A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 113

Vol 2 Chapter 14: Phoenix’S Blessing

The flame barrier seems to be strong, but it is impossible to withstand it for too long.

Fortunately, during this period of time, William brewed a lot of potions, all of which were stored in the small bag where the Traceless Stretching Charm was cast.

With his left hand, he took out two bottles from the bag and poured them into his mouth desperately. This is a potion that can quickly restore magic power, so he can last a little longer.

He threw out a few more white bottles, crossed the flame barrier and landed in the dragon’s breath. After a smothering sound, a small amount of flames turned into blue smoke and drifted away.

William’s pocket is like a treasure chest, constantly throwing items, eroding the dragon’s breath little by little, reducing the pressure on the front.

A minute later, the black-robed wizard let out a light snort. He thought that the other party would be completely burned by the flames in an instant, but he didn’t expect to be able to hold on for so long.

Obviously, it is impossible for a little wizard to have such strength.

But William knew his own situation. The dragon’s breath was squeezed from top to bottom. The power seemed to be diminishing, but the burning temperature of the flame was not weak at all. It was a matter of time to break the defense.

Why haven’t Gringotts’ guards arrived yet? !

William was a little anxious, he didn’t want to die, especially with so many people behind him!

Three minutes later, he was still at the front, holding up the small barrier.

William’s eyes were red and his arms were trembling, but the flame barrier of “All Spells Ends” was continuously compressed, turning into a narrow plane with a thickness of more than one centimeter.

William pursed his lips and clenched his teeth. Bloodshots continued to seep between his teeth, and his mouth was full of blood.

The black-robed wizard sneered, not intending to take action, but sat safely on the fire dragon’s head, admiring the scene in front of him.

He doesn’t like death, but it doesn’t prevent him from appreciating the scenes of others struggling and dying in despair.

To him, it was the most wonderful fireworks.

William used the last bit of magic power left in his body, his slightly bent arm straightened instantly, his wand was lifted up, and the barrier was raised by half a meter.


The fire dragon spit out a dragon breath again.

William was holding the wand at his wrist, and blood had already been shaken. Although the entire flame mirror did not crack, a depression was just knocked out in the center of the mirror.

William finally couldn’t hold on anymore.

Neither the Gringotts guards nor the Aurors, whom he had waited for five minutes, arrived.

If only William was alone, he could use polymorphism and various magics to fight. Not to mention the Jedi counterattack, it would still be possible to persist for a longer time.

But now he can’t do it at all. With Roy and the others behind him, and the Hermione family, he can’t retire!

Are you going to die?

William turned his head to look at the few people behind him, with an ugly smile on the corner of his mouth, wanting to say sorry, if he hadn’t come to store Jin Galleon, he wouldn’t have encountered such a thing.

But with a lot of blood in his mouth, he was speechless.


Suddenly, a high-pitched cry came from a distance.

A flame suddenly erupted from the top of the stone pillar in the distance, and a crimson bird suddenly descended from the sky, the size of a swan.

It has a golden tail, as long as a peacock’s tail, and a pair of golden claws. A second later, the big bird flew straight towards William.


Fox waved his wings, the wind suddenly rose, and all the flames gathered towards it together, forming a pilgrimage posture, as if all the flames were being pulled.

It opened its mouth like a gluttonous eater, swallowing all the dragon’s breath in one bite.

Fox flew again, and when it gathered its two huge wings, it landed on William’s shoulders, pressed warmly against his cheek, and stared firmly at the black-robed wizard.

“What—?” the black-robed wizard shouted, looking around, taking a deep breath, “Is Dumbledore here?!”

But Dumbledore didn’t show up.

The black-robed wizard laughed wildly again. He laughed so hard that the whole cave trembled slightly.

“Dumbledore thinks a phoenix will stop me from killing?!” The black-robed wizard stared at Fox, “Uh, it’s…great arrogance!”

He inserted his wand suddenly, followed the fire dragon’s ear, and inserted it directly into its head.

The fire dragon let out a mournful cry, and the red beast pupils turned dark and gloomy.

“Yin fire is burning!”

The black-robed wizard folded his hands and pressed it on the fire dragon.

The Ukrainian iron belly spewed flames again, but it was no longer the previous red, but a strange black fire.

The black-robed wizard suddenly pulled out his wand and waved it like a musician, and the black fire immediately turned into seven or eight thick black pythons, swirling around him wantonly.

At this moment, there was a wave without warning in front of William, and the arrogant Fox bowed his head softly.

An old man dressed in a fashionable and avant-garde fashion and with sunglasses stood beside William with his hands behind his back, looking at the wizard in black robes with a half-smile.

The black robe standing on the fire dragon’s head obviously also noticed the old man who suddenly appeared. He shouted angrily: “Dumbledore is not here, you are only a dying age, how can you stop me?!”

Nick Lemay ignored the black-robed wizard’s threats, and just looked up at the phoenix that flew up again. Fox made a big circle above everyone’s heads.

“I haven’t shot for almost half a century. I can only resist for a short time. Seize the opportunity, Fox, I will give you time for a song and show your blessings.”

He took out a wand made of apple wood and clam nerves, and countless blue rays of light shot out like fireworks.

The black-robed wizard flipped his wand and aimed it at the cave dome. The cave was already covered with black fire, such as the salary increase at the bottom of the kettle, the boiling water was even more boiling, and the countless black snakes that had not yet fallen~www.readwn.com~ became stronger and stronger.

It is the black fire that has already taken root, and its arrogance has skyrocketed several times in an instant.

The phoenix suddenly appeared above William’s head.

Fox’s wings waved, the wind suddenly rose, and William’s robes fluttered.

I saw this Dumbledore’s phoenix, which began to utter a strange song, and its whole body shone brightly, as if it was burning violently.

——Blessings of the Phoenix!

Every time he sang a sentence, a golden flame spit out from Phoenix’s mouth, lingering in the cave. In the end, a total of nineteen golden flames wrapped around Fox’s burning body and crashed down together.

William originally thought that Fox was going to resist the black-robed wizard, but he never expected that the flames would come straight to him!

The flames soon wrapped William, and from a distance, he seemed to be enveloped in the treacherous golden lake water.

William struggled for a moment, but he couldn’t break through the cage no matter what. The flames seemed to be covered with a large lid that weighed thousands of pounds, and it couldn’t be opened or removed by manpower.

William’s breathing became more and more difficult. He only felt that his whole body’s magic power was skyrocketing, and he urgently needed a port to vent this evil fire, otherwise he would be burst.

“Hasektistan Sachs!”

William chanted a complicated incantation. This trick was the magic he had seen from the “Secret Philosophy Volume III”. Before, with his magic power, he couldn’t activate it at all, but now everything is logical.

Under the birth of Fox’s flame, the thunder that was supposed to be purple, the outer circle was covered with golden light.

The majestic purple-gold thunderbolt zigzagged and stretched out like a rainbow, colliding with the black snake.

For a time, the cave was noisy, and the Razers collided, causing countless lightning sparks.



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