A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 1032

Vol 7 Chapter 93: Bock Slurps Riddle, Tom The Rich Old Woman

Christmas is coming,

The weather is also getting worse.

For several days in a row, the snow was as heavy as a mat, whirling and dancing outside the window; the hail was like iron, beating on someone’s window.

In the common room and the auditorium, fires were burning brightly, but the draughty corridors were still piercingly cold.

In previous years, a large number of students had gathered outside the castle to have a snowball fight.

This year, I have stayed in the house honestly.

A hail the size of a sandbag, who dares to go out?

Only Hagrid!

As the second model worker at Hogwarts, he was alone early, dragging the cedar into the auditorium and dressing it up as a Christmas tree.

Why is it called the second model worker?

The first must be Professor Binns. After working for school health for a hundred years, he died and became a ghost. He was not spared and continued to work.

He gave so much to Hogwarts!

Hagrid dropped out of school in the third grade and was forced to become a child laborer. He worked for 50 years and worked three jobs in the school.

The second model worker is well deserved.

So, Hogwarts is really a sinful place.

Surrounded by forbidden forests, the living environment is harsh; the geographical location is remote, there is only a small village nearby, half an hour’s drive; every year, professors die, and accidents happen during holidays.

The school even squeezed ghosts, enslaved house-elves in large numbers, and illegally used child labor like William.

The evil magic old society.

Hogwarts is comparable to Gotham City, Los Santos, and Night City!

Then the question arises, if there is a traversal quota, only these four places can be selected.

And Hogwarts’ limited quota is still a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts…

Who should I choose?

This multiple-choice question is probably as outrageous as Snape and the mysterious man fell into the water at the same time, must save someone, who will you choose to save…

However, according to recent statistics, 58% of students are willing to save the mysterious man first.

This has a lot to do with Snape’s popularity, and more importantly, Rita’s new book is about to be released recently.

Since this time, she has participated in online interviews every month and released some biographical clips.

The most recent content has been written… Bock plans to sip Riddle, Tom’s old rich woman.

In short…it’s the male version of Pan Jinlian’s story:

Handsome little Tom entered the Borkin-Bock store after graduating, and one day when he was packing, his wand dropped and hit the rich old woman Hepzibah Smith on the head.

The old rich woman saw Tom, and under the bewitchment of Bock, she took him up.

In the end, Tom and Bock conspired to make a fortune, and a bowl of potion poisoned Hepziba Smith to death.

As soon as this report came out, Bock ran away with the train overnight.

He really wanted to **** Rita.

When did he introduce the rich woman to the Dark Lord, and when did he conspire with other people’s property?

Do you want to face!

He traveled far and wide, relying on his eyesight and skill to eat.

To slander him like this, in the circle of the black magic item flea market, he can’t raise his head!

Myrtle has been on fire lately, and schoolgirls have come to her to learn about the Dark Lord.

Rita’s storytelling ability is top-notch, and she gives full play to the writing style of the female author to shape the young Tom into a handsome and handsome image.

In short, it is right to write according to William’s template!

This made a lot of Tom fans suddenly appear in Hogwarts.

These love-minded female students are still secretly writing about time travel and talking about love with young Tom.

With Tom’s character, it is very likely that he will kill his sister to testify, so it should be enough to do the whole thing, right?

Why don’t you make my sister Lin and Voldemort a CP!

Rita’s repeated reports undoubtedly caused a great sensation.

The book, which was named the greatest biography of the twentieth century by the Daily Prophet before it even went on sale, sparked a pre-order frenzy.

Everyone was waiting, and on Christmas day, it was the first time to buy it.

But within the Death Eaters, it was a secret.

Everyone knows this book exists, but they don’t seem to know it.

Anyway, they have a good heart and are tight-lipped. It seemed as long as they didn’t say it, the Dark Lord wouldn’t know.

But Voldemort was not a caveman, he read newspapers, surfed occasionally, and kept abreast of current events.

When he was young, when he was still immature, he would even be idle and open a trumpet.

In those newspapers, some pure-blooded remarks were published in an attempt to export culture.

Of course, although he plays a trumpet, this Durant behavior is more often…

They were all rejected for publication with reactionary remarks, insulting war heroes (Dumbledore), and anti-social tendencies.

Therefore, he started directly afterwards, and he would not bb if he could.

Last year, for example, he saw someone in the New York Ghost write an article comparing him to Grindelwald.

That article considered him worthless, a far cry from the original Dark Lord.

Voldemort almost carried his wand, went to America, and killed that son of a bitch.

(Tom: Meow meow?)

At this moment, sitting in a chair, he was holding a copy of the Daily Prophet and squinting at it.

His face was expressionless, but the blue veins on his hands and his red eyes showed that he was not so calm, and even extremely angry.

He hated the mention of his past, so he abandoned the name Tom Riddle.

Now does anyone dare to write his biography?

This is provoking the great Dark Lord!

In front of him, there is also a long table, and everyone is on both sides.

The door creaked open and Snape pushed in.

After getting used to the dim light, his eyes were attracted by a strange scene above the long table:

A man who seemed to be delirious, hung his head down above the table, as if he was hanging by an invisible rope, slowly spinning.

“Snape,” said Voldemort’s high, clear voice. “Hurry up and sit down, I’ll wait for you alone.”

Snape hurriedly sat down not far from Voldemort.

“How?” Voldemort dropped the newspaper. “Is there a chance to start?”

“Master, the Ministry of Magic has arranged for a one-time Floo network connection so that the students can go home quickly and safely.” Snape replied humbly, bowing his head:

“This Christmas, Dumbledore gave up using the express train, and there should be no chance to start.”

“Looks like our August attack on the express train ~www.readwn.com~ has made them start to fear too.”

Sitting not far from Snape, a chubby man smiled smugly.

Several people at the long table also laughed.

But Voldemort did not laugh, but said coldly:

“Happy, Pete? If I remember correctly, you didn’t catch Slughorn in that attack.

Instead, he was blocked by Stark alone, and lost a lot of corpses and trolls. ”

Voldemort was also tainted with Snape’s taste, and said yin and yang strangely:

“Maybe we will die less this time, just because Dumbledore used the Floo network, so you **** have no chance to die!”

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