A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 1120

Vol 7 Chapter 34: Ninjutsu / Izanagi?

After getting the Deathly Hallows, Tom immediately left the island where the **** of death lived.

It seems that if you stay for a while, there may be unknowns.

This is entirely possible. In the story of the three brothers, didn’t the eldest and second child die suddenly?

Although according to the steps, he is now the “third child”, but this kind of metaphysics has to be guarded.

After walking for more than an hour and getting far enough from the place of death, Tom stopped and took all three Deathly Hallows in his hands.

For thousands of years, there have been many Deathly Hallows circulating in the world.

But no matter how many pieces there are, three obtained in one trial are considered a complete set.

A wizard may hold several pieces, but a complete set can be said to be… very few, almost none.

Tom stroked the long clay doll, the cylinder, and the golden ark of the covenant.

According to the story of the three brothers, if you collect a set of Deathly Hallows, you can become the master of the God of Death.

He’s all gathered now, but nothing special has happened yet?

Do you need to take this, find the **** of death, and shout:

“Bah! Death, I will call you a servant, do you dare to agree?”

I am afraid that before I can ask, I will be destroyed by the **** of death.

It seems that the rumors are unreliable.

Tom studied the doll for a while, and finally locked his eyes on the golden ark.

The cabinet is engraved with a row of runes:

“Resurrection is in me,

life is also in me,

those who believe in me,

Although dead,

shall be resurrected;

those who live and believe in me,

must never die. ”

As the owner of this golden Ark of the Covenant, just after getting it, Tom somehow knew how to use it, as if the memory was engraved in his mind:

The heart needs to be dug out and placed in the Ark of the Golden Covenant.

The heart is immortal, and even if he is killed, he will be resurrected immediately.

In contrast, there is a limit to the number of Horcruxes, which also kill and split souls.

After being “killed”, it cannot be resurrected immediately.

If you are unlucky, you may be in a wandering state for many years… just look at Voldemort.

Could it be worse than this?

The Ark of the Golden Covenant avoids this embarrassing situation and is equivalent to the ability to resurrect in an infinite instant.

It is a level higher than the Horcrux.

As expected of the Deathly Hallows!

But the Ark of the Covenant, like the Horcrux, is at risk…it may be found.

Once the Horcrux is found, it can be destroyed; if the Ark of the Golden Covenant is found, the heart in the ark can be stabbed to death.

But this “defect” is almost negligible compared with the advantages.

Without hesitation, Tom immediately drew his wand, aimed it at his chest, and cut a slit across it.

Blood flowed from his chest immediately, and the crimson liquid stained his clothes.

Tom endured the pain and reached out, and soon, his slender hands held out his beating heart.

With a gentle pull, he broke the blood vessel connecting the heart and quickly put it into the Ark of the Golden Covenant.

The heart is beating like this in the closet, strong and cheerful.

There were no signs of organ failure.

He raised his wand, pointed the tip of the wand at his forehead, and immediately dripped black blood from his head.

Tom was cursed by himself, and he got a headshot… Soon, the body disappeared, and a complete Tom was resurrected not far away.

There was no blood on his body, and the wound on his chest disappeared.

It’s just that there is no more beating heart in the chest.

With an excited look on Tom’s face, he closed the golden ark of the covenant, and then used the prehistoric mystery to lock the ark to death.

The only question now is where to hide this golden chest without anyone finding it.

Voldemort once hid five Horcruxes, all of which were discovered one by one.

As the first Horcrux himself, Tom found the second Horcrux by guessing—Slytherin’s ring.

He deeply understands that nowhere in the world is safe.

Even the moon, there are Muggles arriving… Mars is estimated to be sooner or later.

As long as it is within the reach of human beings, there is danger and the possibility of being discovered.

Only the places that you can’t reach by yourself are the safest.

Tom put his eyes on the river Styx not far away.

Yes, even the underworld may have wizards arriving, but the river Styx is not…

Only the undead can survive in it.

The Ark of the Golden Covenant is the Deathly Hallows, immortal for thousands of years, and untouchable by the undead.

Lying quietly at the bottom of the Styx, no one can get it, including myself.

Even if it flows down the river towards the end, it is also the “resting place” of the dead, which is safer.

This is what he wants.

Tom stood on the bank and threw the golden ark toward the middle of the Styx.

It didn’t take long for the golden cabinet to appear in his hands, and then quickly sank into the water without even a splash.

Those spirits of death were swept away by the terrifying aura, and no one dared to touch them.

After doing all this, Tom was completely relieved, and he finally no longer had to worry about being killed again.

The last time Stark attacked him, he still had lingering fears.

For safety’s sake, Tom took Harry again and continued to walk a long way before waking him up.

Harry woke up in a daze, wondering where he was.

Tom stretched out his fingers lazily, cold fingertips touching the scar on Harry’s forehead, which he stroked softly. other side.

Harry stiffened, Tom chuckled in his ear and said:

“Harry, you have completed this journey to the underworld.

Many great wizards never get here in their lifetimes. ”

Tom looked at the struggling Harry and whispered:

“But as one of three brothers, death is your destiny.

I need to free you from the body according to my destiny, and have my soul fragments to accompany you…”

He stopped and looked down at the captive with a smile.

“You should have greeted death with a laugh.”

The last sentence, Tom’s voice has been extremely cold.

He waved his wand, and a water polo enveloped Harry.

Cold liquid seeped into Harry’s eyes, blurring his vision. He hunched his back, trying to resist, but found his body stiff.

Harry couldn’t swim and kept his mouth shut.

But carbon dioxide deposits in the blood, triggering the instinct to inhale, and the lungs begin to burn.

Harry couldn’t take it anymore, he opened his mouth and water poured down his nose and mouth.

He knew… the time of death… was approaching again…

But die or die, Harry is ready… Fate doesn’t torture him.

At this moment, the surrounding fog filled the air, and a huge water dragon flew over.

The water dragon glared furiously and stared at Tom, terrifyingly terrifying, it roared and spat water.

The roaring gust of wind seemed to be stunned, and the water column shot at high speed, with unparalleled cutting force, left a huge crack on the ground.

Tom stepped back hastily, almost cutting him in half with that one blow.

He was terrified and looked up, only to see four golden coffins floating on the Styx River 100 meters away.

A man and two women stood proudly on the coffin.

William crossed his arms, looked down at Tom, and smiled: “Long time no see, my best friend… I didn’t expect you to be alive.

When you died, I cried very sadly and burned some knives for you.

It’s great to see you in the underworld. ”

Tom spat, and it was Stark who turned into “Targaryen” and killed himself, and he dreamed of revenge.

However, how could he be in the underworld and cross the river?

Tom is puzzled!

“Vivian…” William waved his hand, as if assigning his subordinates.

“He’ll leave it to you, let me and Hermione open our eyes and see your current power.”

Vivian snorted softly, seemingly dissatisfied with the tone of William’s order.

But still one step ahead…

The original bandage outfit was too leaky. Except for the unimportant parts, all the key parts were seen by William.

So Hermione gave Vivian a set of her own clothes to put on.

At this time, Vivian was wearing a long robe and swaying in the wind.

She disappeared on the spot, like a comet Liu Ying, flew away and landed on Shui Long’s head.

Vivian raised her right hand, and a ray of light crashed down towards Tom.

Tom raised his wand, used prehistoric mysteries, and used his hatred of William as his power to weave a shield in front of him.

But a surging and powerful magic force was released wantonly, and then suppressed.

As far as the light can reach, most of the shields constructed by Tom collapsed, and the few that remained were also crumbling, showing signs of collapse.

Tom was shocked… Where did the woman come from, so fierce?

One side of the battle is inevitable.

Tom is still a 16-year-old magic power. Although he is studying prehistoric mysteries, his time is still short, and his strength is just that.

As for Vivian… just absorbed the power left by Merlin in the Holy Grail.

She herself is the daughter of the **** of death, and is proficient in prehistoric mysteries.

The strengths of the two sides are not at the same level at all.

I saw a snow-white streamer, through the shield, straight towards Tom.

After being violently hit by the light, Tom slipped out more than ten meters.

There was another collision, and there was a thunderous explosion. He was smashed into the ground, and the ground sank a few meters deep, revealing only the face that was tending to be disorganized.

Tom’s body disappeared and was resurrected not far away.

He had lingering fears, but fortunately he had just put his heart into the Ark of the Golden Covenant, otherwise he would have died.

Vivian raised her hand again, as if the buzz of thousands of bees flying came out, and she hooked her hand slightly.

Tom instinctively tilted his head!

But in an instant, an invisible blade cut through the air and cut off Tom’s head.

He appeared not far away again.

William frowned slightly… What kind of magic is this?

Forbidden Spell, Izanagi?

Hello~www.readwn.com~ This is the magical world, not the world of Naruto… Did you go to the wrong set?

Vivian also stopped the offensive, frowned for the first time in the world, stretched out again, and asked:

“The Deathly Hallows you got can help you resurrect infinitely?”

Tom looked up suddenly and looked at the witch in disbelief… guess what?

He sneered: “Don’t worry about the Deathly Hallows, it’s more than enough to kill you.”

Tom took a stance, as if to make a bigger move.

William held his breath and stepped in front of Hermione.

I saw Tom waving his wand and chanting a spell in his mouth… He turned decisively and ran away, leaving only the three people on the golden coffin in a mess.

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