yes. Ryuu really surprised us all. His sister was telling the truth, that his cooking was only served to the Gods.

– Aha, ha-ha-ha, if he travels with us, then we will definitely not fit in the cart with you, ah-ha! Makoto laughed, spilling a little wine

–Indeed, ha-ha-ha! – his wife supported him

Ryuu himself, who was sitting nearby on a rock and sharpening his kukri machetes, only smiled out of the corner of his lips.

Today, although a tragedy occurred for this caravan, but life was moving forward. The living rejoiced that they still had time to trample this mortal earth and yearned for the departed. They were all religious and somehow believed that they would be reunited with their loved ones in the other world.

– What do you think to do when you finish your journey? Takeshi suddenly asked Ryuu and Esdes

– Join the army of the Empire. Esdes said with her mouth full

– "In vain..." – Ryuu thought, watching the Imperial Zone, as Takeshi's heart trembled

- "So, everything is getting more complicated, but not impossible." – Takeshi thought, a little nervous – Haha, so you are patriots? Or are there other reasons for this decision?

Ryuu calmly and unpretentiously replied – I have no reasons, as well as my own desire to join somewhere. I don't care as long as I can do my craft and hunt dangerous animals. But Esdes wants to get into the army of the Empire. I don't want to leave my sister, so I'm going after her. The army is actually a good choice for people like me and Esdes.

Takehito shifted his gaze to Esdes, but she answered the intended question right away.

– I want to join the army because the Empire has always been at war with someone throughout history. Riots, the seizure of new territories ... – suddenly Esdes smiled bloodthirstily – Ryuu and I will always have enough enemies and battles where blood can be shed.

"Damn, damn, damn! Patriots can be won over to their side, but what to do with bloodthirsty monsters!?" Takehito mentally cursed, "I can't let this happen… These children should not become tools of the Empire… I must prevent this at all costs! This will put the mission to capture Teigu in jeopardy, but the command will have to understand..."

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this is a translation. pls add the site where we can find the raws. plus mentioning who the author is and that you are translating it. otherwise. youbare stealing the authors work

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The name is journey through the universe but he doesn’t leave the world he’s in so you should change the name

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The story is not bad in itself, the problem is that the author (or translator) changes the names of the characters. For example: Kohta is called Cat, Rei is Ray.... There are also very embarrassing parts of the story, it's exactly Mc in the way he acts and talks with other characters, he looks like a beta SIMp with OP skills.

<figure data-hvi="true" data-report-pdt="readerend" data-report-pdid="23102006005984205" data-report-l1="1" data-report-did="23345958706186900">

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