A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 1088

Vol 7 Chapter 2: Micromanipulation Master Voldemort! (Thanks To The Leader “Hellcat” For



Oxford City.

It is located at the junction of the Thames and the Chewell.

What is Oxford?

In the words of Zhou Xun, the master of potions in the Far East:

There is no town in the world, and if you go too far, it will become a town.

There is no better way to describe Oxford than this.

“Jin” originally means ferry, this place is the ferry where two rivers meet, and because ox-drawn carts can wade through the water, it is named “Oxford”.

Place names are chosen randomly, and cities are built at will.

There are universities first and then cities, and Oxford is before Cambridge.

Not to mention the relationship between “Oxbridge” and “the father’s kindness and the son’s laughter”, in this area of Oxford, there is a university first, and then a city.

The city of Oxford is the University of Oxford, and the University of Oxford is the city, and the two can be regarded as one.

Therefore, the most famous one here is the highest institution with a history of 800 years.

The reputation of the school is big, and there are many right and wrong.

For example, you have to worry about the kayak race and lose to Cambridge next door; you have to denounce the “New York Times” that ranks Oxford University under Cambridge as a pheasant newspaper.

Another example… that unbearable civil science boss.

That’s right, there’s always been a weirdo named Keridi Boubaji living in the school.

Every time she is on vacation or on weekends, she finds professors to discuss academics and sell her theories and inventions.

What “Unified Theory” and “6.9-type perpetual motion machine” are all pediatrics, and the recent research is called Butter-Cat Perpetual Motion Theory.

No matter what position you land in, the cat will always have its four paws on the ground; if the toast is buttered, according to Murphy’s Law, the butter side will always land on the ground.

Tie the cat’s back to the butter bread, according to the perpetual motion theory:

If the cat is in free fall, it will eventually hover at a certain height from the ground and rotate at a very high speed to achieve a steady state.

It’s a pity that Oxford professors don’t know the goods.

They would rather admit that Cambridge is better than accept Professor Keridi Boubaji’s theory.

He even encouraged her to go next door.

Tonight, several uninvited guests broke into the professor’s home.

Of course it wasn’t Oxford University, ready to violently drive her away, but a group of… Death Eaters attacked.

They entered the room carefully, and Captain Wiggins looked at the chaotic room suspiciously, frowning:

“Casio, are you sure the professor who teaches Muggle studies lives here?”

This is more of a super weirdo’s room than a wizard’s home:

A U-shaped tube for spraying liquid; a crystal skull with a closed mouth;

There was also a row of orange cat biscuits on the table, with toast tied to their backs. Under the control of magic, they floated and rotated in mid-air, with butter splashing everywhere.

“Boss, according to the information, Bubagi chats with the Muggle teacher every day and will be back here at 6:50.” Casio whispered.

“It’s seven o’clock, find her quickly, the master is still waiting.” Wiggins ordered.

Casio nodded and asked curiously:

“Why did the master arrest a professor at Hogwarts?”

He has also fought against members of the Order of the Phoenix since the outbreak of the war.

Among them are several wizards, who are professors at Hogwarts. Their strength is great.

Like McGonagall…

Not to mention Stark, although the Dark Lord did not issue an order, but within the Death Eaters, there is a default unspoken rule:

When encountering Stark, no matter what mission, you can immediately give up… Escape is important.

With these advanced experiences and lessons, Casio is ready:

As long as the professor has a bit of skill, he will run away immediately.

“Bubaki made an incorrect statement in the newspaper.” Silim snorted and spat:

“She also taught the students all kinds of Muggle stuff, saying they weren’t that different from us… which annoyed the Dark Lord!

The master wants to ‘communicate’ with her about the knowledge of the Mudblood. ”

A dark wizard from Ireland, speaking in his native dialect, whispered:

“The Dark Lord doesn’t dare to trouble Dumbledore and Stark. It’s quite easy for such a small character to bully.”

“That’s right, the layout is too small, let’s run.” His companions also echoed:

“I think the Dark Lord is the grasshopper of the autumn queen, the tail of the rabbit, the loach in the urine pit…it won’t grow.”

The two laughed like cross talk. Wiggins couldn’t understand the dialect. He still turned his head and said coldly, “What are you two talking about?”

“We said…” They all had smiles on their faces, and said in unison in London accent:

“See you Dark Lord!”

Wiggins wanted to say something, and suddenly several spells shot out from the corner.

The two Death Eaters who spoke ill of Voldemort flew out on the spot.

“There is an ambush… Find cover!” Wiggins roared, and fell behind a cabinet.

He raised his wand and shot a green light, but it didn’t hit anyone, and the glassware on the table was blown to smithereens.

When encountering encounters, the Death Eaters quickly organized a counterattack.

Wiggins kept waving his wand, and a half-arc light, like cutting tofu, rushed to the second floor.

The most severe and tricky attack just now came from this position.

A young witch stood on the second floor, she lifted her wand gently, and the light of the spell in her hand swept towards Wiggins.

After seeing the witch’s face clearly, Wiggins shouted and reminded:

“It’s Hermione Granger! Be careful, Stark might be here too…”

Hearing this, Casio took a deep breath. He didn’t care about any task, and immediately Apparated to escape for his life.

Hermione was obviously not in the mood to spend it, otherwise the Death Eaters would all run away.

She put the “Slowdown Charm” on her body, then turned over the railing with one hand, and jumped directly to the second floor dexterously.

A green light shot, Hermione twisted her body, passed by, and then in mid-air, holding her wand in one hand, the arc of the wand tip trembled.

I saw the thunderbolt skyrocketing several meters, as thick as the mouth of a bowl, trailing like a comet, and it was arrogant.

Wiggins was shocked, the thunder and lightning were so powerful that his magic had already been ground into powder before he could get close.

After Hermione landed, she walked straight ahead, and as she waved her wand, there was a constant popping sound in front of her.

Wherever he went, the room was utterly destroyed.

A Death Eater crawled out of the rubble and aimed at Hermione.


“The house collapsed!”


A hole was blasted in the ceiling, and a large amount of rubble and broken furniture fell, hitting the Death Eater.

“Thanks, Cho!” Hermione continued walking, exclaiming.

Qiu, Cedric, and the twins also showed up, joined the battle, and cooperated with Hermione to knock down the Death Eaters.

The room was badly damaged, the furniture was torn apart, and the glass flew everywhere.

After ten minutes, the battle was over.

Hermione instructed a few people to tie the captured Death Eaters, then walked to a wizard in the corner and asked:

“Professor Bubagi, are you all right?”

“It’s okay…” Bubaji hid behind the sofa, and she wiped the sweat from her forehead with lingering fears.

As soon as she returned, she was told by Hermione that the Death Eaters were coming.

Fortunately, these students were there, otherwise the Dark Lord would have captured him, and his fate would have been imaginable.

“Let’s go, William and the others are in a meeting, let us pick you up.” Hermione stroked her hair and said quickly:

“Task completed, close the team!!”

The entrance hall is large, dimly lit, and luxuriously furnished, with a luxurious carpet covering almost the entire stone floor.

The living room was full of silent people, all sitting at a long table.

Everyone bowed their heads, waiting for the Dark Lord to meet.

He didn’t speak, as if he was waiting for something.

After an unknown amount of time, the door was opened.

Rookwood walked in, he looked at the man in the first place fearfully, and said humbly:

“Master, the Death Eaters on the mission are back…”

He wanted to say more, but the Dark Lord was already beckoning, smiling contentedly.

“Let Wiggins come in quickly, he has a fun present for everyone!”

Rookwood hesitated for a moment. He wanted to remind the Dark Lord, but there were too many people here, and it was hard to slap the face.

In the end, he left knowingly.

After all, if you don’t say it, it has nothing to do with yourself, and if you say it, you will definitely be angered.

After Rookwood left, all the Death Eaters exchanged glances, thinking about gifts.

“Everyone may be wondering, what am I waiting for.” Voldemort said in a low voice:

“I’m waiting for a wizard, a Hogwarts professor…”

Many people thought they had caught Stark.

But the Dark Lord said:

“Some people may not know her, but let me tell you, it’s Keredy Boubaki who is here with us tonight.

She had previously taught Muggle Studies at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. ”

Many people are a little confused and do not know this professor.

However, seeing the Dark Lord was very excited, they still cooperated, making a soft, suddenly realized sound.

As if Keredy Boubaji was a very important character, and if she was captured, she would take the initiative in this war.

“Quiet.” Voldemort flicked his wand, “You may be wondering, why did I arrest her?

Because this Professor Boubaji is no longer satisfied with using Muggle knowledge to corrupt and poison the minds of wizard children.

She also wrote an article in the Daily Prophet in which she impassively defended the Mudblood magic.

Professor Bubagi said the decline in the number of purebred wizards was a very welcome phenomenon.

She wants us all to marry Muggles…and werewolves… no doubt…”

Many pure-blood wizards looked angry, seeming to be indignant at such “politically incorrect” remarks.

Voldemort stood up and sneered:

“Professor Bubbage, apparently at the behest of Dumbledore, dared to speak like that.

She thinks that with the protection of the Order of the Phoenix, I can’t catch her.

But even for hiding under the hooked nose of that mudblood-loving idiot, I’ll punish her.

This is her punishment for saying the wrong thing! No one can escape the Dark Lord’s punishment! ”

Many Death Eaters shuddered, and this wave was more like killing chickens for monkeys…they were monkeys.

At this time, the door was opened, and Rookwood did not come in, but let Casio go in by himself.

Everyone looked up, but they didn’t see the Muggle Studies Professor, only Casio in a daze.

And the Dark Lord’s majestic declaration just now is still in his ears… This slap in the face is too fast.

Voldemort’s face stiffened, he stared at Casio and asked, “Where’s Wiggins?!”

“Master, we encountered Stark ambushing with members of the Order of the Phoenix.” Casio cried bitterly:

“Wiggins died, and I fought to the death, killing two members of the Order of the Phoenix.

But in the end they were outnumbered.

I wanted to die there, but Captain Wiggins asked me to come back and tell you about it.

The information has been leaked long ago, there must be ghosts! ”

Kasim pretended to be fighting to the death, and even the injuries on his body were caused by himself on the way back.

Voldemort looked grim, stared at him and said:

“You saw Stark with your own eyes?”

“Um… yes, Master.”

Voldemort looked into Casio’s eyes with shining red eyes, he twitched his two slender nostrils, and said in a hoarse voice:

“I smell a lie…don’t lie, don’t lie in front of the Dark Lord, he knows it all.”

“I… I didn’t see it for real, whether there was him or not.

But I see Granger, ambushing us with a group of Order of the Phoenix wizards. “Casio said in fear.

“Hmph, how could Stark take part in such a mission?” Voldemort said indifferently:

“All his energy is now focused on cooperating with that European Union army, and Dumbledore actually proposed him as Wizengamore…

The youngest Wizengamot… hehe~”

Everyone bowed their heads, not daring to look directly at the furious Voldemort.

“Since the mission failed, you shouldn’t have come back.” The Dark Lord said calmly.

Kasim was stunned, he stammered: “But…Master…I…”

“Avada Kedavra.”

A green light illuminated every corner of the room.

With a bang, Casio fell to the ground, his eyes widened, but he was lost.

Several Death Eaters shrank into their chairs in shock, and Draco, who had returned from the summer vacation, also slid from his seat to the floor.

“Let’s eat,” Voldemort said softly, and the rune wobbled off his shoulders and slowly crawled toward the smooth wooden tabletop.

“Severus, I leave this to you.” Voldemort looked at the wizard on his right.

“Investigate clearly how the mission was known to the Order of the Phoenix.”

Snape nodded expressionlessly and said, “I will, Master!”

“And these members of the Order of the Phoenix, who have been interfering with us all this time, especially the Mudblood named Granger.”

After Voldemort sat down again, he wandered among the Death Eaters, as if looking for a suitable candidate.

It’s a pity that none of the servants took the initiative to ask Ying.

“Oakland, please leave this matter to you to organize Death Eaters to hunt down these young members of the Order of the Phoenix.”

“Yes, Master!”

Many people breathed a sigh of relief, and Oakland was so moved that he almost cried.

“You have to do it well, I only see the results.” Voldemort said indifferently:

“Because I have a lot of things to do in the next period of time, I need to put all my energy on the military!”

The young Death Eaters~www.readwn.com~ didn’t feel much, but the senior Death Eaters suddenly felt uneasy in their hearts.

For example, Lukewood at the door, he still remembers what the Dark Lord said thirty years ago.

At that time, he decided to focus on military command, and then let everyone attack the Ministry of Magic.

At a critical moment, he ordered a troop one-on-one to leave the battlefield and enter the Ministry of Magic through another exit one kilometer away.


There was no such thing as an ambush, and the entire army was wiped out.

Could it be that the legendary micro-manipulation is about to start again?

(Thanks to the “Hellcat” boss for the 20,000 yuan reward, the book is almost over, and I have also collected an alliance leader, which is also the sixth alliance leader in this book. Thank you to the boss.)

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