A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 1044

Vol 7 Chapter 104: Refine The Magic Stone! (Big

Standing by the river, William’s wand was pointed at the water.

The river slowly parted, revealing a huge step that stretched deep into the river bottom.

The two walked down the steps and quickly disappeared, and the separated water flow returned again, covering the passage.

This river is not the outermost river with the curse, but the inner river that surrounds the house.

There are also plenty of plump koi in the river, as well as other edible fish.

William was a regular Air Force though.

After all, as a 15th-level tycoon of a fishing bar in a previous life, in fact, except for fishing, he can do everything… This metaphysics should be respected.

As for why the two came here, of course they didn’t come to fish… And below, there is a laboratory for refining magic stones.

The refining of the magic stone requires a large area to store various cutting-edge instruments.

William was first placed in his own safety table.

But the failure of the experiment caused an explosion, and that powerful aftermath directly affected the stability of the Traceless Stretching Charm.

William didn’t want to destroy the safety watch, so he moved the laboratory to his home.

He was under the house and dug a basement.

Everything went very smoothly until one night, after William left the laboratory, he let the instrument run automatically.

He thought it was all right, but he didn’t expect the crucible to leak.

At that time, William and Hermione were doing double repairs, contacting a magical forbidden spell – “How to consume calories vigorously in a small space to achieve the effect of physical fitness”

After exercising for only half an hour, William, who was sweating slightly, was in the middle of climbing and wading, when he heard an explosion.

Yes, the crucible leaked, causing the explosion in the laboratory.

William, who was forcibly interrupted his spellcasting, was still frightened, although he did not suffer from the root cause of his failure.

Most importantly, a corner of his house collapsed and all the glass was shattered.

She made a mess of Hermione’s finely decorated house, and she was so angry that she kicked William out of bed.

He was also forced to lay the floor for half a month…

Since then, the laboratory has moved for the third time, to the depths of the river a little further away.

This time William made the most rigorous reinforcement to prevent problems.

Because Hermione grabbed his ear and said, if there is still a problem, don’t go to bed for half a year, just lay the floor…

Since then, William’s lab has had no problems.

Therefore, people do not know how much potential they have unless they push themselves!

Going down the steps and down 100 meters step by step, Nico continued to talk about the topic just now.

“Actually, the first little wizard I saw was not Lily, but Snape.

He has a strong talent for potions, but unfortunately, his mind is inclined towards Death Eaters.

Albus gave me a suggestion to reach out to Lily Evans. ”

William was amazed. He didn’t expect Professor Snape to miss such a big opportunity.

Therefore, becoming a Death Eater is probably the most regretful thing he has ever done in his life.

Not only did he miss out on childhood sweethearts, but he also lost the chance to make magic stones and gain longevity.

You said that if you lived for hundreds of years, wouldn’t you be able to dance on the grave of your mortal enemy James every 100 years?

How jolly is this?

Nico continued:

“Anyway, I started writing to Lily and taught her a lot about potions and alchemy.”

“Lily is really talented. She is the most talented witch I have seen in the past few decades, except Hermione.”

William nodded.

On this point, Professor Slughorn has praised it more than once.

Even in his mouth, Lily was better than Snape in potions.

William always thought it was Snape hiding his clumsiness. Unexpectedly, Nicole had also taught Lily a lot of things.

So the question is, why is Harry’s gap so big?

You have to say that there is a lack of education from a wizarding family, Lily is also a Muggle, and I don’t see how much talent Harry has inherited.

William suddenly remembered something and asked:

“The prehistoric profound art that Lily used was actually taught by you, right?”

“It’s me.” Nico sighed.

“I originally gave her that protection spell to let her use the power of love to build a strong defense in her own home to resist the invasion of Voldemort.”

That prehistoric mystery with the “power of love” at its core not only protects people, but can also be used as defensive magic.

“Although it will consume some life, the effect is very good, and there is no possibility of leakage.” Nico shook his head and said:

“Lily thinks the Faithful Loyalty Charm is enough, and in the end, before dying, she can only use the Protection Charm on her son at the cost of her life.”

Nico looked at William and sighed:

“After Lily died, I didn’t find a suitable candidate for years until you showed up.”

Without William, he really doesn’t know how many years it would take to cultivate another wizard who could make the Philosopher’s Stone.

The two walked slowly until they reached a door before pausing.

There is a sea eagle logo on the door. After seeing William, its wings will automatically open the door.

The room behind the door has soft lighting, red sandstone walls, and obsidian floors.

The room was square and spacious, but at this time it was full of various instruments.

It looks a lot like a computer room that filled several rooms decades ago.

These are the tools used to make the Philosopher’s Stone.

As the brightest pearl in the crown of alchemy, not everyone can make the magic stone.

Even if you get the refining method, it will not work.

Just like the atomic bomb, everyone can find the basic principles online, but why can’t other countries refine it?

Once the five rogue states are developed, it is one aspect to force “end-of-life concerns”. The most important thing is that in addition to uranium mines, a complete set of industrial bases are also required.

The same is true for the Philosopher’s Stone, which requires a set of high-precision alchemical instruments.

Without these, want to use a few magics, or some cauldrons, to make them out of thin air?

Who are you looking down on?

These high-precision instruments, William has been learning all these years.

All the instruments in this room were made by him.

In fact, the way Niko refines the Philosopher’s Stone is very different from the version originally provided by the Alchemy Book.

It became more convenient, more neglected the alchemist’s own craftsmanship, and began to pay more attention to the tools.

Not only the refining of the magic stone, but also many other alchemy items, he is working on simplification.

Therefore, wizards like him have the idea of pursuing immortality, but they don’t really want immortality.

Rather, it has a greater purpose, free from low taste.

To say what is the essential difference between him and other wizards:

The first is intellectual curiosity; the second is a variety of experiments and hands-on ability.

With these two abilities, Nico has been on the road of self-growth.

If he was given enough time, it is estimated that even if he couldn’t find the snakewood wand, he could make the Deathly Hallows himself.

This is not difficult, but should be classified as a “natural” thing.

For this kind of goal, what he needs is not strength, all he needs is a long life.

This is also the reason why he keeps refining the magic stone, but it is just to better understand the world and transform him.

So demand determines behavior and produces results. Nico’s longevity comes from his own needs.

After some disinfection, William ignited the incense potion used to purify the magic factor in the air.

Many laboratories require sterility and no static electricity.

Refining the Philosopher’s Stone is no exception.

It requires a harsh environment, and there is no magic magnetic field in the air.

Then, the two changed into pure white and flawless French-style work clothes, and finally sterilized with magic potion before entering the laboratory.

In the middle of the room, there is a golden cauldron in which a mass of liquid is being boiled.

The gas continued to escape, passed through the slender crystal test tube, fell into a cloud of nitrogen liquid, and after condensation, flowed into the delicate silver instrument.

Whenever the liquid entered, the instrument immediately went into operation, making a rhythmic jingle, like a wind chime colliding.

From the small silver tube at the top, wisps of light purple smoke spewed out, converging and lingering in the air.

A few wisps of light smoke turned into a steady stream of smoke that grew thicker and swirled in the air;

Finally, it cooled down and floated in mid-air, forming a small snowflake-like crystal.

This crucible has actually been boiled for half a year before accumulating a certain amount of crystals.

Rarely seems to be mining Bitcoin, once it is mined, it is very profitable.

And in this process, it is also extremely dangerous. Like nuclear physics research, some small problems may release huge energy at any time.

Therefore, the refiners who are not skilled must take the risk of being bombed to death.

During the time loop, William died many times because of improper operation.

This time Nico came over to guide him and watch him complete the last and most important step.

William took out a large amount of pink crystals and put it into another crucible.

After he stood still, he dropped the extracts of seventeen magic materials onto the crystals.

Those liquids dripped on the pink crystals and were absorbed directly without making any sound.

They were like hungry children, waiting to be fed by their mother, and William was the male mother.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the parchment floating in the air.

The content was already thoroughly familiar, but he couldn’t help but make the final confirmation.

This is Niko’s note, writing his steps and experience in brewing the Philosopher’s Stone.

It’s all written in runes, and contains a lot of alchemical symbols he invented.

The final control temperature is marked on the book and it says thirty-three.

If you naively think that you need to heat it to 33 degrees, then the laboratory may not be able to keep it.

Temperature is the most basic catalyst in alchemy, and it is generally not measured in Fahrenheit or Celsius.

Here Nico is using an older method of temperature measurement, created by the great alchemist Isaac Newton.

That’s right, when Nico was more than two hundred years old, the first student he trained was Newton.

Although Newton was a wizard in England, he never came to Hogwarts to go to school, but taught himself at home.

That era was very normal, and it was the era when the persecution of wizards was the most serious.

And Newton gave up science and turned to alchemy thanks to Nico.

While studying with Nicole, Newton invented and created a whole system of temperature measurements based on natural phenomena.

The temperature at which ice melts, the base point in Newton’s measurement, he calls ‘zero degrees’, and boiling water is 33 degrees.

Therefore, the thirty-three here in Nico refers to one hundred degrees Celsius.

Since it is necessary to maintain 100 degrees Celsius, the natural heating method with boiling water is the best.

The temperature can be easily controlled as long as the crucible is placed in boiling water.

William waved his wand and controlled the cauldron to fall into the gold wire mesh. Then, carefully dip the entire strainer into the boiling water.

He looked down at the submerged crucible. On the surface of the boiling water, warm air began to rise.

The sound of “呲呲” water transpiration is particularly remarkable. Countless materials are mixed together, showing a blue color because of the high temperature.

William waved his wand, and the liquid in the crucible faded from blue to light purple, and from light purple to reddish.

He started muttering, chanting complicated spells.

With every word, the wand made a complex wave, and light was continuously shot out, lingering in the room.

In the end, a total of thirteen magic tricks wrapped around the main crucible and fell into the water together.

The liquid became colder and colder at first, and then became scalding hot in an instant, but the water was hotter than that, so the speed was accelerated, and finally it showed an eerie golden color.

There is one last ingredient missing – vitality.

Whether it is a contractor, a wizard, or an alchemist, what you want to gain must be lost, and there is no need to be equivalent, but gains and losses must be exchanged.

At this moment, after chanting the spell, William gently took out a knife from the soft silk cushion.

With a silk cloth soaked in clean water, after wiping, make a cut on the arm.

The blood fell in the cauldron, and William became weak, as if a small part of his life had been taken away.

A large amount of white smoke suddenly emerged from the cauldron, with a strong breath of life and powerful magic fluctuations in it.

The smoke was getting bigger and bigger, obscuring the sight of William and Nicole.

With the rumbling roar, the crimson fire light illuminated the room, and a thick blue smoke rose up.

William narrowed his eyes and said unwillingly, “Failed?”

“No, it worked!” Nico was excited to disperse the smoke, and among the debris, a maroon stone, jumping and buzzing.

William walked over and held the small stone in his palm.

This was not the first time he had seen the Philosopher’s Stone. He had also seen the stone used for fishing and law enforcement back then.

There is magic power on it. Compared with this, it is like the life expectancy of an old man and a newborn boy.

The difference between Firefly and Haoyue!

“Drink this down~www.readwn.com~Niko took out the potion.

After William took it, he added several potions, and then drank it all in one gulp.

Headache sensations diminished, instantly refreshed.

William stretched out his hand to hold the Philosopher’s Stone, and felt a powerful magic force pouring into his body.

Only at this time did he realize that the magic power in his body was circulating, and his body was moistened, and it seemed to have endless power.

William realized he wanted a wand and suppressed the urge.

The Philosopher’s Stone’s constant lifespan also provides powerful magic.

At this moment, he missed Voldemort immensely.

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