A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 1103

Vol 7 Chapter 17: Egyptian Pyramids

When he came to the collapsed building, William thought he would see senior officials rushing to command the front line.

It’s better if it’s raining lightly, and the secretary holds an umbrella, but he doesn’t fight.

In this way, not only does she look anxious, but she doesn’t even need to wipe off eye drops, tears will appear automatically.

It doesn’t matter if it’s an appearance or a real feeling, it’s there in the publicity.

No matter how bad it is, if people are not present, get a small excavator, slack off there, move slowly, and do it.

The last time the Death Eaters attacked the Suez Canal and blocked ships, didn’t Egypt just send an excavator to work hard there?

William never imagined that when he came to the scene, he did not see the excavator, but instead saw the crowd putting flowers, lighting candles, crying, and taking pictures.

There are even first-generation Internet celebrities who shoot videos and prepare to send them online to get click-through rates.

As for the relevant departments?

They claim:

Some structures have expanded and moved, which may lead to further collapse of the building. To ensure safety, search and rescue personnel have been withdrawn from the scene.

Well, is this something a human can do?

That’s all the Muggle government does, not even the Egyptian Ministry of Magic.

Many people who died were wizards who came to participate in this alchemy conference.

This thing betrays weirdness!

But William made no comments.

When I was in the United States, I had a Targaryen vest, which was convenient for doing anything.

It’s different now.

Besides, he didn’t really participate in this so-called alchemy meeting.

He’s here to rob a tomb.

The hotel couldn’t stay, and William declined Mirshat’s invitation again and continued to follow the Gringotts team.

Not long after he left Cairo, he also saw three towering pyramids standing in the desert.

If there is a stereotype survey of Egypt in the world, it must be the pyramids.

The most famous of these is the Giza Pyramid complex on the Giza Plateau outside Cairo.

They are the Pyramid of Khufu, the Pyramid of Hawar, and the Pyramid of Menkaure.

The relationship is also the grandson and grandson three generations in the same house.

Below the pyramid, there is the famous Sphinx.

When William looked at it, it seemed strange.

Because it doesn’t have a nose either.

Hey, why would you say that?

The sphinx’s nose, lost a long time ago.

It is said that in 1798, when Napoleon invaded Egypt, he was bombarded with cannons during training.

This is pure nonsense, before Napoleon went to Egypt, there was no nose.

Besides, the Emperor of France is a well-known cultural relic lover, and he brought many things to Paris intact.

How could it destroy the Sphinx!

However, this statue without a nose, also known as Incomplete Beauty, is the same as Venus with a broken arm.

It even inspired the creative enthusiasm and performance art imitation of countless artists in later generations.

For example, Voldemort had plastic surgery back then, and William wouldn’t believe it if he didn’t do it for this thing.

However, this is not the destination of this trip. Although the pyramids of Giza are magical, they have been thoroughly studied.

In William’s previous life, even the unsolved mysteries of the world at the roadside stalls were knowledgeable about the analysis of the pyramids.

What “Ancient Aliens Build”, “Energy Receiving Tower”, “Circumference divided by twice the height to get pi”

Much older than Luna Lovegood.

There are even bricklayers claiming that it was forged by the West in the nineteenth century.

When Napoleon, with an expedition force of 30,000, conquered Egypt, conquered Malta, fought the Mamluk cavalry, suppressed the people’s uprising, and finally fled back to France alone

In the past few years, 30,000 people have not only fought everywhere, fighting against enemies several times their size, but also forged and built 96 pyramids?

William can already imagine the scene of his soldiers carrying stones in one hand and shooting at the enemy with guns in the other, insisting on building the pyramid despite the rain of artillery and muskets.

What is this French?

More Godzilla than Transformers.

Most importantly, what is Western civilization trying to do to help the Middle East and colonies to falsify history?

Is it bad to fake it for yourself?

But now, as a wizard, William instantly understood that the future Ministry of Magic must be confusing.

After all, it was built by wizards and warlocks in ancient Egypt. no dog head

So where does this journey end?

Of course it was Thebes, the capital of ancient Egypt.

As the capital of the Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom, it was once called “the capital of a hundred gates” by Homer.

There are not only Karnak Temple and Luxor Temple there, but also the location of the famous Valley of the Kings.

These pharaoh tombs and temples have been designated as key excavation objects by Gringotts.

The ruins of Thebes, now located in the area of Luxor and Karnak, were stunned when they came here.

They originally thought that their work place was in Cairo, no matter how bad it was, they would have to be a city, right?

Townships can barely accept it.

But how to stay away from people and appear in the depths of the desert?

Many people have just arrived, thinking about running away with buckets.

Soon, a wizard came out to greet him.

He is tall, with characteristic red hair in a long ponytail.

On the ear is an earring with the Anubis pendant hanging from it.

Also an old acquaintance!

“Bill, long time no see.” William greeted Hermione.

Yes, it was Bill Weasley.

Bill was the eldest child of the Weasleys, and the best.

Let’s put it this way, Percy is a standard scholar at school. Not only is he the president of the Boys’ Society, he also has twelve certificates.

But that’s not surprising, after all, what he did, Bill did.

Percy is also learning from Bill everywhere, taking him as an example.

The only thing that disappointed Percy, such an excellent big brother, unexpectedly did not go to the Ministry of Magic after graduation.

Instead, he chose to go to Gringotts as a spell-breaker.

This makes Percy feel that Big Brother has fallen.

Such a free and easy character, but deeply influenced the second brother Charlie.

This is also the reason why Charlie did not play in the professional Quidditch league after graduation, but went to Romania to study fire dragons.

When he made this decision, the first Weasley family to support Charlie was his elder brother Bill.

The twins were also influenced by Bill, that is, the older brother never studied hard.

The thing is, Bill is also number one without studying, and not the twins.

As for Ron, it wasn’t much affected.

Bill was only one year old when he entered school.

Every year in the future, my eldest brother will only stay at home for a few days during the summer vacation, and he has no chance to be influenced.

After chatting for a while, William brought Mrs. Weasley’s letter to Bill.

He was speechless after reading it.

It’s another marriage urging~www.readwn.com~ forcing him to go home quickly for a blind date.

This is also impossible.

Bill has been studying pyramids in Egypt for almost a decade.

The working environment here is very bad, and there are no girls around.

Over the years, except for the Quidditch World Cup that year, I went home, and then rushed back to Egypt.

This is also the point that Mrs. Weasley was extremely resentful to Dumbledore.

Ever since Arya Grindelwald went to Egypt, she needs a pair of eyes to keep an eye on what’s going on here.

On the surface, Bill was a spell-breaker, and secretly he was helping Dumbledore and William as a spy.

“William, I saw the news, that war was fought beautifully.” After Bill put away the letter, he chatted enthusiastically.

“Didn’t Professor Dumbledore come?”

“He can’t come, Britain needs someone to stay there,” explained William.

He and the Headmaster have never left England at the same time since the war began.

As long as there is one person, Voldemort can be contained very well.

“Then why did you suddenly come to Egypt this time?” Bill asked curiously. “Are you going to deal with Arya Grindelwald?”

He’s been watching for a few years, and now he’s eager to go back to the wizarding wars.

“No, it’s to help the goblins of Gringotts to decipher the magic in the temple,” William said.

“In exchange, they want to support us in this war.”

This is of course an excuse.

At this point in the war, Gringotts didn’t need help at all.

But who got Harry caught, William needs to enter the temple in Egypt and find the entrance to the land of the dead.

And it just so happens that the fairies also need to go in.

William took this as a bargaining chip. On the surface, it was to help them and get support for the war. In fact, he was using chickens to lay eggs and paving the way for himself.

Old Yin b!

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