A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 1129

Vol 7 Chapter 43: Revenge 16 Years Late

After several phantom migrations, after making sure that he was not being followed by the wizard, Grindelwald stopped.

As time passed, his appearance suddenly changed drastically, and he finally changed back to a handsome young wizard.

That’s right, the original Dark Lord who met Voldemort was William.

Grindelwald has gone to the underworld, and now his life is uncertain, and it is impossible to return to meet Voldemort.

Fortunately, when they parted in Northern Europe that year, William asked for a lot of Grindelwald’s hair, which could be used to make the follow-up compound decoction and continue to fool Voldemort.

William still has a knack for role-playing.

Over the years, he’s turned into no less than a dozen wizards, and the inventory of hair collected, that’s more.

He is particularly good at playing Hermione, and he imitates both movements and tone of voice perfectly.

And the Tom who plays is usually a backer of hatred, and he has a wide range of dramas.

William’s performance of Grindelwald was so-so, but after getting along with the old man for a period of time and imitating it for a short time, it was fine.

In front of someone like Dumbledore who knows Grindelwald well, he will definitely be seen through.

But Voldemort and Grindelwald, who only met once, will never find any clues.

After William changed back to his original state, he Apparated again and came to the agreed location.

There was already a tall figure there, waiting anxiously.

“Little Heipao, maybe I should call you the leader of the dementor…” William smiled at the dementor. “haven’t seen you for a long time.”

Two years ago, when he went to Vienna to attend the International Wizarding Congress, William let out the little black robe that he had taken care of for a long time.

Let him go undercover in Dementors.

In the battle of Azkaban’s escape, William killed the dementor leader at that time, and let the little black robe take the position smoothly.

Just as William was completely face-blind when he saw the merman in the Black Lake, so did Voldemort when he saw the Dementors.

He doesn’t care who is the leader of the Dementors, he just needs to be obedient, and the little black robe will successfully become the confidant of the Dark Lord.

Thanks to the natural dark attributes of Dementors, Voldemort trusts them.

Yes, that’s right… the leader of the most important legion in Voldemort’s hands is actually under William’s control.

However, considering that Snape is Dumbledore’s man; Wormtail is Tom’s eyes; Draco has recently become William’s little bird; even Grindelwald, who met Voldemort, is fake…

One of his legions is William’s trump card, and it’s not too exaggerated.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Death Eaters are the “breweries” of the wizarding world.

Seeing William, the little black robe has a cute face.JPG.

Does he dare to be nice? He remembered the “happy times” in those years.

for example:

The hostess used it to practice the Patronus Charm; starved for several months, without the absorption of human souls and emotions, he was shrunken in size, about the size of a house elf.

Of course, what Xiao Heipao was most afraid of was the demon in front of him, showing the ability to kill Dementors.

Therefore, he really didn’t dare to betray, and immediately told Voldemort all the orders he issued when he summoned Voldemort.

William was speechless after hearing this.

A good Voldemort, really yin enough.

I thought that in order to deal with Dumbledore, Voldemort would have to turn his back on things at most.

Unexpectedly, I was ready to let the Dementors sneak attack now.


But now…

William narrowed his eyes and gave the order:

“Little Black Robe, I need you to cooperate with the wizards from the Ministry of Magic and attack the Death Eaters.

After killing them, come back to Hogwarts and complete the Battle of Annihilation. ”

Since Voldemort was about to turn the Dementor against the water, William gave him a surprise by turning back the water again.

The little black robe obliged.

William looked at him and said coldly:

“Little Heipao, you are very strong now, you have nearly two thousand Dementors in your hands, and Voldemort’s army is only a few thousand.

If, under such circumstances, the Death Eaters could escape, delaying the war, you should know the consequences…”

The little black robe shuddered.

“Of course, if it succeeds, I will give your tribe a whole new continent to multiply.”

After a warning from William, he gave another sweet date.

As for which continent… the underworld is a good place.

Hogwarts Castle,

When William returned, a military meeting had ended.

On the way, he also met Sirius.

After pretending to be Karkaroff for several years, he also took this opportunity to return to England.

William chatted with him for a while, and went to the headmaster’s office without mentioning Harry’s business.

He informed Dumbledore of the information he had obtained so far.

“Voldemort is going to start the night of school?”

“Yes!” William nodded: “Voldemort wants to attract some of our forces to the Hebrides for defense, and part to the Ministry of Magic.

Then, hold the two of us down, and attack Hogwarts, where the defense is vacant.

Just hijacking those students and occupying this castle will make us terrified. ”

Voldemort’s plan is very good, but unfortunately there is no possibility of realizing it now.

“I suggest to give up Hogwarts directly.” William said:

“After the Death Eaters enter the castle, we will surround them here, and cooperate with the dementors to annihilate them in one fell swoop!”

The result that William needs now is not just to defeat the Death Eaters, but to finish his work in one battle.

“Of course, the Hogwarts Express must also leave on time to bring students into the school,” William said.

“If you don’t follow the usual process, Voldemort will notice it in advance, think the news has leaked, and cancel the action directly.”

Dumbledore tapped the table with his fingers, thinking about the risks involved.

After a while, he said:

“But in order to ensure the safety of the students, we will make a batch of door keys and send the little wizard away in time when the war starts.”

William nodded. Naturally, the safety of the little wizard was the top priority.

“Once the war starts, the Horcrux hidden in Gringotts will be destroyed immediately.” Dumbledore continued:

“William, are you sure of a good candidate?”

William nodded slightly: “I will let Hermione and Fleur lead the team and sneak into the Gringotts vault with the wizard.

With the two of them around, there shouldn’t be a big problem. ”

He hesitated for a moment, then said softly:

“Professor, even if Hufflepuff’s golden cup is destroyed, there is still the last Horcrux – the rune snake.

We don’t know yet whether Voldemort will carry it close to him when the war begins, or somewhere to hide. ”

“No, William, I just got the information.” Dumbledore raised his glass and took a sip:

“Voldemort is going to put his treasure with Peter Pettigrew.”

“Wormtail…” William was stunned, this was an unexpected and reasonable candidate.

When Voldemort was at his worst, Peter found him and resurrected him.

If there was anyone else to believe, Voldemort would definitely choose Peter.

Now it is logical to put the most important things with him.

“Is the information accurate?” William finally confirmed.

“Tom came to Hogwarts alone not long ago, he told me,” Dumbledore said, looking up.

“Tom?!” William was surprised.

“Yes, I killed him once on the spot, and as you said, he was resurrected again.” Dumbledore’s eyes were deep.

“He told me where Wormtail is and let’s destroy the Horcrux.”

William pondered.

No matter how feuding the two sides are, there is one thing in common: they both want Voldemort to die.

So Tom’s words are believable.

William couldn’t help but sigh. It didn’t seem to be a bad thing to fail to kill Peter back then.

“But why didn’t Tom do it himself?”

“Probably because we don’t believe that~www.readwn.com~ Horcruxes have been destroyed,” Dumbledore said.

“Then have you considered a good candidate?”

“Snape!” Dumbledore said seriously, “I’ll let him kill that snake.”

William hummed, then suddenly laughed again.

“It looks like Tom is going to give up on Wormtail for some reason we don’t know.”

“I think that this operation has to add two more people to get rid of Peter easily.”


“The people who hate him the most – Sirius and Lupin!”

The revenge, sixteen years late, should come to an end.

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