A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 1115

Vol 7 Chapter 29: Daughter Of Death

The fairy in the lake… William felt bad when he heard this name again.

He can’t wait to punch Arya, then grab the “fishnet suit” on her body – the bandage, and flick it on her body hard,

Question asked:

“Why are you called the fairy in the lake?!”

No wonder he was so disgusted, didn’t the mysterious witch from before also call herself Vivian, the fairy in the lake?

Or…was it a trend in those days, witches called themselves “fairy in the lake” when they went out?

Just like today’s girls, regardless of whether they are tanks, they all call themselves “little fairies”… In fact, little mountain girls are more or less the same.

The witch originally thought that even if the exposure of this identity could not calm the two of them, she could successfully take the initiative in the topic.

Who knew that they both looked at her with a strange look, as if they were looking at a liar.

“What’s wrong, what’s wrong?” She was a little annoyed.

“Let’s take the liberty to ask, is the Fairy in the Lake a special organization? It’s like a Death Eater.” William said in a slightly teasing tone:

“As long as you join it, can you hold this title?”

The witch naturally heard the sarcasm, but she was not angry, but explained patiently:

“The fairy in the lake is not an organization, and there is indeed more than one person. It is a name for a type of person.”


“The witch who lives in Avalon.”

“Avalon…” William repeated the place name.

Of course, Avalon knew that, after all, the story of the fairy in the lake, Merlin and King Arthur had been circulated repeatedly in the Muggle and wizarding worlds.

Moreover, William also determined its location, in the underworld.

The mysterious witch who called herself Vivian was imprisoned there.

Earlier, she also gave a fake “two-way map” in an attempt to induce William to go there.

“Before I was killed, the fairy in the lake connected with me, and only the last three were left.” The witch sighed and looked at William and Hermione:

“Have you met a witch who calls herself the fairy in the lake? What’s her name, is it Elaine?!”

Hermione shook her head and said, “She said… her name is Vivian.”

The witch suddenly clenched her fists, a look of anger flashed across her face:

“I’m Vivian, she’s impersonating me!”

William and Hermione exchanged a ‘sure” look.

Not long ago, they suspected that the witch imprisoned at Stonehenge was not Vivian.

According to Sir Cadogan:

It is impossible for Merlin to imprison Vivian, it is still fifteen hundred years, what a deep hatred.

“Does she have any other characteristics?” asked the witch.

“The witch was locked in Stonehenge and could only contact us through magical projections,” William said.

Vivian’s eyes were cold, as if she already knew her identity.

“So who is she, Morgan le Fay?” Hermione asked softly.

The witch glanced at the girl in surprise and nodded hesitantly:

“I don’t know how you found out her identity, but I’m sure she is Morgan!”

Vivian sneered:

“She pretended to be me back then and deceived Merlin into a well-prepared trap.

Unexpectedly, after 1,500 years, this kind of trick will still not improve at all. ”

“However, she was trapped in Stonehenge by Merlin. I thought she was dead.” The witch said murderously:

“I didn’t expect to see power from Stonehenge. It’s amazing.”

“Aren’t you… the soul of Cleopatra?” Hermione asked cautiously.

“Grindelwald said, from her mausoleum, bring your soul back to life.”

“You mean that young wizard? I’ve seen him.” Vivian just smiled:

“He was truly amazing, and he summoned my soul from the tomb of Cleopatra VII.

But does it have to be the mummy of Cleopatra VII lying there? ”

“That woman’s soul has long since become the tonic that nourishes my soul and helps me resurrect.”

William looked at the witch, and suddenly remembered that she had just said that she had been “killed”.

Vivian was dazed, and after a while, she explained in a vicissitudes of life:

“When I died, only the remnant was left, and even the Holy Grail could not be resurrected.

Merlin took me to the tomb of Cleopatra VII.

This female pharaoh prepared a lot of things carefully for resurrection.

Merlin transplanted my soul onto the mummy, and with the help of her resurrection method, slowly warmed the soul.

Just when I was about to be resurrected, Grindelwald came, and he forcibly stripped me from the mummy and resurrected me.

He mistook me for Cleopatra, but it wasn’t, I was Vivienne, the fairy of the lake. ”

“Who killed you?” William was more curious about this question.

“Morgan did it!” Vivian gritted her teeth.

“In the Battle of Kamran, King Arthur killed Mordred and was seriously wounded in the back.”

“When King Arthur was dying, Morgan escorted him to Avalon.

I thought Morgan was remorseful, so I agreed to help.

Then she suddenly attacked me, almost killed me, turned into me again, made a trap, and invited Merlin to an appointment. ”

Vivian paused and said:

“But she is not Merlin’s opponent at all. In exchange for my soul, Merlin spared her life and was trapped by Stonehenge instead of killing her.”

“Why did you believe Morgan then?” Hermione asked sharply.

She felt that it was very unreasonable. If Voldemort surrendered suddenly, no matter Dumbledore or William, there might be people who would believe him.

The Dark Lord is the Dark Lord… Vivien would be soft-hearted and trust Morgan?

She is not the real Virgin, or there is another secret.

“Because of Morgan…” Vivian laughed miserably. “She is also the fairy in the lake, she is my… my sister!”

“Morgan is your sister? Isn’t she the daughter of the Duke of Cornwall?” William looked confused.

Vivian showed a trance, looked up at the sky, and said:

“This is some secret news that can’t be found on the table, do you want to hear it?”

William didn’t consider himself an outsider, and said with a melon-eating expression: “Anyway, it’s a long night, it’s okay to listen to it.”

According to the history of magic, Morgan and King Arthur are half-siblings.

At the time King Uther fell in love with a duchess named Igna.

Merlin cast a transformation spell to make King Uther’s face exactly the same as her husband, the Duke of Cornwall, to help King Uther and Igna meet.

Ignatius finally became pregnant and gave birth to the future King Arthur.

And Morgan is the daughter of Ignatius and the Duke of Cornwall…

William always thought that Morgan hated Merlin so much because he helped King Uther green her father.

Now it seems that there are more powerful melons.

“Morgan, like King Arthur, is not the child of the Duke of Cornwall.” Vivian confided the secret back then.

“Before Merlin helped King Uther, someone did the same thing as King Uther earlier.

On his wedding night, he took on the appearance of the Duke of Cornwall and spent the night with Igna.

After that night, Igna became pregnant and gave birth to Morgan. ”


Co-authored by the Duke of Cornwall, the green purity is higher than expected.

Not only was the wedding night green~www.readwn.com~ his wife gave birth to two children, none of them belonged to him?

This is too pitiful, isn’t it? !

And Igna, the Duchess, is really unlucky… Why did they become her husband and come to have a spring dinner with her?

How beautiful does this have to be?

Most importantly, on that wedding night, he became the beast of the Duke of Cornwall… Who is it? !

Play like this?

“That man was my father and Morgan.”

“He’s… Death.”


“We are all daughters of death.”

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