A Light Within Darkness.

Chapter 84

For a long moment. I considered just doing the easy thing in killing her and moving on. But a piece of me, the piece of me that wanted to do right, do better than this Grim-Dark shithole of a universe I had been trying my hardest to avoid the worst aspects of. Revolted at the idea of just leaving her, or even killing her.

I was a guy who reincarnated and now had a fucking lewd space elf harem... Sure I was an asshole cultivator who would probably steal a heavenly herb from a baby but I wouldn't hurt the baby, and this woman in this situation was the baby. She was of no danger to me or mine as my Sect wards even if she was actually a powerful pysker wouldn't be able to get up to any mischief.

So even as I made mental justifications I pushed the golden statue into one of my spatial expanded bags, all the while thankful that the curse she had made it so she didn't need to eat, drink, or even breathe.

"Whelp that was a thing," I muttered with a tired look as I looked up into the stone cavern walls above me before shaking my head as I considered things and then shrugged. "I can mess around in the next level... The Keepers of Secrets are typically in the deeper levels." I said in affirmation as I headed deeper into the level of Avidity all the while gathering all the precious treasures Slaanesh had obviously cursed to hell and back.

I could deal with Nurgle's shit fairly well with my Chaotic absorption Physique as well as my Yang heavenly body and flames. But Tzeentch and his reality-changing magic? Nope didn't want to get yeeted into a magical black hole. Slaanesh? Yeah, her mind fuckery was probably the easiest thing for me to deal with in general across all the demon gods as her 'gentle' mental fuckery wasn't on the same level as Khorne's overwhelming hammer of bloodlust.

So basically so long as I didn't get Slaanesh's direct attention or likewise got into a protracted fight with her greater demons in the Keeper of Secrets, I was more than confident in winning without much issue against her lesser demons as any demonically enhanced chemicals and mind control wouldn't work on me.

And finally, after traveling with strong intent deep into the caves of Avidity I reached the end of the first level of the Circles of Seduction and reached the second level. The Sea of Gluttony.

The Sea of Gluttony... Was truly beautiful, the chaotic sky above me had been tamed into a soft violet, red, and blue series of hues that rolled with gentle eddies of movements that mimicked natural clouds. The ever-present ocean was a dark purple ocean of endless wine that tickled my nostrils with its delightful flavor that enticed my mouth into watering with desire at the naturally delicious wine.

"I suppose a taste couldn't hurt..." I muttered before pausing as I bent over and scooped up a hand fill of wine from the sea with my great vision I could see through the sea of wine and at the bottom of the ocean were endless skeletons and corpses of all shapes and sizes that were enhancing the wine with yin energy.

After a moment of thought, I dropped the wine out of my hands and then burnt the remaining off with my yang flames though I smiled. As this Yin death wine made and tempered with the corpses of countless lives and bodies would make a good tonic especially if I distilled it for Ellesmere and other disciples.

"Actually this wine would be perfect for those Wraithknight twins to make that ghost sister have a physical spirit body," I muttered as I reviewed my knowledge of ghost cultivation and other such spiritual entities.

So without any hesitation, I put a spatial bag inside a barrel like a trash bag, and then using some rocks I pushed and stuck the barrel under the wine's surface level and loud glugging noises rang out as the thankfully waterproof spatial bag filled with the corpse wine.

With that done, I looked and took in the massive island I had landed on, and in the center of the island was the 'Giant' or the spirit entity that was the home of this island's endless banquets and feasts where if the wine sea didn't get you.

The demons of Slaanesh would tempt you with both with minor physical pleasure, wine, food. And a party atmosphere to make you indulge until you ate so much and became so fat that you would become a blob that would then fuse into the floor its of the banquette hall to be stepped on by the daemons of Slaanesh until you were buried by the next person collapsing onto you.

I just relaxed and meditated with the sound of the corpse wine oceans lapping waves filling my surroundings while I waited a good bit for the spatial bag to fill with the wine and then when I no longer heard any noises from it, I knew that the spatial bag had filled itself so I got it out and then I directly sent it to my shadow domain as its not like I could put a spatial bag into another spatial bag lest the whole system explodes and getting a spatial explosion to the face could be lethal to me even with my strong body cultivation.

"Let's go see if Slaanesh has any good food... Or if only the next floor, the floor of Seduction is the only slightly wholesome area in the realm," I spoke as I rose into the air on wings of flames and then flew towards the utterly massive giant that was seemingly sleeping with dozens of hands growing off its body that had large banquets going on in each palm. 'But which one do I go to?' I thought with some confusion before I felt my instincts pointing at a particular feast and as I landed with a stone-shattering noise I grinned as I made eye contact with someone interesting.

"Yo, what's a Blood Angel Librarian doing here in hell?" I asked the hooded figure who gripped their spear that crackled with lightning at the sight of my human appearance yet the wings of Yang flames made the demons cringe back before I got rid of them.



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