A Loli’s Space Odyssey

29 – Rose

"Now then, Kitty, we have reviewed the technical aspects, but let's go over the details one more time. I will have you handle both radar observation and the comms.” (Rose)


“Understood!” (Kitty)


“What’s the job of a radar observer?”


“Keep track of the movements of both friendly and enemy ships displayed on the radar and alert the pilot whenever danger presents itself.”


“That’s right. How about the comms officer?”


“Yes. Intercepting enemy communications, collecting info and responding to communications sent by allies to this ship.”

"Looks like you’re good to go."


Rose was currently trying to find a job for Kitty to do. As the overseer it fell on her shoulders to assign and train new cadets. Of course, combat training would be included as well, but at a later time.


"Rose, you really are amazing."


"It's only natural. We all are striving to do our best for ojou-sama."


"You love her too, huh? I can tell. But it's not just love I'm sensing."


"It's called loyalty. You might not be aware, but ojou-sama changed our lives for the better. We each have our own stories that would have ended differently without her in our lives."


"I see. I can relate to that. After all, without her I would still be stuck on Prison Planet. So what's your story?"


"Are you sure you want to hear it?"


"Yes, please."


"Alright, but it's not a pleasant one. I came from a small village, from a planet called Ingwin. It is probably a planet 5 times smaller than Eleanor. Life there was harsh.


I was a happy child and my parents loved me from the bottom of their heart. 


I grew up happily in a normal household on the 2nd Block. But one day, all the related personnel responsible for maintaining the colony’s oxygen plant died in an accident – including my parents.


Somehow, my parents ended up taking all the blame for the said accident, and almost all of their properties were confiscated. Even until now I don't know if this is true or false. I was only 6 years old when it all happened.


Without any proper source of income, I was expelled to the 3rd Block due to my inability to pay taxes in order to stay in the 2nd Block. And as you can expect… the 3rd Block was not pleasant at all.


It was an area of this colony ruled by violence and vice. I was thrown out into such a place.


I’ve heard of the rumors regarding what happens to women thrown here from the 2nd Block. After being caught by bad men, they are made into prostitutes and forced to sell their bodies to customers until the drugs they are made to take crippled them and made them useless. 


Once that happens, they are mercilessly thrown back into the dirty alleyways to fend for themselves."


"For real? Isn't there a safety net? I mean for a child…"


"There wasn't such a thing. What can a child achieve? Regardless of how much I was beaten up, I still wanted to live. Most would have wanted to just kill themselves, but I wanted to live.


So I hid in alleys and lived on scraps. But I only lasted a month until I was caught by some men. They were perplexed. Someone without PA can't be useful for labor duty and the typical drugs they used would just straight off kill me."


"Rose, now that you mention that, do you really not possess a PA pool?"


"Don't be silly. Maybe I worded it wrong. Every living organism has a PA pool. However I am simply unable to use any form of PA. 


That being said, I'll cut the story short. They found no value in me as a prostitute or a slave. So they decided to simply beat me up and eventually bury me alive. Even until my last moments, I wanted to live and screamed desperately for help. 


Until finally… all the men were killed. I never realized that back then what happened. But it was ojou-sama. I never inquired what she was doing there at that time. 


But one thing I will never forget is her hand. "Your will to live. I like it. The spark in your eyes can be nurtured into a beautiful flame. You say you want to live? Then take my hand."


And that's exactly what I did. Ever since then, I was given a proper education that I never dreamed about. I worked hard because now, besides living, I found a reason to live for. For ojou-sama. Under her I learned reading and writing, manners, math and so much more.


And eventually… she even called in a favor on my behalf. An old man taught me how to fight. The Flowing Water Rock Shattering Martial Art."


"Wha..!? I heard of that. Many people from prison planet claimed they knew it but they were all lies. Isn't that martial art just a legend?"


"It's real. Even if I can't use PA I can channel my pool and now my physical abilities are superhuman to the point that I can even face blasters. All this… is all thanks to ojou-sama. I became a better person because of her, so if I can do anything to lessen her burden, even if it means being an overseer, handling a mountain of workload or paperwork, I will do it."




"That's such a sad but beautiful story at the same time."


"Don't go soft on me now, Kitty. The past is the past. It shaped me into what I am now. And this life that I clinged onto, I will happily give it to ojou-sama if needed. Life with her was bliss. And it still is. You see, Kitty, it's not just me.


Each and everyone aboard owns ojou-sama in some way. They each have their reasons for being at her side, but don't mistake it for gratitude. We aren't doing this just to repay ojou-sama. We genuinely love her. Being near her helps us also grow as people. It's a wonderful feeling."


"Fufu. You have a cute smile, Rose."


"Telling your senior that she is cute is rude. But I 'll let it slide. Anyway, enough storytelling. Back to work, young lady. We still have a lot of groundwork to cover."


"Yes, ma'am!"

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