A Light Within Darkness.

Chapter 76

As a cultivator, the state of being fighting at their hardest at that moment was akin to being an Ork love of fighting as our entire being was focused on the battle, taking in the surroundings, using our spells to their best use and timing, dodging enemy spells and projectiles or anything else. It was why normal cultivators would break through sometimes during battle.

In combat not only your entire body but your mind and very soul were completely aimed at one thing. Killing the fuck out of your enemies and in that nirvana state of violence our souls were clear of tainted thoughts of what ifs and whatnot that would restrain our cultivation energies from flowing at their peak.

And against people weaker than myself? I embraced my inner Doom-Guy and Goblin-Slayer combined as I ripped and tore the World Eaters and Orks apart. And in my heady drunken blood rage, my Yang flames burned ever brighter with my saber lashing out with terrible beams of sword qi that sliced through entire buildings like I was Sephiroth.

Only the bigger Orks that were more than three meters tall could withstand a single blow from my sword qi blessed saber and likewise for the World Eater's only the dreadnaughts and the Chaos Space Marine's with daemons bonded into their armor could withstand a blow or two.

"Andronz challenges you to battle without magic!" I heard a World Eater roar gutturally and as he did so I grimaced as I felt a geass binding my form backed by the power of Khorne but I snorted and said coldly. "I accept," I said and as the World Eater roared in a blood lust-filled fury I dashed forward using the pure physical might of my cultivation-enhanced body that was far greater than his demonic and space marine enhancements.

But rather than using my sword and trying to hack through his demonically enhanced ceramite armor, I hopped onto his shoulders and then using my entire bodies strength I bent my knees and as my fingers got under the lip of his helmet I roared victoriously as I literally ripped the space marines head off with his helmet with my feet shifting slightly so as the headless space marine fell to the ground I would land on his chest with his helmet covered skull held aloft in the air with his corrupted blood falling on my face. "Here is a skull for you Khorne!" I roared igniting the helmet in yang flames and I could feel the soul of that space marine be erased by the flames that were perfectly suited for destroying ghosts, demons and other beings aligned with Yin.

I snorted as I felt the helmet literally teleport out of my hand as it seemed Khorne was actually watching and accepted my offering. With his champion Angron here on this planet, I had no doubt he was paying attention to the battles here with half an eye.

But as I was absorbing that knowledge I was rocked forward as a loud bubble exploded beside me that I didn't sense due to how slow-moving it was. "A fucking bubble launcher?" I grimaced as I laid face down on the ground from where I was blasted a good hundred meters and into the metal walls of one of the nearby buildings with my form denting it with the force I hit it with.

Sure the bubble launcher didn't hurt me with the explosion as I was immune to the heat but the force of the explosion certainly gave me some bruises but with the Geass from Khorne already broken I simply sent a beam of sword qi in the position of the mounted turret and as the sword qi cut into the bubble launcher, the Ork weapon exploded sending a powerful force field outwards that pulped the nearby Orks as though Pain was here and used an overpowered Shinra Tensei or whatever as the invisibly expanding force field balloon shot out so fast that Ork's bodies just broke apart.


"No! Don't kill snotling gobbitz!" One of the tiny ork/goblins shrieked as I slaughtered his group but even as he cried out that, I saw him reach behind his back and pull out a massive daisy chain of grenades and as he attempted to pull the pin connecting them, my Kasaya Beads attached to my arm having fed gluttonously on the flesh and blood in the surrounds, snapped forward like a whip and obliterated the Ork's harm into a blood mist with how fast it swung.

Even as the goblin screamed in agony I just picked up a large metal post I saw and slapped it into my hand with a smile as I muttered under my breath. "This will do." I walked over to the snotling and with a loud cracking noise I smashed the board into the snotlings back breaking some of the fungus monster's ribs and making him choke on his screams and fall onto his stomach before I flipped him over with a foot. "Where is Ghazghkull and Angron?" I asked simply not giving the Ork any sympathy as I saw the little bastard pulling a knife from his side with his still-working hand.

And with a brutal stomp, I turned that last hand into mush and finally after a bit more encouragement I finally got my answer in the direction Angron and Ghazghkull's forces were directly fighting with Angron harvesting lesser Ork Warboss heads for Khorne while apparently saving Ghazghkull for last... With Ghazghkull himself very angrily following Angrons flying form around the planet, trying to pin him down to fight.

"Good goblins stay in their holes," I whispered and then I ended that snotlings suffering with that board smashing his head open like a Pinata.


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