A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 122

Vol 2 Chapter 23: Slytherin’S Provocation

William was about to get up and follow Hermione out when he suddenly heard a familiar voice from outside the window: “Fred, are you George here?”

William saw Mrs Weasley and her son and daughter.

Soon, the twin brothers jumped out of the car and strode over.

Percy came too.

Percy got his wish and became a prefect, wearing a shiny prefect badge on his chest.

“Oh, Percy, are you a prefect?” Fred said in a very surprised tone.

“You should have told us earlier, I didn’t know at all, it was time to prepare a present for you.”

William smiled, Fred still had a hand in yin and yang.

“Wait, I think, I remember what he said,” said George, “once…”

“Maybe twice…”

“Wait a minute……”

“It’s been a whole summer…” The two of them sang and laughed together.

“Shut up!” Percy was very angry.

“Hey, Percy, how did you get the new robe?” Fred frowned.

“Because I’m a prefect.” Percy hummed, “Don’t you have new robes too?”

George proudly said, “We bought it with our own money, not with family money.”

“Akali’s magic shop?” Percy snorted contemptuously, “No business! You have ruined William. He is a Merlin Medal recipient and will have a good future, instead of following you to tinker with any shop.

He should have let me go to the award ceremony instead of taking you two, what a waste! ”

Percy seems to be a little dissatisfied that William did not take him, but brought his twin brother.

Mrs. Weasley said lovingly, “Okay, my dear, next time I have a chance, I will definitely ask your father to give you the invitation letter, wish you a smooth semester, and ask the owl to bring me a letter when you get to school. ”

She kissed Percy on the cheek, and Percy walked away.

Afterwards, she turned to the twins and said, “Now it’s your two turn — you two have to be disciplined this year.

If the owl sends me a letter, saying that you…”

Mrs. Weasley suddenly stopped talking. She didn’t allow them to throw big **** on the Slytherin table last year, and they lost it.

The twin brothers obviously wanted to get some inspiration from their mother, but Mrs. Weasley didn’t speak, and they could only feel a little pity.

“Okay, no matter what, don’t do it, it’s not a joke, and take good care of Ron.”

“Don’t worry, Ron kid will be fine with us, he will be very happy.” George patted Ron on the shoulder.

Ron nodded, eagerly pulling on George’s new robe, as if he would do whatever George asked him to do.

His two older brothers had promised him a new wand and a map of Hogwarts.

He also heard Fred promise Ginny that day that he would buy her new robes and new textbooks next year.

Doesn’t this mean that his future things have also been settled?

Fred and George can’t just buy Ginny instead of him, he’s a real brother!

Ron was inexplicably happy.

At this moment, Fred waved his hand suddenly, and he saw William.

William also waved his hand, and was pulled behind him.

It was Hermione.

The girl ran out in a hurry, ran back in a hurry, dragged him and ran outside.

“What, what happened?” William asked.

“Neville,” Hermione breathed and said loudly, “his trunk is stuck.”

“Then lift him up with the Levitation Charm.” William said.

Hermione knows this kind of spell. During the summer vacation, William also handed in many other spells to girls.

“You’ll know when you go and have a look.” Hermione dragged William towards the entrance of the train.

When the two arrived, there were already many people around the door. It turned out that Neville’s suitcase was stuck at the door.

A group of Slytherin students stood at the entrance of the driveway, pointing at Neville condescendingly.

“Ha, look at this idiot… I heard my father tell me, the youngest son of the Longbottom family, everyone has always regarded him as a Squib.

Once, his uncle pushed him off the Black Lake pier and wanted him to perform magic, almost drowning him – hahaha. ”

William recognized Lucius’ son Draco, who was chatting with Arthur behind him.

Arthur is a second-year Slytherin student, and the two seem to have a good relationship.

“I dare say he should go to a Muggle school.” Several people laughed.

Neville blushed, but didn’t refute, and was still pushing his luggage hard, trying to get him into the car, but the luggage was so big that it was completely stuck on the door.

The luggage shouldn’t be that big. Someone used magic to make the luggage bigger, and it just got stuck there.

The people behind Neville also became impatient and urged him to hurry up, but no one came up to help.

Hermione stood up and said loudly, “There’s nothing wrong with Muggle schools. You’re so busy, why don’t you come and help him?”

Hermione snorted, bent down and pulled at the entrance of the carriage a few times, but it was too stuck, so she couldn’t pull it, so she tilted her head and motioned for William’s help.

William walked out and was instantly pointed at by others. Obviously, the events of the last school year had a big impact.

“Look, who is this? It turns out to be Stark. Let’s see the strength of the Merlin Medal recipient. You should be able to pull it easily, right?” Marcus Flint chuckled lightly with both hands on his chest.

Marcus Flint, a fifth-year student and Chaser for Slytherin House, could be the new captain this year.

His tone was full of provocation.

William squeezed his wand and noticed that Flint was also holding a short wand with thick knuckles in his hand, as if he wanted to cast a spell.

William smiled, swung his wand, and light shot out.

The students from other academies watched closely. Most of them had never seen William make a move. When he caught Tywin, rumors were flying all over the place, and no one had actually seen it.

This is a good opportunity to see if William is as strong as rumored.

Marcus also waved his wand ~www.readwn.com~ and a magic shot was fired.

He didn’t believe that he was a fifth-grade student, and his magic was no better than that of a second-grade wizard.

Marcus originally just wanted to make fun of Neville, but now he wants to shame William in public.

As the magic shot out, the pile of stuck luggage turned into a gorgeous phoenix, dragging its long tail, and a magic spell was shot from its mouth and landed right on Marcus’ face.

William performed two magics, first transforming the luggage, and then casting an ‘armor protection’ on the phoenix.

He cast magic twice quickly, but because the speed was too fast, in the eyes of the little wizard, he only performed a transformation.

And Marcus’s spell was shot on the ‘armor’ and bounced back. At that moment, it gave the illusion that the phoenix spit out a spell.

It can only be said that William’s combat experience is too rich, and the spellcasting speed has been trained by Professor Flitwick, and it is not comparable to Marcus.

Soon, Marcus’s head swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a big-headed son.

Marcus pointed at William, wanting to say two harsh words, but his lips turned into sausage mouths, hesitating and unable to speak.

Under the protection of several classmates, he hurriedly ran towards the carriage.

William waved his wand again, and the phoenix circled a few times and landed on Neville’s shoulder.

Phoenix sang a song, but it wasn’t the unpleasant music of Fox’s, but the Hogwarts school anthem sung with a new melody.

Everyone applauded.

Hermione clapped her hands excitedly, as if she were casting magic.



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Thanks to “Xue Qingyuan” for the reward, thanks (//?//))

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