A Lewd Story

Chapter 44 – The Thrill (R-18)

If Jack’s dick had come outside, it would have made a *byuu* *byuu* sound. But it was in his beloved’s squishy honey cave, so the sound got suppressed.

His dick twitched and wriggled inside as her slippery, soft, and warm walls tightly coiled themselves around his shaft to suck out every drop of the cum he had to offer.

Its tip tightly pressed against her womb entrance, making it open slightly, enough to send his loads of cum directly inside her womb. And with that, Rita felt his warm loads filling her stomach, comforting her to the core.

Yet, the hot jolts of utter pleasure rampaged throughout her whole body, which made it twitch and shudder incessantly for minutes, during which, she clenched his hairs from the back of his head, tightly closed her eyes, and left her mouth hanging open as she couldn’t even kiss him properly due to the sheer intensity of the orgasm.

If her eyes were open, Jack would have been able to see her rolled-back eyes until they became completely white. And even though he would have pleased to hear her melodious moans of ecstasy, he had to cover her mouth with his to suppress her moans, as Alban was right beside them sleeping.

“Mfff! Mufffff…. Mnnn…” her moans became muffled ones.

He had pulled her from her waist with one hand as her soft body, along with her boobs, squashed against his, his hips pushed forward, locking his dick inside her, all the while savoring her warmth and her alluring fragrance.

*Thump* *Thump* *Thump*

Both of their hearts loudly thumped in joy, causing their blood to rampage throughout their bodies to make them hot, and their breathing ragged. It took a whole minute for his dick to feel satisfied as it finally stopped cumming.

He released their kiss, which allowed the both of them to catch their breaths. Though Rita’s orgasm hadn’t subsided, and her whole body was still trembling. So he gently held her quivering body in his strong and reliable embrace as he waited for her orgasm to calm down.

He wasn’t satisfied, and for some reason, he felt his lust getting uncontrollable as he had a sudden urge to just go wild. But he suppressed that desire with his willpower and patiently waited for her to calm down so that he can go for another round.

But during the one minute that he came, he didn’t know what his pheromones were doing. The amount of his pheromones had grown even more until now, and they ran rampant in the bedroom, to not just affect Rita’s lust, but also the sleeping Alban’s mentality.

Alban found himself in the same majestic throne room from before. The room was decorated with extravagant ornaments. His sight hadn’t captured everything present inside the room, but he knew that everything there was dazzling, oozing out grandeur.

His sight was more focused on the king, who sat on the throne, kindly looking at his father, while Alban wore a proud look on his face with some traces of reverence.

Until now, he had talked about what he wanted and told what he wanted to tell his son. And the time of parting has finally arrived to make him reluctant to leave.

In these few days, he had stayed in the royal palace where his son had taken proper care of him. He got to live a luxurious life than he could ever imagine. The lavish food, the extravagant clothes, and the excellent service of the servants, overall made the lifestyle quite comfortable. The comfort that he didn't deserve was provided by his son.

Wasn't it because of the love his son held for him? And in return what had he done for him? No, what had he ever done for his family until now?

He was a failure of a husband, a failure of a father, and in the end, a failure of a man. The gift that he had brought for his son was again, a mediocre one. Shouldn't he have at least brought something better, befitting the king?

He had failed again! At least he should apologize, "Your majesty..."

But before he could continue, Jack's deep yet kind voice interrupted, "Father, should I assume that you do not consider me as your son anymore?"

"H-how can that be...?"

"Then why the formality? Shouldn't you call me 'son' by all rights?"

Alban sighed as he finally said, "Son..." and saw his son's lips curling up in a contentful smile, which made his own eyes moist, while his heart jumped in delight.

So he finally said what weighed his heart, “Son, please forgive this incompetent father of yours for he had failed the role of a father…” and before Jack could object, he raised his hand to stop him, mustering his courage.

Alban had blamed himself for Jack’s disappearance in the past. Rita’s heartbroken state was painful to look at on top of that. And even with regret and pain that had weighed his heart, he had to stand strong to support Rita to prevent her from crumbling to pieces.

His heart would have shattered with the weight had Rita’s elder sister not come to reassure them. For that, he was grateful, grateful to the elder sister, to his friends, and to all the kind people who had supported him in difficult times.

However, in addition, he was extremely sorry that he couldn’t live up to their expectations, couldn’t take care of the girl they had engaged him with, and couldn’t take care of their inheritance, their son.

When Jack had said that he had come from the Dark Woods, Alban’s heart had trembled with regret as that was the only place he had not searched for him. 

Why? Was it because the probability of finding Jack there was very less? No, it was his own fear that prevented his mind from thinking the very possibility of Jack being lost in the Dark Woods. Was his own life so damn important?

So he had now started to believe that if anyone could properly take care of Rita and provide her happiness would definitely be his son.

That way, the ones who had entrusted him with Rita, her elder sister, his own elder brother, and all the people who had arranged their marriage, will be satisfied. Yes, he should entrust Rita to Jack.

With that thought, his heart became light, and a contentful smile appeared on his face. He then opened his mouth and told Jack what he believed...

*Hah* *Hah* *Hah*

Rita panted heavily in Jack’s embrace as he caressed her back affectionately while her intense orgasm slowly subsided in the next two minutes.


Jack’s dick was still hard, twitching in her squishy vagina. He gulped a mouthful of saliva that came out due to his unquenched lust. He had a strong urge to move his hips once again. Yet, he knew that he had to at least wait before continuing in consideration of his mother.

And just as Rita enjoyed her lingering ecstasy and Jack planned his future course of action,

“Son, I offer you my wife!” Alban screamed.

And although the voice was low, the connected mother-son pair flinched hard before they stiffened at their place. Jack first confirmed that they were properly covered with the blanket as he breathed out a sigh of relief, and waited for his father to say something.

Ten seconds, twenty seconds… no voice came, instead he heard Alban’s steady and long breathing. Remembering what his father had just said, a wry smile appeared on his face as he relaxed.

Though, he sensed his mother’s quivering body in his arms, seemingly out of fear, so he consoled, “Relax mom, he is still sleeping…”

Rita had just felt her world collapse as she felt her fears getting true. But as soon as Jack reassured her, she relaxed, but…

*Clench* *Squeeze*

Jack felt his dick getting squeezed tightly by her walls, and his dick twitched in response. A smile bloomed on his face understanding the meaning of this. 

The thrill of being caught was intense, and in addition, they were intimately connected in the lower region. So their arousal intensified by many folds, and Jack couldn’t be happier with that.

He raised Rita’s face by her chin to find her frightened and anxious face on the verge of tears. And he understood that her mind and body were reacting differently.

Her whole face was perspiring as a rosy tint spread across her face to make it alluring, while her glistening teary eyes just made it even more bewitching.

Jack stared at her face in a daze for a moment before a mutter involuntarily slipped out his mouth, “Beautiful! You are so cute, mom!!” He kissed her passionately and in response, her walls wriggled and tightened around his shaft even more.

Jack broke the kiss, looked into her eyes with a gentle gaze, and, “I love you mom!” hit the hot iron.


And her response was delightful!


Thanks to:

1. James

2. Joaquin Espinoza

3. TheBroilern

4. Klucas*

5. Laberto Escalera

6. Rahman Ali

7. ByzFan

8. Tom Baker*

9. Creative*

For supporting me on Patreeon!! Some of them had even pledged more than what is asked (*)! I'm truly overwhelmed by your support!!

(Though, I want to ask for your forgiveness in advance as I'm feeling symptoms of burnout...)

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