A Loli’s Space Odyssey

10 – Let’s try becoming a mercenary

Ok. After asking for some directions, me and Shiro reached the guild. This place was a hundred times more beautiful than the image of a Mercenary Guild I had in my head.


The floor was made of some unknown, glossy material. There were a number of seats with comfy looking cushions lined up in what seems to be a waiting area. Beyond them were several counters.


Each counter had an information display on top of them. The number of people inside was quite sparse. Is business not doing so hot perhaps?


“Question: Doesn’t this seem more like a government office than a mercenary guild office?”


“It’s somewhat similar. C’mon. Let’s go to the reception counter.”




After I arrived in front of the reception counter, I found myself facing a guy sporting numerous old battle scars on his body. His left arm also seemed like a mechanical prosthetic, his skin was pale blue and his head… was that of an octopus. How should I put this? It felt like I finally encountered something mercenary guild-like.


“Ahn? The hell do you girls want?”


“Hostility detected. Shall I eliminate the target?”


"Would you stop with those suggestions already? You aren't allowed to kill, until I say so."


Geez. I don't remember writing the personality of a murderer in Shiro.


Anyway, back to the main topic.


"Listen mister, I am here on behalf of the port master to register with the Mercenary Guild."


“Huh? Ah, the irregular scenario I was told to handle. C’mon over and take a seat.”




I sat down in front of the counter like I was told. This guy was pretty intense. If I met someone like him back home in Japan, I’d never want to get involved with the guy at all. He really looks like someone from a rather “dangerous and illegal” profession. But Kizuna would never show signs of fear so I gotta role play my part.


“Even if you’re unregistered, you do own a ship right? Tell me your ship name and ID. It’s parked in the hangar bay right?”




The receptionist uncle with a terrifying face inputted the ship name and ID. I gave him the required info on a tablet terminal and he fiddled with it for some moments.


“The hell? What’s up with your ship kid? I’ve never seen a model like this before.”


“Got a problem with it?”


“Nah, y’know… Well, it’s a breach of manners to ask about a mercenary’s past. It says here you engaged three pirate ships in battle and managed to win, but that’s about it. Rather, you don’t have any other activity records kid.”


“That's because this is my holiday cruiser. I was just trying to find my way to my empire.”


“You serious? Kids sure have imagination. Ah… Well, that’s fine. You don’t have a bounty on your head anyway.”


After a few more minutes of inputting various things on his computer…

“What’s your class kid?”

“Raid boss.”


What else am I supposed to answer? Kizuna doesn’t have a player class. She’s labeled as a raid boss.


“Let’s back up a bit. I’ll try asking differently. How do you fight?”

“Pretty good. I doubt that there’s anyone who can take me down.”


I’ll just write fighter.”


And after a few more moments…


"I’ve finished setting up your registration. The only thing left is the test.”




“Yeah. If we don’t know how skilled you are, won’t we have no idea what type of jobs you’d be able to take up? I know you just wanted the guild card as an ID, but I can't issue it, regardless how connected you are with the port master. It's a procedure.”


“That’s reasonable. But how are you gonna test me?”


“Training course. There’s a simulator here for that purpose. I’ll have you undergo that. If you are the captain and pass, your crew will automatically pass too. That's the hierarchy.”




The receptionist uncle stood up from his seat, called out towards the back of the office and guided me and Shiro.


“It’s right here.”


The room with the simulator was surprisingly bigger than I expected. Lined up within it were simulator machines that looked a bit like small-sized trucks. Or rather, they seem to be mimicking just the cockpit block of a ship.


“Choose something which resembles the cockpit model of your ship and get in.”




The overall look of a ship’s cockpit is largely influenced by its manufacturer. That also goes for the cockpit controls. So most ships are made to be compatible with most cockpit blocks available on the market. This essentially means that it’s possible to detach a cockpit block and install it onto another ship.


“Guess it’s this one. Rudimentary speaking at least.”


“Hoh. Ain’t that a high-end military model? Alright. I’ll have it prepped straight away.”


High end my ass. It's the closest thing I can find.


The uncle, who seemed somehow impressed when I chose my cockpit block, went away somewhere. I’m sure he’s going to the control room for the simulators. He also asked Shiro to come with him, and I nodded, signaling her to go along.


“Well then, let’s start the evaluation test.”


“Roger that. What about the operating data of this test unit?”


“I’ll upload your ship’s data on it. You should be able to control it like you usually do after…… Oi, oi. What the heck is this?”


“What’s up?”


“You really askin me? This unit’s data… Can you really use this thing?”


“With my eyes closed."


“Oh well. This is a test to evaluate your piloting skills after all. The objective of the test is pretty basic. Destroy all enemy units. All ships except for you are enemies. They’ll be few in number at first, but they’ll be coming at you in waves. The difficulty will increase as their numbers go up.”


“Got it.”


“Then let’s start the test. Activating the unit.”


The cockpit interior dimmed; only a minimal amount of illumination remained. So it accurately simulates even a ship’s dormant state. I fired up the main generator with practiced motions and brought it up to battle level. In response to that, the simulated Avalanche activated, and a space environment gradually revealed itself before me. It was a pretty realistic view. This simulator’s extremely detailed.


[Unidentified ship detected. Its weapon systems are online]


I also activated my weapon systems and quickly set course for the location of the enemy ship displayed on the radar. I accelerated all at once. I felt my body being strongly pressed down onto the seat.


“Whoah. This thing even simulates the Gs.”


What kind of tech did they use to make this thing? Well, if this world really was the same as Fraxinus Online, then a gravity generating device should have been developed. This machine must be using something like that.


A figure that seemed to be the enemy ship was cruising in the distance and carefully approaching me in order to mount a surprise attack. I’ve already managed to get a lock on the slowpoke. My guns deployed from the hull and immediately aimed at the enemy ship. The moment I pulled the control stick’s trigger, four beams of light fired straight at the enemy and tore it open. I managed to shoot down the enemy in one attack.


“How fragile.”


Not to mention slow as heck. Judging from its appearance, it was a small transport ship with a high carrying capacity. Just this huh?


More enemy ships appeared after that, but all of them were pretty weak. Slow. Fragile. They’re no different from live targets. I don’t think they would be able to properly gauge my abilities with these.


“Ah, looks like the evaluation program for new recruits just won’t cut it. Mister, don’t you have anything else?”


“Errr… Let me change to a different test program.”




I tried out the new program. It was definitely better than the first, but the enemies were still quite slow. Damn weak. They’re no different from those suckers I shot down before coming here.


“They’re so weak. I can’t feel any sort of pressure. This can’t even be called a test.”


“The hell kid…!? This is an evaluation program for veterans y’know.”


“You’re joking right? Isn’t there anything more difficult?”


“There is… But I think this one’s a bit of an overkill.”

“Do it.”


I finally felt some pressure this time. More than ten pirate ships attacked all at once, and their weapons were also quite powerful. But if I keep a close eye and take timely evasive actions whenever they fire their high-powered ballistic weaponry, I’d be fine. Their laser cannons can’t even penetrate my shield, so they’re practically no threat. The light cruiser model that came out at the end was decently strong. Still, actual pvp is harder than this. In the end, even this doesn’t mean anything to me.


“That’s a nice little warm up.”


“You can’t be serious, kid!?” the uncle cried out in exasperation. Huh? Was that actually the highest difficulty?


“Uh… Well. Damn. The test’s over, kid.”


“Roger that.”


That was easier than I thought. Shiro nodded in satisfaction as if saying “that’s only expected.” But the octopus uncle was sweating heavily.

“I guess… next up is the physical test.”

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