A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 1105

Vol 7 Chapter 19: Amon

A goblin walked quickly into the living room.

He was old and wore a neatly ironed custom flannel suit that made the old goblin look odd.

Not only does it not fit in with Gringotts, the wizarding bank, but it also violates his status as a goblin.

“Welcome to the two of you, especially you, Mr. Stark.” Jorah smiled:

“I applied with Gringotts in the UK very early to invite you to Egypt. Fortunately, it is not too late.”

“You’re welcome.” William said lightly.

“The specific agreement against the Death Eaters must have been negotiated by the Order of the Phoenix with Gringotts, England.”

Jorah obviously knew who was in charge in Britain now, and there was no mention of the Ministry of Magic at all.

He paused and said in a cadence: “Here, we won’t discuss more, it’s better to go directly to understand the situation of the Temple of Amon…”

As soon as he arrived, the old goblin wanted to urge William to work without giving him a night’s rest… the old capitalist.

William waved his hand and smiled:

“The time is urgent, it should be the case, but…”

He said in a troubled tone:

“Now the situation has changed and it has exceeded my expectations. I still need Mr. Jorah, give me a reasonable explanation.

Otherwise, this agreement… can only be abandoned. ”

Jorah frowned. “Is there anything you are dissatisfied with?”

“When I arrived in Cairo, I saw an apartment collapsed and many people died, many of them were wizards who participated in this alchemy conference.”

William narrowed his eyes and looked at the old goblin:

“I know that the Egyptian Ministry of Magic did not dare to let me in. Only with the mediation of Gringotts did they send me an invitation letter.

Gringotts is also one of the organizers of the conference.

But if so many wizards die at one time, neither the Egyptian Ministry of Magic nor you seem to be indifferent? ”

William asked sharply, but with his current strength and status, there was no need to be too polite.

Besides, fairies are afraid of things that are won by virtue.

The more polite you are of a race of this nature, the less polite they will be.

What’s more, there are indeed many doubts in this matter… William needs to doubt whether it is reasonable or reasonable.

Jorah seemed very embarrassed. He rubbed his hands, and after a while, he lowered his voice:

“Mr. Stark, we are in a cooperative relationship now, and this kind of thing is not hidden from you. Speaking of which, it has some origins with you.”

William raised his eyebrows high.

“You must remember Arya Grindelwald who caused the Paris nuclear crisis,” said the old goblin.

The Egyptian magic world knew about Arya coming to Egypt.

Because that year in Vienna, the International Wizarding Conference held a special discussion on this matter, and also warned the Egyptian Ministry of Magic.

“A few years ago, we discovered the tomb of Cleopatra VII, and we finally got through it.” The old goblin said angrily:

“But Arya suddenly appeared, killed a lot of goblins, and stole the most important magic item from the tomb.”

“You mean she did it when the apartment collapsed?” Hermione asked aloud.

“Probably,” said Jorah.

“This alchemy conference will discuss how to open the Temple of Amon. She probably wanted to stop us, so she assassinated those wizards.”

“Is there any evidence?”

“Of course.” Jorah nodded: “Have you two heard of the Muslin Brotherhood?”

William nodded slightly.

In his previous life, he had heard of this organization.

Founded in 1928, it is a religious and political group mainly formed by the *** Sunni tradition.

Although it has been classified as a terrorist organization before William’s crossing, but in fact…

In earlier nodes, the Muslim Brotherhood was one of the major powers that dominated Egypt.

Even after the “democratic” revolution of the so-called “Arab Spring” in the West, which was in fact the “Arab Winter”, the Muslim Brotherhood took the opportunity to assume the position of a president.

This organization has a huge influence not only in the Muggle world… but also in the Egyptian magic world.

“The creation of the Muslim Brotherhood has something to do with Grindelwald,” Jorah said.

“It was founded by Hassan Banner, who was not only a wizard, but a shaman, a member of Grindelwald.

At that time, Grindelwald let him come to Egypt to get the support of this land. ”

This is easy to understand, when Egypt was still a British colony.

The British Ministry of Magic also has control over the Egyptian wizarding world.

Given the situation in Europe at the time, once the Wizarding War broke out, British wizards would likely land in Egypt and steal Grindelwald’s hometown.

If you want to start a great jihad in all of Europe and protect the rear, you must naturally get the support of wizards in the Middle East and Africa.

This can even see the gap between Voldemort and Grindelwald in terms of pattern.

This second baby has been doing it for most of her life, and she is still jumping on one-third of an acre in the UK, but she doesn’t understand it.

At the peak of Grindelwald, his tentacles extended to Egypt.

And the legacy of the forces has affected it to this day.

“After the defeat of Grindelwald, the organization was wiped out for a while, and even Hassan was killed.” Jorah sighed. “Like the Death Eaters of the last decade.”

“But after being dormant for a while, they came alive again and moved around.

The collapse of the apartment was inseparable from the Muslim Brotherhood. ”

“As for whether it has anything to do with Arya?” Jorah shrugged:

“Obviously, she is Grindelwald’s daughter, and just by her title, she can easily gather the Muslim Brotherhood by her side.

What’s more, based on what she did in Paris, she has long been the spiritual leader of many dark wizards. ”

“So, it’s not that we are indifferent, it’s that the enemy is destroying and preventing us from rescuing,” Jorah said.

For this explanation, William is noncommittal, but also thinks it is very reasonable.

In this case, Arya is indeed the most suspicious.

Since the explanation is clear, William will not be entangled for the time being.

Led by Jorah, the three of them strode toward a narrow metal passage.

“It’s here,” said the old goblin, opening a magically protected door for them. “Here it is.”

William and Hermione stepped into another world.

This small room looks like a movie theater with holographic projections:

The phantom of a temple, floating in the air.

The giant stone pillars support the boulders, and there are monuments such as the Sphinx and Ram statues on the building, which are magnificent and shocking.

“Muggles are called Karnak Temple, or Amun Temple.” Jorah introduced.

The Temple of Karnak was part of Thebes, the capital of Egypt during the Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom.

It is also the center of worship of the sun **** Amon and the location of the largest temple in ancient Egypt.

In fact, in ancient times, wizards and Muggles lived together and ruled the latter.

The most powerful wizards were sent to the altar by Muggles to become various “gods”.

And powerful wizards also protect ordinary people from natural disasters, and even resist the invasion of powerful magical creatures~www.readwn.com~ Amon, as the strongest wizard in that era, helped the pharaohs to establish the Eleventh Dynasty of Egypt.

His own status quickly rose to become the main **** of all Egypt.

As for the original sun **** with the highest status, Ra, was replaced.

Even, the two merged among Muggles and became the so-called “Amon Ra” god.

The temple in front of him was left behind by him.

However, that’s not the point.

The focus is on this temple, which is also the first magic school in the world.

Back then, the Big Four studied here.

It was also William’s… destination in search of the land of death.

And the four coffins left by the Big Four are here!

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