A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 1141

Vol 7 Chapter 55: Gift To Death


Confidential Archives,

In the corner of the Borgia courtyard.

As a rare forbidden place that outsiders can step on, the archives have 84 kilometers of bookshelves, and there are 35,000 volumes of catalogues for reference only.

Although the number of books may not be comparable to that of the US Library of Congress, most of the books in the archives are out of print.

It can be said that there are the most ancient treasures in the world.

In addition to state documents, correspondence, papal ledgers, and documents accumulated by churches over hundreds of years, there are many… banned books!

For example, Galileo’s banned manuscripts, and Copernicus’s.

Many of the world’s out-of-print scientific masterpieces have manuscript copies here.

Of course, as the two opposing sides in the Middle Ages, there are a lot of books about wizards and magic in the archives.

It can be said that this is the Muggle library with the most magic books.

But these things are hard to see.

Because of the Vatican’s confidential archives, outsiders are not allowed to enter.

Although if you want to read the documents, you can submit an application, but only a few people can pass the application, and the archives will only provide photocopied documents.

Some taboo things, such as magic, are also not in the public catalog.

However, outside this restricted area, a sixteen-year-old boy appeared at this moment.

Tom is holding a copy of the Calabasas, wearing a yarmulke, and wearing the traditional Catholic purple robe and white corset.

He stepped onto the deserted Fonda Gate Tower road leading to the archives, and easily entered the archives.

For others, the archives were forbidden places, but for him, they became the perfect sanctuary.

Not only can you avoid wizards and Muggles, but also the old man who calls himself “Slytherin”.

The old man, I’m afraid he never dreamed that he would hide in the Vatican’s secret archives – the lair of this wizard’s enemy, right? !

Through the darkened door, Tom entered the inner chamber through the arched entrance.

He took a deep breath.

In order to preserve precious books, the oxygen content in the airtight archive room is very low, and it is almost a vacuum inside.

But ten minutes ago, he had already controlled the Muggle guards and turned on the oxygen supply system.

Tom walked to the transparent storage room, the flashing red indicator label at the end of each bookshelf.

He finally put the Kabbalah esoteric writings back on the original bookshelf in the Jewish diocese.

Kabbalah is a branch of Judaism that requires believers to adhere to a arduous process of meditation and a strict ascetic lifestyle.

The most famous is the Kabbalah Tree of Life.

According to Slytherin, prehistoric mysteries are lost in these religious books.

The harmony of Kabbalah esoteric hides a part of knowledge.

After Tom came back from the underworld, he didn’t want to go to Constantinople for a short time. He needed to find another place to study.

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){} The secret archives of the Vatican are secret and, for Tom, a treasure trove.

After sorting the books, Tom sat on a chair and took out a strange coffin.

In the coffin, there is water flowing, and eight pieces of souls are swimming in the water.

The largest piece is bigger than all the other soul fragments combined.

On the next door, Tom saw the news that Stark and Dumbledore had killed Voldemort.

He used the Soul Gathering Coffin to summon the soul of his body.

The remaining five pieces are of different sizes, but the difference is not large, occupying the second gradient.

This is the soul fragment of the five Horcruxes.

There are also two smallest fragments, almost indistinguishable… They are the two pieces of soul that appeared one after another on Harry’s forehead.

At this moment, Tom has collected all his souls.

What he needs to do is to regain oneness and have a complete soul again.

The production process of Horcrux is evil, but it does not mean that this process is reversible and cannot be recovered.

Wizards can make Horcruxes, and they can remove Horcruxes.

The key to both processes lies in “regret”.

When creating a Horcrux, a wizard must first commit a murder on purpose.

Killing in self-defense or to protect others is not enough, murder must be committed intentionally and consciously without feeling…regret for it.

If you want to disarm the Horcrux and restore the soul again, you must truly feel what you have done, and then… repent.

But correspondingly, the pain of repentance may destroy the Horcrux maker.

In Tom’s view, it’s not that difficult.

The so-called repentance… In the eyes of a wizard who has learned prehistoric mysteries, it is just a use of emotional power.

Similar to the power of “love”.

The key is the kind of pain that is enough to kill a wizard… Tom can be resurrected infinitely, and he will die if he dies.

He was even a little proud. He would go to the Catholic Holy Land to repent for his killing.

Resurrected here to make the soul complete… Is it a bit like Jesus?

It’s really full of a sense of ceremony!

After playing for a while in the United States to become a high-ranking purger, Tom had a whim and decided to get a Pope Dangdang.

Finally, as the Pope, launch a holy war against the wizarding world, a modern “crusade”!

Isn’t it beautiful!

But Tom still underestimated the horror of splitting eight soul fragments.

It was a kind of torture similar to karmic fire.

In the first second of his repentance, his whole body seemed to be on fire with a fiery fire spell. From kneeling on his knees to his body falling to the ground, it was only an instant.

The magic power of the whole body suddenly stagnated. The pain that pierced through the whole body was a hundred times more terrifying than the splitting of the soul when making the Horcrux.

Splitting the Horcrux is only equivalent to a caesarean section.

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){} And the recovery of the soul is more like scraping bones without anesthesia.

It was as if a forty-three-yard foot was forcibly shoved into a thirty-yard iron shoe.

And the torture of the soul… Tom could feel that the resentment of the souls he killed were eating up his soul.

Tom tried his best to raise his head, and his internal organs were like an overturned river.

He stretched out a hand miserably and with difficulty, grabbed the wand tightly, and killed himself immediately.

After he was resurrected again, his withered and sickly complexion instantly turned rosy.

Tom was panting and lying on the ground.

The first time, it was really painful.

But he was mentally prepared and immediately started the second attempt.

If you don’t dare to continue, is it still the Dark Lord?

After three minutes this time, Tom killed himself again.

Maybe some things will hurt the first time, but after a while, they will feel better… But it definitely doesn’t include the recovery of the soul.

Tom died 4,396 times in a row, from morning to evening. Under this repeated torture, he finally succeeded.

The slump on Tom’s face slowly faded away. He was dripping with sweat, lying on the ground and couldn’t help laughing loudly.

He was finally complete, resurrected him from the diary, UU reading www.uukanshu. It took com five full years to finally stop being that sixteen-year-old soul fragment.

The most important thing is… the memories of all souls are continuously poured into Tom’s mind.

The influx of a large amount of memory in an instant made his mind a little confused.

The integrity of the soul, although it cannot directly bring powerful power, making him as powerful as the body immediately, but it can obtain all the memories of the body.

Those magical knowledge, those obscure and powerful black magic, can be mastered again by him over time.

Tom Riddle rose slowly from the ground.

At this moment, he is restrained, intelligent, immortal, and has all the memories of Voldemort for seventy years…

This is the most powerful Tom Riddle, the most perfect Dark Lord!

The corners of Tom’s mouth twitched, showing a smile, as if the world was about to be ruled by him again.

Dumbledore, Stark, Slytherin… he would kill them one by one.

Tom was imagining a better future, and the smile on the corner of his mouth suddenly froze.

From the depths of the “archive room”, there was a sudden applause, and a tall old man wearing a cardinal’s clothes walked out slowly.

“Tom, it’s been a long time since I returned to this world, why did you hide here?

Did you forget to promise me something? ”

The old man looked at Tom as if he was looking at a work of art he made by himself.

Now that the artwork is complete, it’s time to dedicate it to Death as a gift.

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