A life with the Author


I went in.

I was done watching.

The Author didn`t stop me.

I went in and saw the receptionist, she was a girl so I gave a charming smile and asked which room the previous couple rented.

She told me with a small blush. I thanked her and went to the room. It was on the third floor, room 17. I quickly reached it.

There was no lock and instead there was just an 'occupied' sign. I didn`t know why it was unlocked.

But I can't be bothered to think and instead slammed open the door.

Actually seeing and reading about it was a different thing. And there was only one reason for that..

'This is real.'

The yellow haired bastard was sprawling on the bed and Tsukimi was sitting on the bed with small droplets of tears in her eyes.

Her eyes met me and the froze.

Her top was left bare, for the world to see. It was also my first time seeing it.

She was wearing a skirt but not an underwear, the skirt was wet and her so was her vigaina.

Luckily I was not late and they had not done the deed, but that did nothing to ease my feelings.

'Because I know exactly what would`ve happened.'

My emotions were out of control. It felt...not good. It felt like someone was playing my saved game and completely destroy it.

But what else did I expect? She was the heroine of an NTR doujin. I didn`t know why I expected a different outcome.

'This is NTR right?' I asked the Author.

{Not sure, but it feels like one.}

I turned away from her and looked at the yellow haired bastard. His eyes were wide and shock.

Seeing his face, I moved.

I reached him and swing the bamboo stick like a bat. I smashed the side of his face and he flew right out of the bed.


"Argh!!!" He screamed, in pain.

The door was closed, it was sound proof.

'Oh, you dumb, dumb child.'

'You should've tried another slut.'

I walked towards him and before I reached him, he got up. The side of his face was red and his nose was bleeding.

When he got to full height he was almost as tall as me.

"You motherfu-" He bellowed and he charged at me with his hands on his face. A boxing stance.

He can fight.

He was still far away from me but he was already prepared to throw a jab. His fist which guarded his face separated slightly. There was a gap, around 8 inches.


I had already filled up that gap with the end of my bamboo.

I can see his action even before he made it. I knew the moment an oppening will appear even before it happened.

His momentum as he rushed at me and the force with which I pushed the bamboo end concentrated on his mouth.


[Boxing : Master]

"HUMMMGHR!!!" He instantly staggered back and covered his mouth.

'We are worlds apart.'

He bent down, in pain. He covered his mouth so his screams were muffled.

"Let me hear it." I hit his arm and removed his hands from his mouth. Two white teeth fell off and blood poured out, colouring the floor.

I hit him on his back. He was naked so when I hit him it sounds like a whip.


He arched his back and screams again, still staggering back.

{Hit him in the chest.}

I did.




Another one.


Another one.


My bamboo stick was broken now, it splintered into different sections and cut his skin. It was not enough to break his bones but I knew it hurts like hell.





He was now curled up on the corner of the room. He sobs and whimpers as I continued beating his still from.

But after a while it gets dull so I stopped.


I breathe out and turned towards the bed again to see Tsukimi. Sitting ever so still yet her body was continuously shivering.

No, she was not shivering.

She was crying. Crying so hard she didn`t make a sound.

I silently walked to her and she met my eyes and never looked away as I got closer to her. Her eyes were sad and her face was tragedy.



'Not that I give a fuck.'

Now I stood infront of her, towering over her crying form. I expected something, an excuse, an apology.

But she doesn`t make excuse or say sorry.

She just looked at me with shining black eyes that barely saw light. Her tears flow and flow an flow but still...

No sound.

I raise my hand which did not carry the bamboo stick, readying it to slap her or do some harm to her in any way.

I expected her to flinch or back away. Maybe even scream so this silence can be broken.

I raised my hand higher.

Now she leans forward.

I stopped, 'Why did she lean forward?'

I sighed again and put my hand down. I was not going to hit her.

I moved away and leave her. "Clean up." I said.

I went to the table near the bed which contained the bastard`s bag and I checked inside. Then I found capsules of pills, many of them.

'VIAGRA' was written on the cover of it and there were many of them.

{So that`s how hentai main characters did it.}

{A mystery solved.} the Author said, trying to lighten the situation.

I allowed myself to smile as Tsukimi was facing my back. 'Pathetic no?'

{But I still believe the others have the magical D though. Maybe its only him.}


I checked his bag again but I didn`t find what I was looking for, his phone. I put it down again and looked around.

To my surprise it was on the night lamp, leaning on the lamp. I took it and looked at it.

It was recording a video. My anger spiked again before I quickly calmed myself down and stopped the recording. I go to his gallery and found the photo he used to blackmail Tsukimi.

Both of us, kissing at the amusement park. The sun was setting and the picture was beautiful.

I hated how I felt when I saw it.

I looked through his gallery and saw a bunch of other photos which were obviously taken in secret too.

Blurry panty shost, a couple making out in an alley and even a picture of a naked girl that was shot through a window secretly.

'This guy is fucking sick.'

I put the phone inside my pocket and turned around. The bamboo stick was still in my hand.

I saw the bastard was struggling but he was slowly standing. I went towards him again and he growled at me like an animal.

"Why are you using a weapon you pussy." He said in a low voice.

"Are you angry? You don`t have the right to be angry when you leave your sexy girl all lonely like that, you can`t blame m-"


I hit him right in the face, I didn`t want to listen to his voice anymore.

He fell down on his butt with his back on the wall. He clutched his face before he screamed in anger.

"You coward!! Don`t use a weapon!!!"


My fist hit the wall just beside his face. The wall cracked under my superhuman strength. His eyes were wide, he never even saw me coming.

"Shut up." I said, my cold tone even surprised me.

He really thought that I was using the bamboo to defeat him. I was only using it so that I don`t kill him accidently.

I don't want him to just die like that. I want him to experience pain.

Now I wonder how I can make him suffer?



{Do you know that overdose of Viagra can cause permanent affect on the penis? Maybe even cause erectile dysfunction which is the same thing it is intended for? And the most popular one, it can cause priapism which is where your dick swell up and can`t go down for hours to days and it is extremely painful. }

I smile.

'That is a bit cruel coming from you.'

{You have no idea how much of a stain these two are in my story. Especially him.}

I chuckle.

Now that he mentioned it, I have a great idea.

I turned around, Tsukimi was curled up in a ball on the edge of the bed. She was looking at me with teary eyes.

I ignored her and went to the table near the bed again and took the viagra before I returned to the bastard.

He was too scared and in pain to move away.

I popped out the pills from the capsule, one by one until I had a handfull.

"W-What are y-you doing?" he asked with shaky voice,

I did not answer. Instead I grabbed his face and tried to force the pills in his mouth.

He resisted but I was much stronger. I put his hands under my kness and we wrestled for a while before I dislocated his jaw and force the pills down his throat.

Not all of them got in but I knew he had swallowed enough.

"We need to hurry." I said before dragging him into the bathroom.

"AAHfhaiogfasdhiuo." His jaw was dislocated and what came out from him was gibberish noises.

Tsukimi watched all this is silence. She was scared. I think.


[After 5 minutes.]

"AHhhhhhh!!!! Ahhhahuauaua!!!?!." The bastard cried, his jaw hanging. The sound came from his nose.

He was sobbing so much that his voice was hoarse and barely sounding. His body shook in pure agony and torment. He tried to pull away but that only caused more pain.


"How do you like that hole?" I said in disdain.

He was currently naked and kneeling down on the bathroom. His body was marred with scratches and bruises and most of it was red due to the blood seeping out from the shallow wounds.

If one looks closely that would some foams and slippery texture on his skin. As if someone had poured soap water on his wounds.

His dick was at full length. Extremely big due to the viagra but his dick could not be seen as it was inside a hole....



..of a steel pipe.



I had switched off the water connection and broke off a pipe which was still connected to the wall of the bathroom and I forcefully inserted his dick before it fully hardens.

Now that his dick was at full length, it was impossible to pull out now. And due to the overdose of viagra, it caused priapism so he would be stuck like that for at least 4 hours.

But I think it would be a day before he get out.

He was stuck at this place, his dick in agony as it couldn`t break the steel pipe.

He writh around in pure agony and toment.

"Plesheee, p-pleaseee...It haaarts so much AHHHH!!!"

Cry as he might his dick was stuck. Swelling but it could grow as big as it should.

I am pretty sure he won't insert his dick in any whole again. This must be traumaizing.

I finally let out a satisfied smile.

{This is perfect.}

"It really is."


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