A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 1004

Vol 7 Chapter 68: Harry: The Half-Blood Prince Is My Dad? !

The divination classroom burned for twenty minutes before being put out.

This really does not blame William’s ineffective rescue.

In order to make it unique, Professor Trelawney built the room in the air, and only a narrow retractable staircase can enter it.

After the three escaped from the classroom, the stairs failed, could not be extended, and the entrance was blocked.

There is also a large inventory of her sixteen years accumulated in the room:

Long-haired tea, hundreds of kilograms; boxes of homework, seven bags; all kinds of miscellaneous flammable daily necessities.

The most terrifying thing is that the room also stores a lot of liquid grenades all year round – sherry.

This thing caused a serious secondary explosion.

As a result, the whole room was like a time bomb, which was finally detonated completely because of a spark.

The loud noise shocked the entire Hogwarts students.

Everyone thought it was the Death Eaters who came to the door, only to find out that it was a major teaching accident.

So far, no one has thought of Trelawney.

After all, this is just a divination class, and we’re not working on a nuclear power plant. How could it explode?

The only places where the whole school was most likely to explode were the potions cauldrons, and Muggle research.

The explosion occurred in the north tower, and the potions class was directly ruled out.

The Muggle Studies classroom happens to be here, and everyone thinks Professor Bubagi’s experiment went awry.

In the first week of school, he claimed that he would teach young wizards to make Muggle lightsabers for self-defense.

It is said that this thing works better than a wand.

Before, he also taught everyone to make Dyson spheres, prism towers and weather controllers.

Anyway, this group of little wizards were stunned for a moment.

After graduating from Clayton University, this guy probably worked for a while at the Muggle Strategic Intimidation Bureau.

At noon, the little wizards learned that the explosion came from the divination classroom.

Trelawney’s former true fans have organized a group to visit her in an attempt to get first-hand information.

Trelawney took Lavender’s hand and told her:

“When I looked at the future with my third eye, I saw great terror.

I tried to change history, but I was attacked by the lower reaches of time…”

This is Trelawney.

She must have worked at the Wizarding Tactical Fudge, specifically for Professor Bubbaji.

However, Trelawney, who has crossed the river of time, has already been admitted to the campus.

Although I was not injured, I was very tired.

Professor McGonagall also visited her and said that she would be paid as usual to allow her to recover from her illness.

The room was ruined, but Professor McGonagall was very happy. He wanted to clean the divination classroom for a long time, and now he finally had the chance.

She did not hand over the follow-up cleaning to the house-elves.

Even if a lot of homework is assigned, it can’t stop the students from gossip, and spread all kinds of rumors, just to find something to do for them.

So, another rumor began to spread. I don’t know who passed it on. It is said that Trelawney left a sentence before being hospitalized:

“Do you want my treasure? If you want, I can give it to you. Find it out. My gold is all in the divination classroom!”

In the Quidditch World Cup last year, the Big Three, William, McGonagall and Trelawney, won a lot of Galleons.

This is a well-known thing.

They wondered, if Trelawney could splurge, there should still be a lot of gold left?

So, everyone believed the rumor.

A group of students rushed into the severely damaged divination classroom and cleaned every corner of the room thoroughly.

Thus began the era of the great witch thief.

Professor McGonagall found this trick to be quite useful.

It just so happened that Pomona complained all day long that no one was loosening the soil in the greenhouse… Those lovely magical plants lived in a poor environment.

Next time she can pretend to drop a diamond and drop it in the soil of the greenhouse.

The students are sure to be enthusiastic about loosening the soil.

After Trelawney was hospitalized, her courses were not transferred to Firenze.

Several professors agreed that now is the age of war, so don’t take so many useless classes.

Like Professor Flitwick.

During the summer vacation, I went to the Codos Dorez Magic School next door to learn advanced teaching experience.

He found that the “physical education class” over there, or other miscellaneous and unimportant classes, the teacher often fell ill.

Snape could no longer agree.

He believes that in recent years, due to the laissez-faire of some incompetent principals, more incompetent teachers have mixed into the teaching team.

The level of students in Defense Against the Dark Arts is now well below the international average.

More classes are required.

For example, you can compress the ancient runes and give them defense against the dark magic.

William quarreled with him on the spot.

Snape was just a small acting teacher, and he dared to be presumptuous in front of his noble professor.

In mid-October, the trip to Hogsmeade, which has been pushed again and again, finally got its opening.

Due to the increasingly severe domestic situation, coupled with the attack on the express train, the Ministry of Magic’s Department of Education means:

The school was directly closed for a year and a half.

Students can still accept the closure for a week or two, and now they are going to be closed until Christmas, who can bear it?

What’s more, if even Hogsmeade is dangerous, there is really no safe place in the UK.

So I don’t know who it was, at first in the dormitory, shouting to “unblock”, and then the slogan quickly spread to the whole school.

The last time it was so noisy was on Valentine’s Day, when the little wizards sang the single love song of the vampire singer-Loken Deis.

This song is deeply loved by single dogs and has been at the top of the music charts for n consecutive weeks.

Dumbledore also believed that the vicinity of the school was safe enough, and there was no need to keep students locked up in this way, as if they were in prison.

Only then can the first trip to Hogsmeade be allowed.

In the morning, a strong wind blew outside, and the weather suddenly turned cold.

Filch is one of those who are firmly opposed to opening up.

So he stood at the oak gate, his eyes warily checking the names of the students who were allowed to go to Hogsmeade.

This time the inspection was more discreet, with Filch holding his spy device and testing everyone over and over again.

William and Hermione, wrapped in couple scarves, stood there waiting for the security check.

Annie, Luna, and Qiu are chatting by the side. The Akali Mystery Shop has opened in Hogsmeade, and they want to take a look.

Cedric will also come, and Qiu hasn’t seen him for a month, just to be gentle.

Harry stood a little further away, holding the book “Advanced Potions Making” in his hand, as if he was reading, but he couldn’t help but glance at Qiu.

He pondered for a long time what was the difference between him and Cedric.

Both were Quidditch masters and both played Seeker.

One king of Sanya, one king of Liangya… half a catty and eight taels.

In terms of appearance…Harry thinks he is good at it.

But Ron told him he was handsomer and more manly.

Harry believed… so he was slightly better.

The only difference, then, is academic performance.

Harry is now creating the temperament of a scholar, trying to attract Qiu’s attention.

He has indeed become a “pseudo-scholar” in the potions class recently.

Anyway, relying on the Half-Blood Prince’s hints and shortcuts – Harry’s potion level has risen a lot.

It’s a pity that with Hermione there, all the accolades for Slughorn are hers.

Others are so unremarkable in comparison.

So, Harry is working **** the book while investigating Erin Prince.

Trying to get Slughorn to notice him too ~www.readwn.com~ so that he can complete the task Dumbledore gave him.

Harry also really liked the book.

Because of the blank space in the book, many creative little curses and little magics were randomly memorized.

Judging from the scribbled handwriting, Harry concluded that these things were invented by the prince himself.

What excited Harry the most was that he suddenly discovered several spells that his father had used when he was watching his memories.

He checked the books, and Potter’s ancestors had been married to the Princes.

Could it be that the Half-Blood Prince is… his father? !

(Thanks to “Deep Sea Turtle”, “The Man Under the Moon is Dead”, and “Empty Zhi Qian” for their rewards.)

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