A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 1014

Vol 7 Chapter 77: We’Re Fighting For Wizarding Freedom

Looking at the excited faces in front of him, the corners of Tom’s mouth evoked a beautiful arc.

It has also been three years since he came to the United States, and he has an in-depth understanding of the country’s social formation and the living conditions of wizards.

Although it has the same origin and origin as Daheng, it is actually a traitor who inherits most of the family property and in turn hangs and beats his father.

There are great differences between the two countries in terms of mentality and spiritual outlook.

Britain is like the Chadley artillery team, the old giants, more brilliant in the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.

Now that I’m getting old, I can’t eat.

But in his bones, he still retains that kind of “gentleman” who has a high self-esteem and is always a veteran aristocrat.

This kind of mentality is also beneficial. For example, the contradiction between wizards and Muggles is not so acute, and the governments of the two sides also get along unexpectedly.

Even the Empress had drunk Slughorn’s elixir of life and kept fucking.

So Voldemort’s pure-bloodism, even many pure-blood families, did not support him.

The United States is very different.

The Soviet Union has just disintegrated a few years ago, and the outside world’s confidants have disappeared.

The United States, which is firmly seated on the first throne, is the first in the true sense.

As a result, the mentality of the kingdom of the heavens came into being.

And behind this kind of fire cooking oil and flowers and brocade, there are sharp social contradictions.

The Muggle government can finally free up its hands to deal with such a small group of wizards hiding in the dark in the country.

Coupled with the help of the two or five young men of the purge, it really intensified the conflict.

As far as Tom observes, the American wizarding world, the current social contradictions:

It has been transformed from the contradiction between the growing material and cultural needs of wizards and the backward productive forces to… the contradiction between wizards and Muggleism and purger terrorism.

Occasionally there is the International Federation of Wizards, pointing fingers and remote control.

Three big mountains, a long way to go.

And this contradiction is embodied in the huge gap between the rich and the poor, and the shamans are marginalized and hunted by the purgers.

The fuse was the silent incident in New York in July.

If it weren’t for “Targaryen” to turn the tide, the wizarding war in the United States would probably have broken out now.

Therefore, it is not without reason that Tom can attract the recognition of many young wizards when he speaks.

He just hits the point and focuses on current affairs.

And this set of rhetoric is also suitable for this group of wizard prison guards with meager wages in the prison.

This is also the reason why every guard can be bewitched by him!

The same group of wizards who looked like believers in front of them had been completely brainwashed by Tom.

As a master speaker, after a profound analysis of social contradictions, he put forward the truth tonight… “The poorer the wizards, the richer the Muggles”.

Finally, he pointed out the pitch-black window, facing the crowd, and said loudly:

“Have you seen those desolate mountains? This place where even the Magic Congress is unwilling to come, is the place where you have been working.

And tonight, it’s Halloween, you can only stay here and work overtime! ”

Tom stood up, pointed casually to a wizard, and asked:

“What’s your monthly salary?”

The man said with red eyes: “Seventy Galleons…”

Tom spat and sneered:

“It’s only 70 Galleons a month, or $513 in US dollars.

In the Muggle world, you can make more money than you can find anywhere to move bricks or brush dishes! ”

The wizards looked at each other and muttered in disbelief.

“Wizards have great power, why are they so much less paid than Muggles?” Tom asked.

“That’s because they occupy a lot of living space. Those spaces should belong to wizards, and belong to your descendants.”

Everyone got angry.

Tom saw that everyone’s emotions were boiling, and he hissed.

Parseltongue… In the awe of the wizards, out of nowhere, a horned water snake slipped out of the corner.

It kept sticking out of the core, then opened its mouth and spat out a wand.

Tom dared to enter the prison, of course, he had made all preparations and could escape at any time.

He picked up the wand and played with it in his hand, obviously a criminal, but none of the prison guards thought it was unreasonable.

Tom said softly:

“Muggles, occupy the best areas, the most prosperous cities.

Items in those luxury stores will not come to your pockets without zero yuan purchases. ”

He suddenly raised his wand, smiled and said:

“But we have this thing, see this thing?

It’s called a magic wand, and I’ll tell you a little secret about it:

We can use it, kill muggles, control them, get their possessions… easy. ”

Someone showed a look of fear, and seemed reluctant to kill.

But Tom continued to bewitched:

“In this world, being a poor person is not honorable, and being a poor person with great power is even more rubbish.

I have been rich and poor, and every time I choose to be a personal master.

Because at least on Halloween, at Christmas time, I can be at home and spend leisurely time with my family.

If anyone thinks I’m shallow and cruel, just stay here.

Be a guard in this wizarding prison, this is where you belong. ”

Tom looked around, his eyes twinkling:

“But before you leave this room full of winners, before you report me to the Magical Congress, I want you to take a good look at the people around you.

In the near future,

When you are still holding the poor dozens of Galleons, can’t afford a Firebolt for your child, and even hesitate for a long time because of his new robe…

The wizards around you who follow me staunchly, have ruled over Muggles, enjoyed a great deal of wealth, and gained their living space. ”

Tom’s loud voice echoed in the room:

“Even those red necks can enjoy a lot of farms.

Even those **** dare to march for their rights.

Why can’t we wizards, why must we hide like dogs? ”

“We don’t kill to kill.

Because power is never given from top to bottom, but earned by oneself.

All I want is freedom for wizards!

for freedom! ”

All looked fervently at the young wizard, imagining the vision he had described.

In that not-so-distant future, wizards are all human beings.

Tom finally waved his arm and said:

“Go, release all the prisoners, go to the Muggles, get back… your own!”

He raised his wand, and the cell door burst open in red light.

In the warden’s room, Magellan was having diarrhea when he heard the alarm system suddenly sounded.

Startled, he hurriedly pulled up his pants and walked outside.

Through the window, he saw that the prison was full of fire, and many prisoners ran out and were fighting the Aurors.

He took out his wand~www.readwn.com~ and was about to rush out, but his body froze. It turned out that someone behind him was holding him with a wand.

“Kill him!” Tom said coldly in Parseltongue.

With a terrifying scream, the long-horned water snake raised its head high, and its fangs pierced Magellan’s neck.

He fell to the ground with a limp on his knees, his face turned pale, and his blue eyes widened.

Tom gently stroked the snake, which is unique to North America, and smiled happily.

He took the initiative to let “Talgarian” arrest him and put him in prison. In addition to gaining reputation and successfully entering the last high-level of the purgers…

It is because the prehistoric mysteries left by Slytherin are in this prison.

That power… he was about to get it.

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