A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 1018

Vol 7 Chapter 80:

“A long time ago, there were very few human beings in a wild land, surrounded by virgin forests and ferocious creatures.

In the center of the forest, there is a special existence, wandering in the scattered mountains every day, running in the lush rainforest full of colorful and exotic plants…”

In the dark, sitting on a silly wooden sculpture of a long-horned water snake, Barblin began to tell William a little story.

She was in a very good mood today, probably because she didn’t have to go to class and left it all to William, so she was extra patient.

However, before she spoke, William began to intervene tactically.

“Wait a minute, this story seems familiar to me…” William felt familiar, and this was not incomprehensible.

Even the “existence” in the story has several possibilities in his heart:

First, it may be Tarzan;

Second, it could be Avatar.

Third, it could be the little guy from Skull Island…King Kong.

“William, you know about Aesop Isser’s past? No?” Babbling squinted at him suspiciously.

This is a secret that she only knew after three years in Ilvermorny, after checking a lot of information and asking about a lot of ghosts and portraits!

Hearing the story of the founder of Ilvermorny, William quickly said:

“That’s fine, I said casually, you continue.”

“In short, Aesop has encountered many dangers in the forest, and she has solved them all.” Babelin continued.

“But one day, she dreamed of a white snake…”

“Wait a minute, I feel familiar again.” William interrupted again.

In this story, shouldn’t she be learning from Xu Xian’s saying of snakes… Ah bah, save a little white snake, right?

Hold back, absolutely can’t complain.

The successive interruptions obviously disturbed the rhythm of Grandma Babuling and suppressed her spirit of popular science, which meant that it would ignite her spirit of anger.

“So, are you still listening to this matter?!”

Babelin clenched her fists, feeling the unkindness in her eyes, William said decisively from his heart:

“You keep going…”

“I’m old?!” Ba Nu glanced at William with a dangerous look.

Babrin was indeed eighteen forever, so young that she even looked the same age as William.

But that doesn’t deny her grandma-grandma-level age.

Older women have a common problem: hate age-related words.

Even if it is only in his early twenties, it means that he is in the third year, and he is no longer a tender eighteen-year-old!

And Ba Nui is estimated to be almost 300 people, it is extremely taboo.

When William realized that he had said something wrong, he shook his head and immediately waved:

“No… I mean, Ba Na… Auntie, elder sister… you continue.”

Babelin finally regained her patience, and continued:

“Aesop Searle had a dream, she dreamed of a horned water snake.

The long-horned water snake emerged from the water and bowed its head to Aesop, letting her cut off part of the horn.

After Aesop woke up, he went to the river, found the water snake, and lowered his head like in a dream.

She shaved off a portion of the horn to create a wand with supernatural water snake horns. ”

This story is a collection of key words such as the friendship between humans and snakes, the white snake falling into a dream, repaying kindness, a stubborn stick…etc.

These words alone, in LSP’s mind, are estimated to create a four-hour R-rated film.

As a professional interjection team, William raised his question at the right time:

“What does this have to do with us stealing the long-horned water-wood carvings used in the branch?”

Eulalie Hicks was Dumbledore’s best friend, and he fought against Grindelwald together.

Even when Babbling came to Ilvermorny, it was Dumbledore who went through the back door of Principal Hicks.

Now let’s take advantage of the chaos and steal important cultural relics from other people’s schools. This is not very kind, is it?

“William, we’re not stealing, we’re just borrowing, you have to savor the nuances!”

Babu Ling first made an excuse for herself, then coughed and continued:

“Anyway, this is a wood carving made by Aesop. It can help us find the long-horned water snake.”

But here comes the problem…

“Why are we looking for it?” William was not afraid of being bitten by a vampire, and continued to play his role as a gangster.

“Only by finding the long-horned water snake can we find out where the root of the snakewood is.” Babelin explained:

“The snake tree blooms, the flower withers and the tree dies.

After those flowers wither, the snakewood dies. Only by finding the root can it be cut down and get Slytherin’s snakewood staff. ”

That year, Aesop Thirl stole the wand of her aunt Gormley Gaunt before leaving England.

That wand was Slytherin’s wand.

Aesop was finally buried in the ground, and a year later, a snake tree grew in that place.

No matter how the wizards cut it, they couldn’t cut it down because the roots were too deep.

Only by finding the root can the snakewood be obtained in its entirety, and then reverted back to Slytherin’s wand.

Babbling looked at the moonlight and whispered:

“According to my investigation, Aesop buried a wand made of water snake horn beside the snake wood before he died.

The long-horned water snake definitely dreamed of it on purpose, and then gave the horn to Aesop.

This way it can follow its horns to find the roots of the snakewood.

This is a wood carving made by Aesop, and the snake is sure to be found.

Over the centuries, it is estimated that it has dug a channel to reach the root. ”

William nodded. It seems that Babelin has indeed done a lot of research in the past three years.

It is indeed necessary for them to find the root of the snake wood in advance.

Because Nico needs this snake wooden staff to unlock the alchemy book.

Tom needs it too.

Because although he was resurrected, he and Voldemort are still in a symbiosis state with Horcruxes.

Neither could kill completely.

Only this Slytherin wand can unlock the state of that Horcrux symbiosis.

So, in the end, it must be for Tom. Otherwise, there is no way to kill him and Voldemort.

And with his wisdom, once he takes the wand, there is little chance of trying to get it back.

Better to get it first and then to Tom.

As the woodcarving continued to swim towards a large river, William asked:

“Professor, why are you looking for it tonight?

Don’t you worry, does Tom get the prehistoric meaning left by Slytherin? ”

William felt that the power of the Appalachian prison was more important than the search for the water snake wood.

Babbling smiled softly:

“That’s fake, Tom’s in the wrong place.”

William snorted and said in surprise, “Fake?”

“Yes, I also went to the Appalachian Prison to investigate.” Babu Ling rubbed her neck, the lapis lazuli amulet – the pattern on it was a snake wrapped around a scepter.

“I didn’t feel the slightest power fluctuation of prehistoric mysteries~www.readwn.com~ Babu Ling lay with her head up, her plump **** trembled, and she smiled with a unique voice:

“So, Tom is in the wrong place. Can he get everything just by relying on the so-called Slytherin notes?”

Under the moonlight, William heard her say:

“It’s too deep in there for Tom to be sure.”

William gave her a meow.

Your unexpected meaning, you are big, so you can grasp it?

Well, Professor Babu Ling used Targaryen’s fake identity to deceive Tom… It’s really a bit of a Panga friendship.

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