A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 1126

Vol 7 Chapter 40: 2 Dark Lords

In the center of the room, a bonfire was burning, and the firewood made a crackling sound.

The flickering firelight illuminated Voldemort’s frosty disfigured face.

It was still summer, but he was a little cold, wrapped his little black robe tightly, and baked his bare feet all the year round over the flames.

The originally cramped and closed room immediately exuded a strange smell.

Voldemort’s shadow, stretched by the firelight, was projected on the long table.

A group of Death Eaters sat on either side of the long table, shrouded in that huge shadow.

No one dared to speak, just bowed his head like a mute.

It seems that as long as he bows his head, he will not be called by the Dark Lord. It is very similar to the scene where the teacher prepares to ask questions in the classroom.

There are also small movements, such as Wormtail…

He was sneaking around in an unremarkable corner, nibbling at his long nails, as if doing a manicure fix.

The big blond Rolle, with his thick fingers, secretly blocked his nostrils, but dug out a bunch of colloidal substances and put them into his mouth.

He also gave Nott a look on the side, as if inviting him, and also had a taste of saltiness.

Probably frightened by Rolle’s perverted behavior, Nott moved his **** and continued to play a depressed patient.

All beings have different expressions… But overall, the Death Eaters are in a low mood, and they have begun to use various strange behaviors to vent their unease.

You must know how high-spirited the Death Eaters were when the Dark Lord declared war last year.

Even arrogantly shouted:

Three months to capture the Ministry of Magic, five months to destroy the Order of the Phoenix, six months to cross the English Channel, and thirty-seven days to occupy Paris before the surrender of the French people.

Finally, in the winter, he went all the way to Moscow, and hung the group of old Maozi on the street lamps.

How rampant at that time, how sluggish the momentum is at this time.

Even, many people began to plan to run away to prevent the Ministry of Magic from counterattacking after the defeat.

It can only be said that the defeat of the last battle was a major blow to the entire Death Eater group.

Everyone is also soberly aware that the gap between the two sides is too great.

The first wizarding war could last for ten years, but this time around… a quick defeat.

The reason for this is the gap in top combat power.

Compared with the First Wizarding War, Dumbledore is still the same Dumbledore, and even because of his age, he is much weaker than many years.

Voldemort is stronger.

But the battle is getting worse.

Anyone with discernment knows that the integration of the Ministry of Magic is one aspect of the Order of the Phoenix, and the most important thing… A Stark was born out of nowhere.

He shattered the balance of the rivalry between the two great powers.

Even if Voldemort and Dumbledore’s limit can be exchanged for one, there is still one more person on the opposite side.

A powerful wizard of this level, if unchecked, once put on the battlefield, is enough to instantly change the situation of the battle.

Voldemort sat there, his yew wand in his pale hands, watching the expressions of the crowd.

He sighed slightly.

People are scattered, and the team is not easy to lead.

Therefore, he is waiting for someone, waiting for a wizard who is enough to unite people’s hearts and change the unfavorable situation of the battle to appear.

It can’t be so cold, he looked around, and suddenly said loudly:

“Draco… Where’s Draco? Why didn’t he come to the meeting, dear Narcissa?!”

Narcissa’s whole body trembled, she raised her head tremblingly, her eyes were sunken, full of horror, and she no longer had the grace of the past.

The woman narrowed her eyes and said humbly:

“Draco is faithfully carrying out your mission at this time, Master.”

“Mission?” Voldemort pursed his lips and laughed.

“It’s August, and it’s still a while before Hogwarts begins. My mission is not something I can do now.”

Voldemort’s mission was to ask Draco to kill Dumbledore and Stark.

He couldn’t finish at Hogwarts, he left school, and he had no chance to get close to the two of them.

Voldemort stuck his head forward and asked coldly:

“Don’t you dare to come? The Malfoy family has always been a coward.”

There was a roar of laughter around the table. Many leaned forward, exchanging pleasant glances, and a few beat the table with their fists.

“No…” Narcissa hurriedly waved her hand and said sharply:

“Master, Draco found Potter’s trail. He’s been going to Diagon Alley a lot lately. Maybe… catch him.”

When Narcissa said this, she couldn’t help lowering her head… She didn’t believe it herself.

But I don’t know why my son is so confident and dare to let her talk to the Dark Lord like this.

Voldemort’s expression didn’t change at all. He knew better than anyone how well Dumbledore protected the boy.

Maybe, this is a trap, deliberately tempting him to send Death Eaters to attack, and then ambush.

Isn’t that how the Battle of the Department of Mysterious Affairs was pitted?

Voldemort has suffered a loss, and he has already stabilized.

As for Draco… His original intention was to punish Lucius for his failure and force his son to die.

Don’t expect Draco to succeed in doing anything great.

Since he wanted to catch Potter, go for it. If you can catch it, it’s the best, but if you can’t catch it, it’s okay to die.

“I hope he succeeds.” The corners of Voldemort’s mouth twitched, and he smiled slightly mockingly.

Narcissa was about to say something when there was a knock on the door.

“Come in.” Voldemort said without looking up.

Narcissa quickly shut up, only to see the Carlo brothers and sisters appear, and the two of them walked in quickly.

The Death Eaters all looked at the two of them curiously, this brother and sister, but they hadn’t appeared for a long time.

Two years ago, they were sent to Durmstrang to kill Karkaroff, the traitor.

But there was no news all the time, everyone thought that the Carlo brothers and sisters were not dead, so they took the opportunity to run away.

Unexpectedly came back.

And Voldemort’s attitude also surprised many Death Eaters.

Not only did he not punish them, but he was in high spirits and said excitedly:

“It’s great that you’re back, Amycus. Is he here?”

“Master, come here, he is waiting for your reception in the hall.” Amycus Carrow said proudly.

“How can we be so scornful of our honorable guest?” Voldemort’s tone was slightly reproachful.

“Wormtail, go and invite your distinguished guests to come here respectfully.”

Being called out suddenly, Wormtail shattered the nails that had been trimmed all afternoon.

He stammered, “Yes, Lord… Lord.”

Peter hurriedly got out of his chair and hurriedly left the conference room.

“Everyone, I’m revealing a secret.” Voldemort stood up, away from the bonfire, he said excitedly:

“The first-generation Dark Lord Grindelwald, coming here soon, join forces with me.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at each other in disbelief.

In the firelight, Voldemort’s red eyes seemed to be burning, and he put his wand between his slender fingers and twitched slowly.

“In Vienna two years ago, Grindelwald escaped from Nurmengard, which was the result of my sending my subordinates to contact him.”

Voldemort looked scheming.

“After that, I contacted him many times and even signed an agreement.

Today, he fulfilled his promise to join us with the Umulist Party and jointly attack Dumbledore and Stark! ”

The wizards at the table were obviously interested: some straightened up, some seemed to be unable to sit still, and seemed to be very excited.

Don’t worry about acting, smirking professionally, or really believe it, anyway… it’s over with boiling.

At this time, under the guidance of Wormtail, an old man with a few wizards walked in slowly.

“Mr. Grindelwald, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” said Voldemort in a high, clear voice.

“Long time no see, Mr. Voldemort.” Grindelwald smiled and said enthusiastically.

“Sit here.” Voldemort pointed to the seat to his right.

The old man sat down in the designated seat. The eyes of most people around the table followed him.

“Where are your students?” Voldemort asked, squinting. “Why didn’t you see him?”

In Durmstrang, the young wizard’s strength impressed him deeply.

Voldemort was still thinking, let him restrain Stark.

“It was his first time in the UK~www.readwn.com~ and he wanted to go shopping alone. Young people are curious about everything.”

“Ha, I understand.” Voldemort smiled and said in a hoarse voice, “It’s just that he’s not familiar with the place, so I can send him a tour guide.”

The two chatted enthusiastically and greeted each other physically, as if they were old friends for many years.

But I’ve only seen it once.

After the greeting, Voldemort looked at the beating flames and said in his high, clear voice:

“Then let the meeting begin.

Mr. Grindelwald and I have come up with a plan that will not only reverse the gap in numbers, but also quickly change the tide of battle, and hopefully defeat the Ministry of Magic and the Order of the Phoenix!

I call it – the Tufeng plan! ”

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