A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 1071

Vol 7 Chapter 128: Destroy It, Hurry Up, Tired

William doesn’t know why Tom believes that the prehistoric mystery is hidden in the old site of the Magic Congress.

Could it be that the so-called Slytherin Notebook also clearly records where the prehistoric mystery is hidden?

But based on William’s knowledge of wizards, the bigwigs always like to say half of what they say, and then leave half for others to guess.

Trelawney and centaurs are masters at this.

Therefore, he seriously doubted that the so-called address was actually revealed in the form of prophecy.

But this kind of prophecy is specious, ambiguous, and full of all kinds of verbal traps.

Sometimes, from a different perspective, there is nothing wrong with understanding.

Only by looking back and thinking about it long after the incident happened, can you feel a little taste.

William was worried and Tom fell into this misunderstanding.

Of course, this is just speculation.

Although William was quite sure that Tom was in the wrong place, the idea of “bold assumption and careful verification” still had to be done.

He walked slowly and came to a dimly lit hall.

This is the center of the old site of the U.S. Capitol. It is said to be the old site, but it is actually more like a multicultural tomb:

Eight green granite Doric columns stand majestically; ancient Greece, ancient Rome and ancient Egypt – black marble statues, flower-shaped incense burners;

There is also a Germanic cross, a double-headed phoenix coat of arms, a candlestick with the head of Hermes.

William quickly took out the azure-colored amulet. This object of unknown material was still very warm.

He originally thought that the pendant was warm, because Babu Ling placed it between the two peaks to warm it up.

At this moment, it was unexpectedly discovered that it itself exudes heat.

William used to hold the protective amulet, but now he seized the time to take a closer look:

The pattern on the front is a snake wrapped around a scepter; the back shines with a gorgeous, serpentine S.


He also noticed that the shape of the pendant was very strange: ?

From the appearance, it looks like a ring has been added to the letter T.

A normal person would definitely mistake it for the symbol ♀.

But the two are actually completely different, just like the vertical cross and the straight cross in the cross, which cannot be used interchangeably.

The most popular meaning of the symbol ♀ is female in biology.

It also represents the ancient Roman goddess Venus, a symbol known as the “mirror held by Venus”.

In astrology, it is Venus; in alchemy, it replaces the element copper.

And ? means the sign of life.

The symbol of life, also known as Anka, is a letter in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, which means life.

In Egyptian tomb murals, it can be seen everywhere that the gods hold the talisman of life, or hold the talisman of life in each hand, and put their hands together on their chests.

In addition to the gods, the Egyptians also carried them around as amulets.

It stands alone and is related to two other hieroglyphs meaning ‘strength” and “health”.

William has studied ancient Egyptian scriptures, and is no stranger to it.

And this amulet of Babbling was made like this… Could this be the reason for her longevity?

According to Grindelwald:

Babling, the daughter of Gunter Slytherin, was bitten by a vampire when she was very young and turned into a mute because of fright.

Later, Gaunt went to find the **** of death for help. I don’t know if he succeeded or not, but Babelin not only survived, but also lived for hundreds of years.

Or, is this amulet actually a kind of Deathly Hallows?

William didn’t go any further, he followed the way Babelin explained, holding the amulet with both hands and placing it close to the heart.

In an instant, he felt his whole being at peace.

It was a very special feeling, mysterious and mysterious, as if he could hear the voices of all things.

William’s beautiful dark green eyes, after appearing eerily golden, the whole person actually has the meaning of being one with nature.

He was clearly standing in the room, and all the scenes of the entire Capitol were in sight.

Vaguely, William saw the Auror rushing in, fighting the purger;

Seeing Hermione grabbing a purger, interrogating, and seeing Terenei approaching the Muggle army.

And these armies, under the control of the purgers, are planting c4 bombs deep underground.

Then, William wanted to throw his “vision” away in an instant to see the Washington Monument a few kilometers away.

He was eager to see the strange object he had just accidentally discovered.

But it’s a pity, just by moving it a little, William felt that his magic power was rapidly being consumed.

Naturally, he could take out the magic stone and continue battery life, but it was no longer necessary.

William was sure that the prehistoric meaning was really not here.

He exited this mysterious realm, and he was panting and sweating profusely.

The speed at which this amulet consumes mana is too amazing, like a child driving a big car… too strenuous.

After confirming this matter, William turned around and left, because… this building is about to be bombed.

Tom is really ruthless, and he probably also found that the power is not here, so it is so irritable.

But this is also his style, he really does not have Voldemort’s bloodthirsty, not so violent, but…

A man who opened the secret room at the age of sixteen, wanted to know all the Muggle wizards, killed his father’s family, and put the blame on his uncle… Do you really think he has a bottom line?

It doesn’t exist, that kind of madness can’t be erased!

Fortunately, Hermione and Terenei both had the sound transmission conch made by William, and they could be notified to retreat at any time.

As for the U.S. Capitol… Destroy it, hurry up, I’m tired.

A group of troops, under the command of the purgers, kept placing C4 bombs in various rooms of the building.

Not all Muggles are coerced, many do it voluntarily.

In their eyes, wizards are a bunch of freaks, and it would be best if they could destroy this place!



Times have changed,

The gun in hand is better!

As for the U.S. Capitol… the purger said just now:

The wizard’s room has magical isolation, and even if there is an explosion, it will not destroy the Capitol.

Hehehe~ Art is explosion.

After the bombs were placed, the troops returned to the rotunda following the oil painting of “Mayflower”.

Many people are still holding the stolen treasures on their bodies. These are the things of wizards.

There are even people with a wand in their hand, these are the wizards. They think that if you take the wand, you can also have those magical powers.

One of the commander-like Muggles gestured to his subordinates to detonate the bomb.

But few people noticed that the purgers had quietly left.

Under the Washington Monument, a little farther from the Capitol, William was searching for an anomaly he accidentally discovered when he suddenly felt a strong tremor.

William, Hermione and Terenei turned their heads at the same time and looked at ~www.readwn.com~ a terrible scene appeared in the eyes of the three:

After the initial flash, an orange fireball leaped out of the treeline and into the sky.

The flames not only illuminated the darkness of the empty desert, but also soared all the way to the sky, lifting the Statue of Liberty at the top of the Capitol building hundreds of feet in the air.

Then, there was a loud noise like a muffled thunder, which passed through the dark night and reached the ears, making everyone’s heart skip a beat.

“Let’s go.” William said, looking at the disappearing Capitol.

“Where are we going?” Hermione asked.

“Ilvermorny, Tom has gone there to grab the Slytherin wand.”

William looked at the continuous explosion and thought to himself:

“It’s time for a break with Tom tonight.”

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