A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 1093

Vol 7 Chapter 7: The Meat Grinder At Helwellin Hill

Trolls and half-orcs have thick skin and flesh, and although they are not as good as giants, their magic resistance and physical defense are stronger than most magical creatures.

The only weakness is their fragile little heads. A slight blow can knock them unconscious, or even concussion.

All Orcs wear helmets, over-the-knee chainmail, and steel ring armor below the knees to protect critical areas.

But even if they are armed to the teeth, they are useless.

Centaurs, as sharpshooters, will accurately stuff the stiff arrows down the troll’s throat.

That’s right, they are full of shooter attributes, and at this time, they have fully displayed their ethnic talents.

I saw that Ronan, who shot the first arrow, drew his bow like a full moon, and had already started to score twice.

And the first arrow had already slammed into the air with a loud bang.

Hearing a dull pop, a running troll suddenly fell backwards, a crossbow bolt was nailed into its forehead and penetrated its head.

The bows and arrows held by the centaurs were specially crafted by the Akali shop using alchemy.

Although the range is not terrifying to 800 miles, there are still 800 meters.

The arrow feathers also have the effects of breaking armor, breaking magic, and sustaining serious injuries. There is even a mixed poison of the same style as Voldemort on the arrows…

As a result, another half-orc suddenly appeared in front of a black spot the size of a grain of rice. He was about to dodge, but the next moment his throat was shot.

He covered his neck with his hands, fell to the ground, and soon died in the stampede of his companions.

Many trolls, although not fatally hit, still had their shoulders pierced into the flesh.

Nott couldn’t care less about the appearance of the frightened centaurs, he roared:

“Raise your shield!!”

The orcs placed a thick shield in the middle to block a wave of arrows.

“Spear throw!!”

The spear was thrown out, and the weapon made of fine steel, like a feather of arrows, was completely terrifying in a straight line, showing the terrifying physical strength of giant monsters and half-orcs.

If this thing hits the ground, its lethality can be even more terrifying than the ten thousand arrows piercing the heart of the centaurs.

William looked at ease, he waved his arms, and a group of wizards appeared behind him.

They pushed out a dozen cars and adjusted their heads.


It was not a crossbow arrow that was fired, but an anti-crossbow arrow weapon.

This weapon is similar in shape to the bamboo dragonfly. After it was launched, it was spinning like a fan in midair.

And the spear that touched it was either swept away or flew out.

(See Battle of the Five Armies: Army of Dwarves Fighting Elves)

When Nott saw this situation, his teeth were all shattered. Even if the location was unfavorable, the weapon was still a long way off.

He rode the Tebo warthog, hopped across the herd repeatedly, and roared:

“The boar cavalry,

Go to battle! ! ”


It wasn’t the light ride like a centaur that caused a slight tremor on a small scale, but a sharp tremor.

Orcs ride on Tebo warthogs, and the “beast pigs” come with armor.

A real heavy ride! !

They are like a black torrent, galloping on the mountain road, and each orc has a ring-armed knife in the hand.

The battle knife and the arm ring armor are tied together, and unless the entire arm is cut off, the knife will not leave the hand.

This is the real boar rider.

“Charge!!” Nott issued a fourth order.

This is what he puts at the bottom of the box, all American equipment… the ace of the trump cards.

Without taking something from Stark, he changed his surname… Stark!

However, the troll “infantry” who stood in the middle of the road became the first victims.

The terrain here is long and narrow, and the mountains on both sides are steep and difficult to climb.

At least the trolls can’t climb.

They also couldn’t understand complicated instructions and couldn’t get out of the way for the “cavalry” in time.

As a result, the wild boar riders, like the head of the black tide, pushed forward frantically, driving the giant monsters forward as meat shields.

Many trolls were hit by heavy rides and flew out, or fell on both sides of the mountain.

Even from a distance, a row of trolls that fell to the bottom were trampled by with certainty.

This is the real bashing teammates.

The centaurs continued to suppress the fire, and a group of “cavalry” appeared on the hillside.

These cavalry are all werewolves.

The leader of the army was a huge direwolf with long snow-white hair fluttering in the wind.

Mormont ran first as leader.

On her back sat a young man in black without armor, with a wand in his right hand and a Silmaril in his left hand.

Tonight is not the night of the full moon, and William will be the first to appear on this battlefield.

He just wants to use the brilliance of the Silmarillion to ensure that the werewolf can transform into a wolf and join the battlefield.

Nott looked incredible, his eyes widened, no matter how he thought, he couldn’t understand, how would a werewolf transform without a full moon? !

William put away the Silmarillion and slowly drew out the fairy sword.

Under the moonlight, there was a flash of snow.

Hundreds of werewolf legions, against a thousand and a half orc heavy riders, it depends on whoever meets more narrowly and the brave wins.

Then, it also means that it will be a very easy place to die, and the speed of death will be very fast.

Soon, the werewolf and the half-orc began to charge without any fancy, and embedded each other into the enemy’s battle formation!

In such a short blink of an eye, more than a dozen werewolves were trampled to death.

Among them, there were more than a dozen werewolves, which were directly lifted into the air by the ring-arm knife.

But after the two sides are mixed together, the mobility of the werewolf is reflected.

They can easily jump to the cliffs on both sides, enter to avoid, and then wait for an opportunity to attack.

The werewolf also has a strong defensive ability. After dodging the slow attack of the orcs, he jumped on the body and bit his throat.

One half-orc avoided a werewolf, and the other swayed and was bitten in the neck by the second werewolf. The body fell backwards, slipped a short distance on the back of Tebo warthog, and finally fell to the ground. .

William is like a **** of killing. His fairy sword can easily cut through the armor and pierce the body of a half-orc.

The spell is also like a decapitation, cutting off the head with precision.

William rode Mormont, turned into a trailblazer, as easily as a hammer pierced through screen paper.

With a flick of the sword on his wrist, he knocked down the three orcs, without turning his head to observe the battlefield, without even looking at the corpses on the ground, he continued to drive the wolf forward to kill.

Behind William, there are corpses all over the ground, covered in blood.

The two sides are fighting fiercely, and the centaurs who have the upper hand have begun to evolve according to the tactics deployed by William earlier.

A magnificent scene appeared on the battlefield:

Hundreds of horsemen rushed down through the mountain.

At 500 meters, it was still a seamless arc charging cavalry formation, and the 200-meter step has become two long dragons that tend to be parallel.

The centaurs gave full play to Zhuoran’s mobility, rushed to both sides of the cliff, and began to ‘snipe” at close range.

The wild boar knight was suddenly caught between the two armies.

Nott was protected at the rear, watching the movements of the horse, and began to give orders.

Trolls and Orcs can’t go up those steep hills, but Death Eaters can.

The troops he brought were not only magical creatures, but also a large number of wizards.

Nott gave an order without hesitation to let his subordinates lead the Death Eaters to attack both sides.

He obviously wanted to use the life of the orcs to delay the fighter plane, and then used the Death Eaters to attack both sides and eat the centaurs first.

First, this is a helpless move to lose the first opportunity, and the centaurs have an inherent disadvantage, that is, the front line is slender and the formation is weak.

The reason is that the number is too small to withstand the attack of the Death Eaters.

Nott laughed smugly again.

The deputy commander, Snooker, stood up at the right time and asked:

“Mr. Nott, what are you laughing at?”

“I’m laughing at that…” Before Nott finished speaking, his smile froze. He turned around suddenly and looked towards the foot of the mountain.

For a moment, he really wanted to slap Snooker, and then cursed:

“My mother is a slap, and I laugh as much as I like to laugh. It’s all your fault, and I keep asking!”

It turned out that at the foot of the mountain, a three-headed dog of **** made a howl.

On Lu Wei’s head, Cedric and Qiu were still sitting.

Behind Lu Wei, there were densely packed eight-eyed giant spiders the size of a tank.

Qiu touched Lu Wei’s cute head, she didn’t sing his favorite lullaby, but stood up.

The black ponytail hair ~www.readwn.com~ fluttered freely in the wind, Qiu didn’t care, and said coldly:


The eight-eyed giant spider front spread out, like a surging tide, rushing towards the Death Eater Eastward Army Corps.

They are like a steel knife, slammed into the enemy’s ass!

Lou Wei let out a wolf-like cry and ran towards the mountain.

If you look down from the sky, the entire battlefield is like a moving carpet, but in the middle of the carpet, blood is constantly splashing.

Decades later, historians of magic described the thrilling battle as “The Meat Grinder of Mount Helwellin”.

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