A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 1086

: End Of Volume Summary

I don’t have the habit of writing end-of-volume summaries, but after this volume is over, there will be a final volume, which is worth writing.

Talking about the content of this volume, the original book is “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince”.

However, on the first day of school, William told Harry the identity of the Half-Blood Prince.

The theme of this volume naturally becomes Slytherin and the Snake Wooden Staff.

There are still many changes from the original book, such as the success of Malfoy, and no Death Eaters attacking Hogwarts.

The most important thing… Dumbledore, I am not dead, I succeeded to the final volume!

As the title says, Slytherin and the Serpent’s Staff.

The focus of this volume of plot has also shifted to the United States.

About Slytherin’s wand, hypnotized by Parseltongue, and then turned into snakewood… This setting comes from Rowling.

And I also constructed a plot that serves me based on this setting, which I think is still very interesting.

Actually, in my original plan, the stage for this volume would be moved to Ilvermorny.

Write about the daily life of Ilvermorny as you would write about Hogwarts.

Even the characters are outlined, such as the granddaughter of Newt’s sister-in-law Tina, and the younger brother of Picquiri.

Even in the original plan, Hermione was in this grade, coming to Ilvermorny as an exchange student.

And William took Targaryen’s vest, continued the ancient Rune professor, and then confronted Tom.

But there is a problem. Hermione’s coming to the United States as an exchange student will inevitably attract Tom’s attention.

The vest of Targaryen lost its meaning.

During the serialization process, I also discovered that people prefer stories that take place at Hogwarts rather than anywhere else.

So I revised the outline a little bit, and William will only start the story in America during the summer holidays, Halloween and Easter.

This volume also led out smoothly, a character other than Voldemort-the old man.

The old man actually appeared very early, in Paris, France. This is the first official launch.

After talking about this volume, the content of the final volume is mainly about digging a hole… ahhh~www.readwn.com~filling the hole.

After thinking about it, there are still quite a lot of pits.

Arya of Egypt wants to kill Grindelwald, the **** of death, the fairy in the lake under the black lake, and follows the old man to find Tom, the **** of death, the little boss Voldemort, the golden coffin of the Big Four…

Of course, there is also the **** of death.

I hope this book will be a perfect ending.

When I was chasing hp fans, I was able to write until the sixth grade, and they were all good writers in my mind.

William has now fully passed through the seventh grade and successfully graduated, and he is just one book away.

In fact, the content of the next volume is not much, and it will not write too much daily life like the previous seven volumes.

My plan is to finish the book by August.

So, fellow readers, see you in the next volume.


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