A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 1010

Vol 7 Chapter 74: Malfoy Who Wants To Be The Golden Snitch

Compared to Slytherin’s rookie chicken, Gryffindor’s problem is mainly the absence of players.

After the captain Angelina and the twins left the team, the lion cubs became an optimistic family.

Optimistic, they insisted that, under Harry’s leadership, let’s not talk about entering the finals, let’s fight for second place, right?

But by coincidence, Katie was injured at this time.

She won’t be out of the hospital anytime soon, which means the Gryffindor Quidditch team is missing a Chaser.

He is still a veteran who has played for six years and is experienced as a ballast stone in the locker room.

Harry, the new captain, felt that it was too difficult.

He didn’t want to find someone to replace Katie, and wanted to wait for her to come back, but he asked William and got a bad news:

Katie will be out for nine to 10 weeks and won’t be back at least until after Christmas.

In such a difficult situation, Harry really wanted to take sick leave too. Like a groin strain.

As the first game approached, at several urgings from Professor McGonagall, he finally had to accept that Katie couldn’t come back.

So the question is, in a temporary situation, who is going to be the scapegoat… ahhh, Chaser? !

Harry’s mouth was bubbling with anxiety every day, and he didn’t want to lose his first game as captain.

Still lose to Slytherin!

After a wave of repeated measures, Harry decided to choose roommate Dean to join the team and temporarily serve as the Chaser.

This is undoubtedly a controversial choice, especially if you let your roommate join the team without going through a second selection.

Kind of like a py transaction.

For a while, there were rumors at Hogwarts that Potter liked Dean and wanted to play couple Quidditch.

If the pressure of public opinion is too great, Harry also offended another roommate, Seamus, and his good friend, Ron.

Needless to say, Seamus, he and Dean participated in the selection of Chaser together and were brushed down at the same time.

Although I felt uncomfortable at first, but one piece was brushed, I can accept it.

The two also had a comfort meal. When they returned to the dormitory in the evening, Seamus was still comforting Dean on the bed, so that he didn’t have to be too sad.

And then… Dean was re-recorded.

How can Seamus accept this? !

Worst of all was Ron.

He thought he was injured and he didn’t pick a goalie, otherwise McLaggen wouldn’t have had a chance.

Now there is a shortage of Chaser. Although he has never played this position, his family is all Quidditch masters.

With such a family background, even if we have never eaten dragon meat, have we seen Long Fei?

Not better than those stinky fish and rotten shrimp?

Ron regarded himself as the omnipotent pentagon, and waited for Harry to find him, patted his shoulder, and asked:

“Hey Ron, do you want to play Brother Quidditch with me?”

Ron waited during the day, waited at night, waited for get out of class, waited after class… I didn’t expect to wait until the end, Harry chose Dean!

What bothered Ron the most was that, for him and Harry, people outside called them both “iron dudes”.

Harry didn’t pick him… this friend can’t do it!

Harry, who was involved, was also in pain.

In the past, he only saw Dean and Ginny show their affection when they were eating, but now they show it even during training.

Duxiu’s scalp was numb, and he felt like he was losing his hair.

He suddenly understood why Professor Snape didn’t like to wash his hair.

Has he also been shown affection?

Good news soon came to Gryffindor, however.

During scrims, Slytherin Chaser Vasai was hit in the head by a Bludger and had to miss two weeks.

Crucially, Malfoy also called in sick.

The originally clear situation turned upside down again, no wonder the two teams were scolded as doomsday for gambling dogs.


The opener has finally begun.

Early in the morning, the arena was full of people, and the stands were full of students.

The host was also replaced by a tall and thin boy with yellow hair and a flat nose.

The host is Hufflepuff’s Zacharis Smith, but he’s on a temporary basis.

This position is not easy to find…you have to be able to control the scene, understand the rhetoric, have passion, and be impartial when explaining.

Most importantly, you need to be embarrassed.

Once there was a game that was suspended for four hours in the middle.

It was only by relying on the host, chatting embarrassingly over and over again, and even talking about his bed-wetting when he was a child, that he survived the scene.

As for Li, in addition to being biased when explaining, he likes to make extra money and advertise to people, he likes to swear, he can also play a rhythm, and he has a player mentality… In addition, he is also a good host.

This semester, Professor McGonagall also interviewed many students for this position.

Smith just came to preside over a game, as an inspection.

Holding the magic microphone, he shouted:

“I think everyone will breathe a sigh of relief seeing the team Porter has put together this term.

Goalkeeper Ron Weasley had a terrible last term, and his various classic mealtime maneuvers are still fresh in our memory.

Now finally being kicked out by Potter.

I thought he could rely on a close personal relationship with the captain to get into the team.

Although he’s been saying that lately, saying that he and Potter wear a pair of underwear.

But obviously, Potter still has some sense…”

Pay attention to the public account

These remarks won jeers and applause from the Slytherins on the other side of the pitch.

Harry glared at Smith too, trying to throw the Quaffle in his face.

Smith raised his hand and cheered: “Slytherin’s Malfoy is also on leave, it is said that his stomach is uncomfortable.

But I think his leave is a very wise choice.

Because a technical data shows that:

In the three years he has played against Porter, he has only won nine out of twenty-eight games, and he can be said to be Porter’s own son.

Of course, Malfoy had an exaggerated total defeat against Ravenclaw led by Stark.

Malfoy is completely a series of Stark’s grandsons, and I would like to call his performance a “historical” disorder! ”

All the students laughed.

Professor McGonagall frowned, this Smith has been passed by her.

But who is the next candidate?

Well, it’s Luna Lovegood…and it doesn’t look very reliable.

The students were still laughing, and Mrs. Hooch had released the Quaffle.

“The captains of the two sides shook hands and rode on the broom. Listen to my whistle…three…two…one…”

As soon as the whistle blew, all the players kicked **** the frozen ground and rose into the air.

hallway on the eighth floor,

Listening to the host’s words, Malfoy was surprisingly not angry.

Maybe he was afraid of being found out, or maybe the sun was too dazzling, he quietly leaned against the wall beside the window, secretly watching the Quidditch game.

How he wished that he could now ride a broomstick and fly freely on the field like a bird.

Instead of the current situation, like a mouse falling into a snake’s den, there is a danger of being swallowed at any time.


Can not go back.

He clenched his left arm tightly.

When he was marked by the Dark Lord that day and became a Death Eater, he knew…

Never go back to the carefree life of the past.

Malfoy felt the cowardly tears flow down the corner of his eyes again.

He hated it, but didn’t rub it.

Because only when there is no one like this, he is not afraid to expose his feelings, and cry if he wants to!

Killing Dumbledore and Stark… The Dark Lord gave him an unsolvable task at all.

I want to send him to death!

But what can he do? !

If he didn’t agree to become a Death Eater, his mother might have died at Malfoy Manor that day.

Malfoy didn’t want to be a good guy, but he didn’t want to be a downright bad guy either.

He just wanted to be a heartless dick, a young master of the Malfoys, and have nothing to do with Potter, and then send money to the Akali store…

But in front of the Dark Lord~www.readwn.com~ he has no choice!

Malfoy gritted his teeth, cold tears falling into his mouth.

He burst into tears, unable to plead:

“Merlin, turn me into a golden snitch, fly as far as possible…”

Just then, a hand reached out and patted his left arm lightly.

There is the location of the Dark Mark.

A mellow, familiar voice resounded in my ears:

“Draco, even if you become the Golden Snitch, sooner or later you will be caught in the palm of your hand by the Seeker, and you won’t be able to escape…”

At this moment, Malfoy’s lips trembled and his body stiffened.

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