A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 1101

Vol 7 Chapter 15: Place Of Death

Harry is missing.

Silently, as if the world evaporated.

Earlier, when Mad-Eye Moody, with members of the Order of the Phoenix, arrived at 4 Privet Drive, he did not find him.

Moody thought Harry had used the portkey to go to the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix.

But after contacting, it was discovered that Harry had not arrived there either.

Moody searched every corner of the house again.

Worried about Harry drowning or being dismembered, they didn’t even spare the toilet and refrigerator, but still without him.

Given that Moody’s magic eye can see through the Invisibility Cloak, even Harry’s Invisibility Cloak is no problem.

Therefore, it can be basically concluded that he is indeed missing from the room.

As we all know, as a wizard, you will have some reasoning skills, and it is also very good.

Harry’s disappearance is not that tricky, and with a little IQ, you can find out what went wrong.

First, Harry wouldn’t leave the house on his own.

Originally came to pick him up, Dumbledore also repeatedly explained, do not leave the protection spell range.

What’s more, there are members of the Order of the Phoenix who are protecting them in the community, such as Mrs. Figg next door.

She kept staring at it and didn’t see Harry go out.

Harry himself does not Apparate, he is still a minor, uses magic, and will be monitored by the Ministry of Magic.

And these important departments are now dominated by the wizards of the Order of the Phoenix.

Harry didn’t Apparate inside the room since he didn’t walk out of the house.

And Lily’s protective charm, which has not disappeared, can ensure that the Death Eaters cannot invade.

Then, Harry could only use the door key to go to the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix after Mad-Eye was late.

His luggage was not in the room, which was also confirmed from the side.

But there is no Harry in the Black House, there is only one possibility:

The door key was manipulated.

The door key, made by Dumbledore, was handed over to Dedalore before it was issued.

So, the problem can only be with Dedalore or Hestia with him.

Relying on the brain to carry out careful reasoning, the suspect was quickly identified.

After checking, it was indeed Hesijia that had a problem, he was hit with the Imperius Curse.

The Imperius Curse is listed as one of the Three Unforgivable Curses, and it’s not without reason.

Yes, in terms of fatality rate, it is indeed not as good as Arvada.

Competing for the throne of the “King of Torture” is far less than Cruciatus.

But it can manipulate the soul.

Arvada slaughtered heavily, Cruciatus master tortured, Imperius Curse was good at controlling.

For a wizard who is proficient in the Imperius Curse, he can achieve complete control over a person, and it is difficult for the controlled person to remove the magic by his own power.

Most importantly, the outside world is hard to detect.

Confusion spells can also control wizards to a certain extent, but they can’t achieve the silky effect of Imperius Curse.

Now that the modus operandi is determined, the whole thing becomes clear:

After Hai Sijia was under control, she once took the door key and observed it for a while.

Dedalo didn’t pay too much attention to the principle of trusting his companions.

On the way here, Mad-Eye felt that someone was following him and took a little detour, so he was late in the end.

It fits Moody’s character, and he is such a cautious wizard.

It was just this “cautiousness” that was a little late, and Harry was forced to use the door key that was dropped.

So the question is, who is the wizard who took him?

William pondered this question on his way to Privet Drive.

He guessed it was the Death Eaters.

It wasn’t the first time that the Death Eaters in the Order of the Phoenix had used the Imperius Curse.

Like Stooty Podmore.

In the summer vacation two years ago, he was controlled by Lucius with the Imperius Curse, and then infiltrated the Department of Mysteries.

After arriving in the living room, looking at William, Dumbledore said solemnly:

“It wasn’t Voldemort, it was Tom.”

The principal was concise and concise, but what he said was extremely contradictory.

After all, in a sense, Tom is still Voldemort even after the name change.

But in the past four years, the two have not been the same thing, because “Tom” is more of a sixteen-year-old little Tom.

The average person must not understand, and William happens to be the one who can understand.

“Tom isn’t dead? It’s impossible!” William denied.

While in Ilvermorny, America, he repeatedly examined Tom’s body.

After Tom died, he kept the body for a while.

If Tom still had a Horcrux, he would never be able to hide forever, but would soon appear as a wandering spirit.

William can be sure that Tom absolutely disarmed the Horcrux community, which was in a state of “killable” at the time.

“Tom did it in some way.” Dumbledore sighed.

“I read Hestia’s memory, Tom first controlled him, and then lived in his house for a while.”

Tom didn’t erase this memory, it seems that he deliberately let them know.

William raised his eyebrows.

“Tom also left a letter for you at Hestia’s house.”

Dumbledore took out the letter, and after William took it, he read it carefully.

The content of the letter is simple:

Thanks in advance to William pretending to be “Targaryen”, deceived him, and let him grow.

The tone full of resentment sounded, William sounded like a complete scumbag.

Is he a scumbag?


Then, Tom said that he had dismantled the Horcrux community so that William could kill Voldemort with confidence.

In the end, he said in a mocking tone that he wanted to borrow Harry to find Death.

When the meeting is over, he will help kill Harry, remove the last Horcrux, and let William kill Voldemort with confidence.

A letter, except for the yin and yang strange content, most of the content is to urge William to kill Lao Fu as soon as possible.

Voldemort: n!

This is really more than “friends and relatives”.

“Tom is going to find Death?” William was a little surprised by this news.

“He probably planned to use the piece of soul on Harry’s forehead as one of the three brothers,” Dumbledore speculated.

“He probably made another Horcrux, so that’s three people.

Because it comes from a soul, it satisfies the conditions for finding the **** of death. ”

And this kind of shit? !

William was simply stunned. Now, can he even go to the **** of death and get stuck?

“Has Tom found the entrance to the land of the dead?”

William had seen Grindelwald and went to find Death.

He didn’t have enough three brothers, he just hit the road alone.

This shows that there is more than one way to find the God of Death, and even the entrance is not fixed.

“Tom apparently went looking for it in the way it was in the story of the Three Brothers~www.readwn.com~ Dumbledore replied:

“Then there is only one entrance, in the city of seven hills.”

“Rome, the city of seven hills?!”

It wasn’t the first time William had heard the word.

The last time I saw it, I was looking for Gaunt’s entry in the glorious pure blood family in that history.

In the introduction, when Bobling’s father Corvinus Gaunt was introduced, he mentioned that he disappeared in the city of seven hills.

In history, the most famous ‘seven hills” is Rome.

“It’s not Rome, William.” Dumbledore whispered: “I’ve been investigating for a long time, and it’s actually Constantinople.

The entrance to the Death Road is there. ”

William suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Dumbledore and Grindelwald made a journey to find the holy, and the end point was Constantinople.

And the city with the title of “City of Seven Hills” is indeed not only Rome.

Such as Constantinople, or even Lisbon on the Atlantic coast.

“Now that we know the purpose, shall we stop and save Harry?” William asked.

Harry had to be in his hands.

He was the most important part of killing Voldemort.

And Tom took Harry away, and the devil knows when he’ll be back.

If he dies and Harry stays in the underworld and can’t come back, then Voldemort doesn’t need to be killed!

“Although I know the entrance is in Constantinople, I don’t know the exact location.” Dumbledore shook his head.

“And at Tom’s speed, he must have caught Harry, immediately returned to Constantinople, and opened the gate.

We’re going now, we shouldn’t be able to catch up. ”

“So what?” William asked.

“I have a better way to enter the land of death than Constantinople.” Dumbledore whispered.

“William, do you remember those four golden coffins?”

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