A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 1055

Vol 7 Chapter 113: Talk Show Actress Luna

As an old man who has been in his twenties for six years, William was warmly cheered by the students when he entered the arena.

Whether you like Ravenclaw or hate William or not, there is still some respect for veterans.

William is also very face-saving, constantly waving his hand, enjoying the cheers.

Qiu followed behind, also very relaxed.

During this period of time, she really had enough of the captain’s addiction, but she was very tired.

After all, William is not on the court, and Ravenclaw is another team.

It’s really cool to be the captain, but you’re willing to stay with one team:

In a team with a full-level Karstark, defending three consecutive championships, and easily fried fish… as a Seeker?

Or would you rather be the captain of a mediocre team that fights everyone back and forth, and even gets slaughtered occasionally?

Of course, Qiu chose the former.

Well now, William is here, and victory is there!

Qiu is happy and happy, and she likes the fried golden poodle best.

Gryffindor’s team was soon on the field too.

Captain Harry walked at the forefront, his face determined and deep.

As long as this game is won, they have a chance to pass Hufflepuff and come second in points.

Is Harry confident? Have a fart confidence.

There is a full-level number William who is open on the opposite side. No one can have confidence in the face of such an opponent.

Even Autumn, Harry didn’t find it easy to deal with.

There have been too many fights, and both sides know the bottom line.

In addition, Harry sometimes sympathizes with fragrance and jade, and likes the gentleman’s style… It is even more impossible to overwhelm the autumn.

But Harry didn’t panic, he also relied on it after thinking about it for a while.

That is the strategic weapon – McLaggen.

Harry also understood why McLaggen’s physical condition was excellent and his skills were good, but he couldn’t make it to the Quidditch team in the past six years.

So troublesome.

He has injured four players in the past three games:

Two of their own, two enemy team members.

This is a typical strategic weapon that kills 1,000 enemies and self-injures 800!

But this kind of exchange is sometimes profitable.

For example, no matter who replaces William, it will make a lot of money.

Harry is looking forward to McLaggen, who can also play well today and knock William off the field.

Although he didn’t want to be so dirty, sometimes he couldn’t win, and out-of-the-box tricks were still very useful.

Iron elbows, piercing eyes, chasing eggs… these are the three most powerful Quidditch skills that Charlie taught him. .

Learning one can guarantee the top two. If you are proficient in a stunt, you can also go to the World Cup.

And William obviously practiced the iron elbow into the transformation realm.

Harry was thinking happily about the scene of William’s injury, his eyes glanced back unintentionally, and his face suddenly became ugly.

He saw Dean and Ginny, fingers clasped together, extremely intimate.

Dean also warmly said to Ginny:

“Ginny, Valentine’s Day is here, after this game, come with me to the Hogsmeade Love Hotel?

I’m there with the best Valentine’s Day gift for you. ”

Dean is a grown man and can’t wait to do something grown up.

Harry took a deep breath, forget it… the game can be lost, Dean has to die.

This game has to kick Dean out.

McLaggen must be good enough to reimburse Dean for the season.

Exactly, doesn’t it kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred? This “eight hundred” would be wonderful if it was Dean.

So Harry walked over to McLaggen, patted him on the shoulder, and encouraged:

“McLaggen, this game is up to you, let go, understand?”

“I know.” McLaggen snorted:

“I’ve said it before, Harry, you’re too soft, like a bitch.

If I were the captain of this team, I would have won the championship seven times in a row.

Of course, it’s not too late for you to hold my thigh tight now. ”

Minato, I gave you a face, and I put it on?

But Harry managed not to have a seizure, and after kicking Dean, he kicked the tool man out too.

As for whether or not to play Brother Quidditch with Ron, forget it.

The years were quiet, and Harry didn’t want to carry the burden.

Probably because of Harry’s ‘soft service”, McLaggen felt that he was the real talker of the team.

He took a crab step and suddenly ran towards the technical table.

He took out the magnesium powder from nowhere, and threw it towards the sky unexpectedly.

Domineering and not domineering will not be mentioned first, but this pollution of the air must be very serious.

Snape was staring wide-eyed, staring at Harry’s eyes, when a small wind blew, and the magnesium powder caught his eyes off guard.

“Oops, my eyes, can’t see… Who is it!”

Snape didn’t even see who was throwing magnesium powder, but he still shouted without hesitation:

“Thirty points from Gryffindor!”

McGonagall: “…”

There was no wind in the sky, with white clouds and occasional dazzling sunlight.

This kind of weather is actually very bad, and it is easy to shine in the eyes of the players.

But after rehearsing countless times, without William reminding him too much, he just stretched out his hand:

“Follow me… slaughter!”

All Ravenclaw players put their hands on it, aggressively.

As long as William is there, the national team will kill you too!

In the Gryffindor team, Harry was about to explain a few words, and McLaggen had already said on his own:

“Trouble weather! Gut, Perks, you’re flying out of the sun so they can’t see you coming—”

“I’m the captain, McLaggen, and you don’t have to instruct them,” Harry said angrily. “Go to the goal.”

McLaggen snorted again, carried his broom, and Harry turned to Gut and Perks.

“Remember to fly where the sun doesn’t shine,” he urged reluctantly.

Harry shook hands with William, and at Mrs Hooch’s whistle, all the players flew.

On the commentary stage,

Luna, who had already explained it several times, held the microphone and made a dreamy voice.

“Spring is here, everything is revived, and the Forbidden Forest is back with magical animals…”

“Miss Lovegood, please explain the game!” Professor McGonagall said helplessly.

Since Li graduated, commentators have been hard to find.

It’s not biased, otherwise I like to have a rhythm, and there is a whole game, basically transplanting small advertisements to the Akali store…

Luna was already Professor McGonagall and could find the best explanation.

To put it another way: it is not an exaggeration to be tall among the dwarfs.

Pick and choose, that’s still a dwarf.

Fortunately, Luna still worked hard, at least after being reminded by Professor McGonagall, she woke up like a dream and put her energy into the game.

“Anne of Gryffindor got the Quaffle.

We’re best friends, but I’m not going to cheer her on today because she took a hundred and sixty points off Ravenclaw last time.

William digs back with one hand and completes a beautiful steal from Annie.

Annie is no match for her brother, I know that.

Gryffindor, only Hermione can limit William’s play…but she doesn’t like Quidditch. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com”

William was suddenly speechless and turned to look at Luna.

But in this moment of distraction, Annie returned a ball and also made a steal.

“Oh, look, William lost the Quaffle and Annie took it.

Willian tried to **** it, but a Bludger, a big man from Gryffindor.

The name I don’t remember, seems to be Gandalf—no, Baggins—”

“It’s Perks!” said Professor McGonagall next to Luna.

The audience burst into laughter.

William was also speechless. Luna commented on what game and said it was not good to talk about the talk show?

(Thanks to the three big bosses “Proverbs Suiyue”, “Mafia1896” and “Reason” for their rewards)

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