A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 1078

Vol 7 Chapter 135: Prehistoric Meaning

Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry,

As the ground shook, the ground continued to collapse, and the ravines spread across the school, which was shocking.

The volcano that has been quiet for hundreds of years, without the suppression of snakewood, is already on the verge of eruption.

Those collapsed areas have alchemy barriers specially made by Ilvermorni to try to block the magma.

But it was only an instant contact, and the high heat turned the iron sand gold into dark red iron juice, drop by drop on the ground, making a babbling sound.

The hot magma splashed out like a fountain, and the magic shield outside the alchemy barrier also showed a slight crack that was not easy to detect, and then it collapsed almost instantly.

If the magma is flaming, it spreads out in a ring shape.

Five meters, ten meters, twenty meters, thirty meters. With the collapsed area as the center, the area of 30 meters in diameter turned into a fire area.

The leaked high temperature distorted the air, the sky was burned red, and a spectacular orange-red moon appeared.

The flaming magma leaked out, and the two rows of affected trees were instantly swallowed up.

In the face of natural disasters, let alone Muggles and wizards, they are actually powerless.

The destruction of the two sides is not of the same order of magnitude.

For example, few people know that the most dangerous disaster for human beings is not asteroids in outer space, nor global warming, melting glaciers, but… super volcanic eruptions.

In 1815, the eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia was equivalent to the simultaneous explosion of 2.2 million Hiroshima atomic bombs. The loud noise could be heard as far away as Sumatra, 2,000 kilometers away.

The sulfur dioxide released by the volcano entered the stratosphere and reflected a lot of sunlight, and the entire earth ushered in a severe cold once in 500 years.

And cause a global… “Year without a Summer”.

The most dangerous volcano in Yellowstone Park in the United States, once it erupts, the magma it erupts is enough to bury more than half of the United States, bringing the world to a “nuclear winter”.

And it’s bound to explode, it’s just a matter of time.

There is also the mass extinction at the end of the Permian, when more than 50% of families and about 95% of species completely disappeared.

The common explanation is that the supervolcanic eruption in Siberia.

Greylock’s volcano, of course, is not so powerful, but it is more than enough to destroy Ilvermorny’s radius.

Principal Hicks’ eyes were full of despair. There are still a few flowers of the snake tree that have not withered, and it is reasonable to support them for a while.

Why did the volcano erupt tonight?

Of course, now is not the time to consider the reasons, and more importantly, to save those little wizards.

If these students die, the North American wizarding world will usher in a fault.

Who can turn the tide? !

Everyone silently prayed.

In the center of the school, at the largest crater, there are only Hermione, Babbling, and Terenei left.

They were all waiting for William to come back.

Pukeqi, who was controlled by magic and lived for more than three hundred years, was silent for a long time, looking at the three of them and said:

“Are you sure that Targaryen can come back on time to prevent the volcano from erupting?!”

Hermione was sitting on the top stone steps, not far from the billowing lava, she was holding a book in her hand, and there was no worry in her brows.

Without raising her head, she said confidently, “Of course, William will definitely come back in time.”

Terenei also nodded and said, “I believe him too.”

Pukeqi was silent for a long time and whispered: “In this case, if you can buy more time, just buy some.”

“This is the last time I will guard Ilvermorny. My life is about to run out, and today is what I’ve been waiting for.”

Pukeqi was about to cast a spell at the cost of his life to delay the eruption of the volcano.

Just then, a young wizard appeared, holding two wands in both hands and wearing a black jade ring on his thumb.

He looked up and looked forward, his hair on the temples fluttered gently, and he was in high spirits.

“Am I late?”

Babbling leaned against a big tree, raised the dragon’s blood jug, raised her head to pour the wine, and smiled knowingly, “The time is just right!”

“That’s good.” William threw the Slytherin wand to Babbling.

After she caught it, there was a hissing sound, and the basilisk on the wand stopped moving and began to fall into a deep sleep.

She buried the snakewood in the ground.

William’s sleeves did not move slightly, his body twisted in a circle, and his wand swung along with him.

The clock obtained from the Department of Mysteries stores a lot of time power.

At this moment, they were all thrown out, and they all slammed into each other, and the sound of shattering was incessant.

William raised his wand high, and the majestic power of time poured out in the air.

That Slytherin swallowed up all the time like a whale, and it began to take root and sprout out countless branches.

After an unknown amount of time, the thick smoke gradually dissipated, and a large tree full of leaves stood on the ground.

William shook his robe and smiled.

“Okay, I’ll leave it to you for the time being, Professor Babbling.

How to explain to Principal Hicks, you have to think of the words yourself.

Targaryen’s identity is retained, I still want to be the headmaster of Ilvermorny! ”

Babbling rolled her eyes at William.

Now she wants to keep Tom’s vest, and then lie to the purgers and replace him as a high-level executive.

This is interesting.

She didn’t want to continue to be a professor.

After drinking the dragon’s blood wine in one breath, Babu Ling stretched out her tongue and licked her lips, and asked:

“Where are you going?”

“Look for… prehistoric mysteries.” William smiled and said, “But I have to borrow your amulet.”

Babbling snorted, her slender hand stretched out between the peaks.



The obelisk, as one of the masterpieces of ancient Egypt, is as famous as the pyramids.

It is an underworld vessel for worshiping the sun. Its shape is a spire and a square column, and it gradually shrinks from bottom to top. The top is shaped like a pyramid tip.

The spire is often wrapped in gold, copper or gold-silver alloys.

As the United States, which is committed to copycat buildings in other countries, naturally it will not let it go.

The Washington Monument is the most typical obelisk.

It is located in the center of the National Lawn in Washington, about 169 meters high, and is also the tallest building in Washington DC.

William did not expect that he would have the opportunity to return to Washington again tonight, to come back here again.

At this time, there were very few security personnel at the monument, and they all went to support the Capitol.

The place was suddenly razed to the ground, which can be called the most terrifying massacre in American history.

It was even more tragic than when the White House was burned down by the British army.

At that time, in the White House next door, Clinton, who was in the office with a happy intern, happened to witness this incident and was so frightened that his whole body went soft.

William took Hermione and Terenei, and after casting a Confusion Charm on the security personnel, they approached the monument smoothly.

The interior of the monument is hollow, and there is an elevator that can reach the top floor.

The inner wall of the monument is also inlaid with 188 memorial stones donated by private individuals, groups and around the world.

Among them is a stone with Chinese inscriptions.

This was sent by the Qing government back then, praising Washington for “opening up thousands of miles, not arrogating names, not passing on descendants, the world is public, and it is the last will of three generations…”

Yes, the Qing government praised Washington for having a legacy of three generations~www.readwn.com~ It was still the third year of Xianfeng, that is, 1853. Was there a sense of historical confusion?

But what William wanted to find was not this stone, but the entire Washington Monument.

That lost power was engraved on the huge tower of the obelisk!

Earlier this evening, William was standing on the Capitol and accidentally saw that “thing”, and only then did he know that Tom was in the wrong place.

With Hermione and Terenei, William came to the platform where the Washington Monument is located.

The circular sidewalk is entirely made of white stone, except for two decorative circles of floor tiles, which are black stones, forming two concentric circles that surround the monument.

William took out Babling’s pendant and held it in the palm of his hand. He raised his wand and aimed it at the huge tower.

The entire obelisk echoes the power of the pendant. Like the sun, the tower began to sparkle.


But not dazzling!

A majestic force spread out, and countless runes floated in the air.

William took a deep breath, his two-colored eyes shone brightly, he clenched the pendant in one hand, and said with a slow smile:

“Prehistoric mystery… The lost power… I finally found it.”



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