A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 1048

Vol 7 Chapter 108: Right Here?

Harry is missing.

Without the slightest bit of precaution, and without the slightest concern, he just disappeared into everyone’s world…

William had just finished dinner when he received this news.

He came to the balcony, put down the reclining chair slowly, and after lying on it, he digested the news in a leisurely manner.

Missing people is a normal thing, and people go missing every day.

In William’s previous life, a classmate disappeared.

It didn’t appear until half a month later, and when we met again, he was already skinny, with heavy black eyes…

Only after inquiring did he find out that he was being taken care of by a rich woman, and he couldn’t stand it for a week, so he tried his best to escape.

Harry certainly couldn’t have been fostered, so his disappearance was worth pondering.

The first person to discover the case was Tonks, who was on a shift at Privet Drive.

But Mundungus was not found, and he turned to find that Harry was gone too.

Of course, this was not an acquaintance committing a crime. Although Mundungus was a **** and liked to steal chickens, cats and dogs, he was still loyal to Dumbledore.

Since people are lost, they must live to see people, and die to see corpses.

William mastered the intelligence system of the Order of the Phoenix, and under his orders, all the “little birds” were running at high speed.

He didn’t go out to look for it himself. When have you ever seen a leader working in person, you should just talk about it.

The work of running errands is naturally done by the wizards below.

And at the level of William, more need to sit in the center to conduct remote command and maintain contact with each intelligence staff.

In fact, he wasn’t too worried about Harry’s safety.

Because of Lily’s protective magic, Voldemort couldn’t get close to the “home” that Harry believed.

That is, near Privet Drive.

If the Death Eaters entered the house and attacked, there was no reason why there would not be a trace of fighting on the scene.

Harry’s uncle’s family will definitely not have the possibility of survival, and the dark mark will appear in the sky.

None of these signs, William prefers Harry to run away on his own.

After all, it wasn’t the first time he had done such a thing.

An old habitual offender.

Still, there were very few places Harry could go.

Neither the Black House nor the Burrow has him.


William was 70% sure that Harry had gone to Lily’s former home or Spider’s End to find the truth.

After all, during this period of time, Harry was busy exploring… “Mom’s Romance”, “That Professor and Mom Have an Unusual Relationship”, “Who Is My Black Hair Gene Inherited?” This involves love triangles, ethics, The hot topic of love.

Just then, the balcony door was suddenly opened, and there was a slight creaking sound.

William heard the sound and looked up, the corners of his mouth curled up.

Hermione, who had just cleaned up her dishes, came over with a thick wool blanket in her hand.

It’s January, and although it’s not snowing, it’s still cold.

However, William was not too cold, and he shook his head slightly.

“Niko said that you have finished refining the magic stone, and your body is very weak now.

Hermione involuntarily covered William with the blanket.

There is a kind of cold called “your girlfriend thinks you are cold”, and William finally felt it.

He has been really weak lately.

The refining of the magic stone consumes vitality.

This time down, it is no less than a fierce battle with Voldemort.

In William’s current state, at least before Easter, he can basically recover.

But if you really want to keep warm, the blanket is just as fun, and the human body heater is the most comfortable.

Soft, elastic, and the right temperature.

William remembered that when he was watching “The Ming Dynasty” in his previous life, when one of the richest man in the cabinet slept, there were two maids to warm the bed.

The feet are stretched out to the softest mysterious area for warmth.

This kind of evil old social life, of course William… did not yearn for it at all, he swore in Tom’s name.

But it didn’t stop him beckoning and inviting Hermione into the blanket, a piece of… snow.

Hermione glanced around, making sure that Anne’s little girl was not there, so she didn’t care.

She kicked her shoes, rolled over and threw herself on the extra-long recliner.

In fact, it is almost the same as the bed, and it is no problem to sleep with another girl.

Hermione pressed William under her body first, and then she was afraid that he would freeze, so she hurriedly rolled the blanket over her body.

Also carefully tucked the corners of the quilt.

William took Hermione in his arms, rested his chin on her head, grabbed her hand, and rubbed her.

“Why are your hands so hot?” Hermione was also surprised.

“Draining the magic power from the Philosopher’s Stone can make your body feel warm.”

William handed over the maroon stone.

After Hermione took it, she played with the Philosopher’s Stone carefully.

Nico did not take it away for the time being, but left after brewing the first batch of fresh elixir.

It was still during the war, and William needed this huge magic power to fight even more.

It’s just that at present, the only existing Philosopher’s Stone in the world is used by William and Hermione as a hand warmer, which is indeed a bit extravagant.

“Did it consume a lot of life?” Hermione felt more distressed about this.

Looking at the residual snow on the edge of the balcony, William comforted softly:

“It’s okay, when you’re about to die, just take the elixir, there’s a magic stone anyway.

Moreover, it is not that there is no way to replenish the lifespan. ”

“What method?” Hermione lay on William’s chest, looking at him curiously.

“Remember those nine Deathly Hallows?”

The girl nodded.

“There’s a cauldron: it can automatically brew any potion you want without the need for a wizard to do it!”

William said: “As long as you find this Deathly Hallows, you can get the potion that prolongs life.”

“Any clues?”

“Of course there is.” William smiled: “Dumbledore told me that the nine Deathly Hallows have all appeared in the school.

Still the Big Four era.

And Hufflepuff is not only a master chef, but also a top potion master.

Many of the existing precious potions, and the brewing steps, are all from her hands.

Including the elixir! ”

The real elixir requires the magic stone as a raw material.

But having a Philosopher’s Stone does not mean that this potion can be brewed.

The key is the cooking step.

Just like in the story of the three brothers, the boss who got the alchemy book successfully refined the magic stone.

But because there is no elixir of steps, and can not live.

How Hufflepuffs Invented the Steps to Brewing Elixir

If you have that cauldron, after you get the potion, you can indeed reverse the ingredients and steps.

This is not impossible for the top potion masters.

“If you can find that cauldron, you can also get the potion to keep you young!” Hermione exclaimed suddenly.

Her focus is relatively clear, or rather, it is a common concern of all girls.

William couldn’t help laughing and said, “You think so far, you are only seventeen years old.”

But if he did find the cauldron, along with the elixir of life, he and Hermione would have a long life while still staying young.

Isn’t this Nico’s ultimate pursuit?

Hermione curled up in his arms like a kitten, raised her face, and said plausibly:

“Men are big pigs’ hooves. I don’t want to become an old woman in a few decades and make you upset when you see me.”

William, who was innocently shot by the map, smiled embarrassingly.

Hermione narrowed her eyes and asked suddenly:

“Do you like Professor Babling? You’ve lived hundreds of years, and you’re still eighteen?”

For this kind of proposition, William shook his head firmly and said, “No! I only like you!”

Hermione rolled her eyes at him lightly, propped up half of her body with one hand, and said softly, “What makes me hurt?”

“Magic stone!”

“The stone is in my hand!” the girl said contemptuously.

“Oops… I don’t have the Philosopher’s Stone, no wonder my hands are a little cold.” William forcibly changed the subject.

“Then for you…”

Before the girl’s words were finished, he had slipped one hand into her neckline, holding a ball that was smooth and full, and his five fingers were slightly sunken.

Hermione fell into his arms~www.readwn.com~ resting on his arm, winking like silk, and a soft snort came from her nose.

“No, your body is weak…”

“Try it and you’ll know it’s true!”

Hermione’s body was soft, she raised her neck, her eyes blurred and said:

“Right here?”

William bit her earlobe lightly, and said viciously, “Otherwise!”

Her body trembled, and she was about to object, but in the end it only turned into a vibrato:


(Thanks to “a little fairy” for the reward)

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