A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 1124

Vol 7 Chapter 38: Your Eyes Look Like Your Mother

Walking into the principal’s office again, Harry’s heart was extremely complicated.

If it were before, he would be very excited, because of all the offices, Dumbledore’s room was the most interesting.

All kinds of bizarre magic items; there is also the phoenix Fox that will spontaneously combust; silverware that spews smoke…

But at this moment, Harry is not interested in these, only endless exhaustion.

The office is still the office, but now it is so unfamiliar.

After he came in, he stood in the middle of the room and looked around lightly.

Harry quickly found what he was looking for, the strange broken hat, on the shelf.

He ignored the curious eyes of the old and female principals on the wall and walked straight to the Sorting Hat.

Harry put his hat on his head, and a small voice said in his ear:

“Is something wrong, Harry Potter?”

“Oh, yes,” Harry whispered indistinctly. “I’m sorry to bother you…I wanted to ask…”

“Why would I want to put you in Slytherin when I was sorted?” The hat had seen what Harry was thinking, and it said softly:

“Yes… Your position is particularly difficult to pinpoint, but I still insist on my choice…”

“Because I have Voldemort’s soul on my forehead?” Harry asked directly.

The Sorting Hat stopped talking, and the portraits on the wall were all whispering to each other, not knowing what they were discussing.

“Thank you for giving me an exact answer.” Harry put the Sorting Hat back.

The door to the office was opened, and Dumbledore walked in with a solemn expression.

“Have William and Hermione left, Professor?” Harry asked.

“Yes, the two of them still have a lot to deal with.” Dumbledore sat down on the chair and said a little tiredly:

“Harry, what were you talking about with the Sorting Hat?”

“Let’s chat…” Harry paused, maintaining a reluctant smile: “Did it give students points for missing the academy?”

“Then it will tell you, never.” Dumbledore looked at Harry, he waved his wand, and two cups appeared on the table.

“What do you think?”

Harry picked up the glass and held it in his palm.

Smelling the distinctive scent, he recognized that it was Mrs. Smerta with three brooms, mead ripened with oak.

Harry had tasted it once before and liked it very much.

But he didn’t drink it, just sniffed it.

“Perhaps the Sorting Hat assigned Wormtail to the wrong house?”

Dumbledore raised his slender fingers, touching their tips together, and stared at him:

“Actually, the Sorting Hat wanted to sort Peter into Slytherin.

But Peter refused. When he was sorted, he, like you, had his own ideas.

You know, the Sorting Hat sometimes takes students’ opinions into consideration. ”

Harry felt very uncomfortable.

Especially knowing that Wormtail had been like him, almost entered Slytherin, rejected the Sorting Hat, and came to Gryffindor.

“Why? Why does he want to go to Gryffindor?” Harry asked curiously.

“Peter envied strong men and brave men like James Potter and Sirius Black.” Dumbledore explained:

“And they both happened to go to Gryffindor.”

“Then do you think the Sorting Hat made a mistake?”

“I think…” Dumbledore sighed softly: “It’s a little too hasty on Severus.”

“Professor Snape?” Harry was stunned when he heard the name.

“Severus is braver than anyone I have ever met.” Dumbledore said slowly:

“As you should already know, he has always been my spy, loyal to me.

He was there with Voldemort, risking his life, to find out for us. ”

Harry’s eyes flickered and he agreed with Dumbledore’s words.

Every time he sees Voldemort, it hurts, and Snape can always be a spy around that man.

This is simply not something ordinary wizards can bear.

“Harry, I said this, just to tell you.” Dumbledore looked at the child and said softly:

“The Sorting Hat will sort students into different houses.

But it does not mean that he does not meet the standards of other colleges.

Do not arbitrarily equate students with their colleges to create a confrontation. ”

Dumbledore leaned back in his chair, raised his head, and said gently:

“It’s as if the Sorting Hat thinks you should go to Slytherin, but you’re totally Gryffindor.”

“Professor…” Harry asked in confusion. “What is Gryffindor?”

Dumbledore’s slender fingertips touched each other, his chin resting on the fingertips, blue pupils looking at Harry through the half-moon-shaped lens.

“Never cruel,

never cowardly;

never give up,

Never give in. ”

Harry repeated these words over and over again, and finally his eyes were firm, and there was no longer a trace of confusion.

He said quietly:

“Tell me, then, Professor. Am I Voldemort’s Horcrux?”

Dumbledore nodded, without any concealment:

“The night Voldemort tried to kill you, Lily cast a ‘love’ spell on you at the cost of her life.

That Killing Curse, bounced back on Voldemort, and a fragment of his soul was blown away and attached to you.

Four years ago, Tom had no intention of destroying that piece of soul, but he cast the Killing Curse on you again and made another Horcrux. ”

“So, you have the ability to talk to the snake and connect to Voldemort’s mind.

To kill Voldemort completely, that piece of soul must be destroyed. ”

Harry had already realized something when he was taken to the underworld by Tom.

When the truth came out, he was very calm.

As if it wasn’t him who was about to die.

“Thank you for your frankness, let me finally know the truth, instead of deceiving me.” Harry raised the glass and smiled relievedly:

“I’m ready, Professor, ready to die.”

Dumbledore also raised his glass and toasted Harry.

“How long do I have?” Harry stood up slowly.

“this summer.”

“Enough, enough for me and everyone to say goodbye.” Harry walked towards the door and finally turned around and said:

“Goodbye, Professor Dumbledore. Thank you for taking care of me all these years.”

After Dumbledore finished drinking, he was already in tears.

The oak door was slammed open.

A middle-aged man with greasy hair broke in rudely.

There was a strong smell of alcohol in the house.

Dumbledore was drinking alone, and there were many empty bottles on the table.

He didn’t care about Snape breaking in, but raised his head and said drunkenly:

“Severus, has William told you the plan?”

“He asked me to kill that snake…” Snape stared at Dumbledore:

“The big **** also told me that the snake is a Horcrux, and Harry is also a Horcrux?!”

“Yes.” Dumbledore raised his head and took another drink.

Snape said in disbelief:

“Then the boy…the boy…he has to die?”

“Harry will be the bait, the most important part of the whole plan, he will lead Voldemort into the trap,” Dumbledore said.

“After the soul on Harry’s forehead is destroyed, we can kill Voldemort once and for all.”

After a long silence, confirming that the Headmaster was not joking, Snape’s whole body seemed to collapse.

“I thought… all these years… I thought we were protecting him, for her, for Lily…”

“I was a spy for you, I made up lies for you, and risked my death for you.

You told me it was all about keeping Lily Potter’s son safe.

Now you say, you keep him like a pig to be slaughtered…”

“How touching, Severus.” Dumbledore drank a few more sips of wine, and said drunkenly:

“Did you start to like that boy?”

“Like him?” Snape exclaimed, “God Guard!”

A silver doe sprang from the tip of his staff.

It landed on the floor, jumped lightly to the end of the office, and slammed through the wooden door.

Dumbledore watched it go away, watched its silver light disappear, then turned to Snape, who was tearing up.

“It’s been so long, or so?”

“It’s always been that way,” Snape said, tears streaming down the tip of his long hooked nose.

“Severus, I also want Harry to survive, he is not mortal.” Dumbledore comforted:

“As long as Voldemort does it himself, he has a chance of surviving.

It’s entirely up to Harry himself… Of course, that’s my guess…”

“Guess?” Snape roared. “What if you guessed wrong?!”

Dumbledore shook his head, but this shook his head, whether he didn’t know, or he would definitely die… Snape didn’t know.

However, the result is the same.

Snape leaned weakly against the corner, put his hands on his chest, and let out a low growl of pain.

He hates Harry Potter very much, but why does his chest hurt so much at this moment?

Like sixteen years ago, hearing the news of Lily’s death?

“Dumbledore, why is love…so painful?”

“Because…” Dumbledore wiped his tears. “it is real.”

As Snape rushed out of the headmaster’s office, he found Harry still standing in the corridor, looking through the window, as if admiring Hogwarts.

Snape slowed down, not knowing what to say, and Harry suddenly said:

“Professor, the patron saint just now is very beautiful… a silver doe, exactly like my mother’s.”

Snape stopped abruptly.

Harry turned around, looked at Snape with green pupils, and said:

“Professor, I know you don’t like me, everything.

I’m staying here just to say goodbye to you. ”

Snape stared blankly at Harry, the first time they looked at each other so calmly.

Harry walked over and gave the poor middle-aged man a hug.

Snape unexpectedly didn’t dodge.

It was the first time anyone other than Lily had hugged him.

Although he felt his body stiff, he was also very warm… At least there was no repulsion in his imagination.

“Be nice to everyone, pay attention to personal hygiene, take care of yourself…” Harry choked:

“I think if my mother is still alive, I hope you do too.”

Harry let go of his embrace.

Snape’s heart was beating wildly. He suddenly put his arm on Harry’s shoulder and said softly:

“look at me…”

Harry raised his head, green eyes staring at black eyes.

“Harry, you have eyes like… your mother.”

Snape’s voice was bleak, like… like a wounded doe, only to moo while licking the wound when it found the young deer it was protecting was dying.

Harry hugged Snape tightly, and he suddenly felt pity for the middle-aged man.

On that night sixteen years ago, both of them lost the most important person.

Sixteen years later, Snape is about to lose someone again.

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