A Light Within Darkness.

Chapter XLI

After I gave the one-armed man Antiochus some more sword technique tips and set him off, I realized that with the disciples of the sect having gotten settled in after the last couple days, it was time for me to begin giving out some very important information.

Digging into my qi stores I synchronized with the Sect's master system and had my voice projected throughout the sect.

"All Disciples come to the front of the Sect Master's palace. I will be teaching a skill that you won't need to redeem in the library as well as educating you all about the dangers and food of your cultivation." My voice echoed and Elesmere who was beside me raised an eyebrow.

"You didn't mention you were going to be doing any lessons today?" She asked and I nodded as I truly didn't make any mention of such lessons.

"I will not follow the same path of my forefathers and hide what the Warp is to the disciples..." I said thinking about how the Horus heresy may have gone if the Primarchs were made aware of the dangerous demons and evil gods within the Warp itself.

"I am going to try to summon a Slaanesh demon, they will be the physically weakest and will prove a good lesson on controlling your mind to all the disciples," I said as I walked into the Sect Masters' building and after I got some timber, I quickly made a cross and got some railroad like spikes ready.

Then I got into my newly remade Demon Kiln that was its own room and was the size of half a basketball court and made with arrayed covered tiles that would weaken and prevent any demons or warp entities from fleeing the Demon Kiln.

"You have fun with that... Tangling with a Slaanesh Daemonette is only done at times of great need for the Aeldari people, we prefer to avoid those of She who thirst's ilk." Elesmere muttered quickly leaving my Demon Kiln as although she had no problem taking some time to help me slaughter and devour other Warp entities, she absolutely abhorred when anything to do with Slaanesh came close to my feeding portal.

Now normally I avoided the Choas god's daemons like the literal plague they were, but with Khorne already sending his foot soldiers to test me, it seems my chaos-devouring nature isn't enough to hide me from Tzneetch's eyes, or the Fate Weaver is instead formulating a path by watching those around me.

So might as well say fuck you demon gods and begin munching on their armies directly if they were already going to fuck with me.

With a breath of effort, I engaged my Heavenly Demon Swallowing Art and the matching physique it gave me, thus a gaping tear in reality formed in front of me, and instead of the kaleidoscopic tunnel of infinite lights spinning in front of me with the Warp's denizens rushing over feeling an entryway to the Material World. This time the portal was predominantly purple-tinged as I purposefully opened a portal to Slaanesh's realm of pleasure and hedonism.

While I allowed the weakest of probing Warp Entities to fly through the portal and be quickly swallowed down my gullet as I either squashed them with the pure power of my Qi into paste or I physically pasted them with a couple punches to the daemons that were stunned and being tortured by the room's thousands of arrays designed to torture and tear apart spiritual entities.

But finally, I felt a bigger fish metaphorically checking out my portal, and then with a snarl I punched into the portal, and even as I felt my arm overload with chaotic essence being taken directly from the Warp from my Choas devouring physique, I still managed to grab whatever was on the other side by its throat and then with a sound that was honestly like loudly shredding paper I pulled the demon into the Material world by its neck.

Briefly taking in the monstrous demon... Yeah, it was a Daemonette, a lightly purple-skinned humanoid figure about the same height as me, it had a breastplate covering its large female breast and left its male breast plain to see while also covering its genitals with a skirt of sorts.

Of course, with it being a Slaanesh demon the thing had crab-like claw hands that were already wrenching forward to rip me apart, but I slapped the demon across the face with stone-pulverizing strength making it reel in surprise at the clearly human-shaped being slapping it like I was a Space Marine in full power armor.

"Actually... You don't need these hands." I muttered and then I reached forward and grabbed the Slaanesh Daemonette by its nipple chains and used it as leverage to slam it against the array-covered ground horribly burning the demon at the close-up interactions with the array and making it scream in agony as its immortal soul was being wrenched apart by the Array's magnet like system that were fighting to pull the demon's soul to each array with differing amounts of strength.

Even as the Daemonette seemingly violently orgasmed at the complete agony it was currently in I still cut off its crab-like hands so I could more easily haul the screaming demon by its hair and slam it into the crucifix made out of wood and some talismans I slapped onto it.

"You know a couple months ago I couldn't even imagine doing this to a humanoid figure," I muttered conversationally as I hammered in the blessed nails through the elbows of the Daemonette so even with how flexible it was, it couldn't get the momentum to wrench its limbs off the railroad spike as I hammered it onto said pole.

Then just to seal its fate I super-heated the blessed railroad spikes and twisted them so they curled over the wood above the demon's arms so it could never just pull the limb off.

This demon was going to a long-term example. I was going to literally stake this bitch outside my Sect, and we can see how masochistic this thing truly was after being baked by the Sect's sun and the effect the Sect's outputting spiritual energy would have on a demon... Hell, one day I may just make a demon farm for my adorable disciples to render down for materials.

After likewise staking the demon's legs in several places to the crucifix and setting a couple more seals/talismans and even carving an array onto the demon's surprisingly bare stomach that would tell me the daemon's location at all times should I desire to mentally connect to that seal, I decided that this was enough to secure the daemon.

"Harder Daddy!" The demon cried as I finished up carving the runes for its tracker into its stomach making me cringe at the demon who I could feel trying to eek its way into my psyche with its mental Warp fuckery. But jokes on the demon I literally eat those negative spiritual energies, so I had no idea what illusion it was trying to push into my head.

"Oh, shut up dammit. You aren't even a noise marine so stop trying to make my ears bleed." I said slapping the demon again this time even harder, so it knocked out several teeth.

With the demon suitably silenced for the moment I then picked up the large, crucified form and just to be an ass I made sure to smash the demons head into the top of every door's entryway and I could practically feel Elesmere's hysterical giggles at the sight through the Sect's monitoring system she was watching from.

But my fun and games came to an end as I walked out of the Sect Master's building with the demon crucifix and low and behold the thirty-odd disciples all broke out into gasps seeing whatever they were seeing that was nailed to the crucifix.

"All of you shut up and listen! I will be teaching you all a mental clearing mantra and this... Beast on this crucifix will be explained in due time." I said seeing some of the disciple's eyes fogging over due to the Daemonette's influence.

But my words cleared their mind as I began outputting a Buddhist essence that made the demon beside me scream in agony as its skin began to be flaked away just being in my holy presence with the mantra, I was humming with my qi resonating in the air.

Finally, after going over the mantra five times to make sure, it was all but engrained in their heads and were all softly reciting the mantra along with me. I actually had to shield the demon from the combined might of thirty-plus hymns about to disperse as all their combined mantras were almost as strong as mine solo.

The funny thing about cultivators actually coming together in one matching technique was that the more cultivators there were, the stronger the technique grew exponentially, so even with them all merely being in the Elementary Realm, they still had the combined power of a peak Nascent Realm cultivator with the hymn.

"That's enough!" I called out awakening the disciples from the deep meditation they were in, and more than one disciple shuddered at seeing the true form of the Daemonette as they had cleared away the mental pollution being around the demon had infected them with.

Despite them being cultivators that didn't make them Greyknights, they were very much still vulnerable to the Chaos's influence so instead of hiding the information about demons I was very clearly going to explain how they were monsters and that making any sort of deal with them in which that you didn't control their very soul after holding their True Name in your pocket was foolish in the extreme.

No not even foolish. It was suicidal.

"Look upon this monster! This is a demon of the Warp! They will corrupt you with promises of immortality, power, and countless other lies! But with cultivation, all of those promises are already in your damned grasp, if you are willing to just take them from the demons themselves!" I roared as I paced around the Daemonette who shivered under my eyes that were lit up with Yang fire.

"All demons are slaves to the demon gods! All of them!" I continued as I wanted them to know very clearly that even should they get old and run out of lifespan even as a cultivator becoming a demon would just mean they would become a slave.

"Look at this freak of nature... How in the world will you have a wife, a husband, or even fucking wipe your own ass if you have these clawed hands!" I said showing how the large, spiked claw hands fitted on the demon's arms.

Yeah, the proof that they would be mutated into a freak did more to put them against demons than the knowledge of how they will get their resources from the Warp to cultivate.

Then the Daemonette spoke with its voice being liquid velvet as it caressed our ears. "The Prince of Pleasure only desires to bring you to the height of pleasure and shower you with their all-encompassing warmth! Don't forgo the mortal pleasure and relax your ears so the thousand whispers of Slaanesh can reach your mind!"

Even as a couple disciples looked 'interested' in such things I coughed gathering their attention before I looked the Daemonette.

"My disciples. Remember this one lesson today no matter what, demons such as these and all demons in the end are tools of us cultivators, if you desire to take it apart for resources do so, if you wish to take its True Name and enslave it to do your will and have it transformed into the most beautiful woman, do it... But remember... They are not your allies, they are not partners, they are your lesser, and they will do as they are told lest they wish to be refined by an Anathema process and being unable to ever reform in the Immaterium." I said with true fear crossing the Daemonette's eyes.

"Slaanesh will avenge me." The Daemonette said softly as its slitted purple eyes met my golden eyes.

"I will bend your demon lord over and make it my bitch." I said as I ignited the arrays I put onto the crucifix.

"My disciples I have great news! Due to myself being an incomparable genius of course. I realized that leaving the process in dredging out and finding a Deamon's true name to be too dangerous for you adorable disciples... So, behold the Name Taker Array!" I said grandly and I felt Elesmere land beside me as she looked at the forming array that ripped the Daemonette off from the crucifix.

The Name Taker Array was an array created by immortal clans that had managed to capture suicide Death Warriors of enemy clans and would automatically sort the target's soul and correlate all its information on a jade stick. It made getting information from prisoners as easy as plugging in a damned USB stick for god's sake.



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