A Light Within Darkness.

Canon Omake Sister of Battle Lucia POV

Lucia Juniah, Imperator Revered Evangelist of the Alabaster Dawn, a branch of the Ecclesiarchy's Ebon Chalice was having a mentally exhausting couple of months. After decades in serving the Imperium, she hadn't been so exhausted besides the one time a Tyrranid hive ship was swallowed into the warp, and its corrupted remains were teleported out onto a Forge World to wreak havoc.

First, she had to deal with the filth of an entrenched Gene stealer cult, and then while having the lower-ranking members of her order hunt down the skilled rouge pysker she had to plumb the depths of the other hive cities of the world to make sure they weren't infected and what do you know...

Of course, they had their own pockets of Genestealers though thankfully the infestation was nowhere near as entrenched as the previous cities was, and in all cities, she visited abominations of all color and forms were cleansed in the holy Flamer and Bolter in the God Emperor's name.

"My lady, Inquisitor Regularus Behemothus. has demanded you to find the rouge pysker who has fled the planet." The tired voice of Lucia Juniah's adjutant spoke as she saluted and held the stance as her commanding officer watched a map of the galaxy.

It turns out Elesmere was very much right, and I was wrong in my assumption that a tracker that can be carried around could be tracked around the galaxy as Lucia had in fact managed to mold a special tracking beacon atop the outer casing of the bottom of the ship as it began to take off and I never even noticed it, but now that very Sister of Battle was looking at the galactic map showing where I had landed our ship.

"That blustering fool can go into the dammed Maelstrom of Choas himself if he so desires to capture that one Pysker..." Lucia grumbled as she tore her eyes from the hologram and looked behind to her adjutant.

"Commander... Apparently, the knowledge of this Pysker learning how to make stable non corruptive items has spread throughout the Imperium and parts of the galaxy already. Both Choas aligned factions and even the Drukhari and Eldar are as we speak tracking him down with their heretical methods."

Lucia's hands balled up into a tight fist as she all but snarled at what that implied...

There was a spy who spread the information of his ability to create such things... Worse was during the battle in which he explained it, and her very own Rosarius blessed by the emperor's light confirmed his explanation, only the higher-ranking member of her troops was within earshot of the conversation during the battle.

And with how the information somehow reached so far throughout the galaxy so soon. That left only one patron entity that spread such information to stir up change.

"Bring Brianna of Tarthus to me immediately," Lucia ordered with her adjutant bowing in confusion.

"My lady what am I to tell the Inquisitor as he has mentioned executing you for negligence in not capturing or killing the Pysker immediately." Her adjutant said in confusion as Lucia held onto her Rosarius to gather strength.

With one blindingly quick movement, Lucia buried her poison and holy oil-covered short sword into the back of the bowing fellow warrior's neck.

"Filthy traitor I could feel his holy light burn in my hands at your fucking presence." Lucia hissed as her previous adjutant threw off casually as she stood up with a large blade sticking out of the front of her throat which the Deamon possessed Sister of Battle ripped out carelessly even as contact with the blessed handle burnt away the sister's hands.

"Ahh ahem ah there we go..." The voice hissed like a cross between a woman screaming in agony and a bird's parody of a human voice but the intelligence and guile within the harsh voice was unmistakable. "I believed I had the right rituals done to cloak my body in that wretch's light hehe." The demon-possessed Sister of Battle screeched with chaos-filled blood pumping out of the neck wounds with each accursed beat of its heart.

"But do you like the great lords of the Empyrean's gift to the galaxy? The greatest treasure hunt in history! That child has knowledge even Master Tzeentch Changer of Ways cannot see his path!" The demons roared with primal excitement as his very nature as a demon of the Great Deceiver would desire such knowledge above all of us.

Lucia who had gotten back up just pulled out her bolter pistol and began laying down a hail of exploding gunfire regardless of the damage it did the navigation bay of her ship.

But it was all for naught as the Daemon who had possessed her adjutant for Emperor knows how long no lesser spawn of the warp was. He was a Herald of Tzeentch and reality bent to its whim while the eyes of the sister of Battle literally boiled and exploded from the excessive energy coming from the demon, it still spoke honey-tinted poison.

"Not only the Lord of Sorcery but the other three have learned of him as well! Khorne is already sending some toys to test his strength and appreciates his potential martial strength. Slaanesh both hates and loves him for his conquering and stealing his slave Eldar from their gaze and grasp. The Foul One wishes to see if he can resist his blessings as Isha and even the Gray Knights can... The coming years will be so entertaining!" The Daemon roared as a purple corona of energy seeped off of her.

Lucia knowing whatever the demon was doing dived to the ground behind an armored console and with a loud explosion vile chaos energy expelled itself everywhere along with her adjutant's remains as the Deamon self-destructed.

Lucia wordlessly got up after she brushed aside some debris off her form and leaned against the wrecked and clearly inoperable navigation table that had the delicate data showing where the pysker in question was.

"I guess it's time to go on a hunt..." Lucia muttered as she holstered her bolter and prepared to do something she had dreaded. She was going to purge or unit of filth and make them suffer repentance for one of their sisters falling within Chaos's grip without noticing.

Then once her Alabaster Dawn detachment was cleared of the ruinous powers, she would follow her general memory of where on the galactic map the Pysker stopped traveling at, and once she meets him, she will decide what to do with him at that time.



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