A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 13

Chapter 13: The Legendary Licking Dog Appeared

When he woke up in the morning, William’s head was still dazed, and he kept thinking about the terrifying three-headed dog in his dream.

Bobo Tea, who was lying on his chest and slept on his chest, has long since disappeared. He might have gone to say goodbye to Drogon.

William got up and put on his clothes. After washing, he shrank the packed luggage with a shrinking spell and put it in his pocket.

He looked at the ticket in his hand.

—9? Platform.

It was written like this on the ticket. Although it looked ridiculous, William had already inquired about the exact location with Cedric.

My sister Annie was very reluctant and looked gloomy. Most importantly, she also wanted to go to Hogwarts.

William promised to write to her every week, and the little girl had a smile on her face.

It was nine o’clock when they arrived at King’s Cross.

At this time, there were not a lot of people coming and going at the train station. After William said goodbye to his family, he carried the cage where the bobo tea was placed and walked to a wall between the ninth and tenth platforms of the train station.

Before him, there was already a group of strange guys dressed in suits and wizard robes, dressed in extremely non-mainstream clothes, and disappeared through the wall.

But unfortunately, they were discovered!

A Muggle came over, this was a strong man, his eyes were cold, and he accelerated suddenly from a distance.

It is impossible to see that such a strong man can be so fast, comparable to Bolt.

I saw his body swiftly flying, fluttering like a god, Ling Bo took a small step, Luo socks were dusty… and slammed his head against the wall.

William: “…”

This suicidal behavior undoubtedly attracted the attention of many Muggles, and two guards ran over quickly.

It was the first time they met someone who touched porcelain at the train station.

Then you should also hit the train, what’s the matter with hitting the wall!

At this moment, two people appeared out of thin air on the platform. They were wearing plain clothes, holding wands in their hands, casting magic on the people around them.

After that, he cast magic on the unlucky guy who hit the wall, erasing the memory of passing through the wall.

After all this was done, one of the black people signaled that William could go through.

William thanked and, escorted by the two of them, carried the cage through the wall and arrived at the platform of the Hogwarts express train.

A dark red steam locomotive in the Victorian era is parked beside a platform packed with passengers.

The sign on the train reads: Hogwarts Express, eleven o’clock. ?

William looked back and saw that the place where the ticket gate used to be is now a wrought iron archway with the words: 9? Platform.

The thick smoke of the steam locomotive wafted in the sky above the chattering crowd, and cats of various colors were draped around under the people’s feet.

The first few carriages were already crowded with students. Some of them leaned out of the car windows to talk to their families, while others were scrambling in their seats.

William carried the cage and found a carriage near the rear of the car.

There was already a girl sitting in this carriage, a Chinese girl with two ponytails and holding a copy of “The Magic of Quidditch” in her hand.

It’s really rare. This is the first time William has met a Chinese girl in the UK.

Especially on the train to Hogwarts.

William remembered that Ollivander had mentioned the Majo Tokulo School of Magic, and he checked it out when he went back. It was the only magic school known in Asia.

William walked in and asked politely, “Is there anyone here?”

The girl shook her head.

William thanked him, sat down, and released Bobo Tea from the cage.

Bobo Tea walked out slowly, yawned lazily, and lay down beside the glass window of the train, where there was plenty of sunlight.

William looked past Bobo Tea and suddenly found the Weasleys.

Mrs Weasley was reaching out to lift a boy’s bangs.

This is Mrs. Weasley’s youngest son, named Ron. William heard from George and Fred, but he won’t be in school until next year.

“Ron, I didn’t expect your hair to be so long.” ?

Ron was about to dodge, but was grabbed by Mrs Weasley.

“Don’t worry, I’ll cut you a beautiful hairstyle—inch head, how about it?”

“I don’t want it!” Ron struggled unhappily.

“I suggest cutting his head bald, simple and energetic!” said one of the twin brothers.

“I don’t want it, it’s ugly! Why don’t you cut it?” Ron said loudly against pressure.

“We’re going to school. Mom can’t control us.” Fred laughed, “Ron kid, you have to wait another year.”

“Whoever said you went to school, I can’t control it!”

Mrs. Weasley kissed the twins on the cheeks and warned, “You two have to behave yourself this year.

If Percy uses an owl to tell me again that you’re on a night out…or throw a dung bomb at the Slytherin table…”

“Throwing dung bombs? On the Slytherin table?!” Fred looked at Mrs Weasley in ‘shock”.

George laughed and said, “I have to say… Mom, you are really a genius!”

“Thank you for your idea, Mom, we learned another skill.” ?

Mrs Weasley was speechless.

With the sound of a whistle, the Weasley brothers walked towards the train.

William waved his hand, and Fred yelled, “Hey, William, we’ll find you right away!”

William nodded and waved to Mrs Weasley again.

Mrs. Weasley said loudly, “Watch them for me, and write to me if you have anything!”

The train started to start, and the locomotive made a sound of “dirty dirty”, which startled Bobo Tea.

William suddenly discovered that this kind of train is not without its benefits, at least it has fully put an end to the black car drivers blocking the school gate…

“Hey, hello, my name is Qiu Zhang, I come from a Muggle family, how about you?”

As the train started, the girl sitting in the carriage put down the book in her hand and asked.

“Hello, my name is William Stark, and I also come from a Muggle family. Just call me William.”

William stretched out his hand and shook hands with him.

The two just exchanged casually, and Qiu continued to read his book.

William also took out a copy of “Standard Spells, Level 2”.

The train will travel for a long time, and you need some books on the way to pass the time.

Qiu raised her eyebrows. She glanced at William and asked suspiciously, “Are you a second-year student?”

William shook his head and said, “Like you, I’m a freshman.”

Qiu said “oh” and stopped talking.

She obviously regarded William as a pretentious child. After all, there is no new student who will read the second-grade spell textbook.

After a while, a “puchi” sound came.

I don’t know when, Bobo Tea left the comfortable sunny area and stood on the table with its tail hanging down and blue eyes staring at the rabbit in the cage, as if it had found a fresh toy.

There is a snow-white rabbit in the cage, which is Qiu’s pet.

Bobo Tea’s meat pad popped out of its claws, and the poor rabbit, “Ow”, was so frightened that it fell from the second floor of the cage.

The rabbit’s head hit the water bowl, a carrot hit it, and it fainted.

Bobo Tea: “…”

Qiu quickly took out a hamburger from her bag. This was the girl’s lunch.

She grabbed a small piece and shook it, trying to attract Bobo tea away, so as to save her poor little rabbit.

But Bobo Tea just glanced at the burger, and gave a “meow” in disgust, then walked slowly to the window and licked his long orange fur.

Qiu’s face flushed red.

William said apologetically, “Bobo tea is a bit of a picky eater.”

“Indeed! I suggest you starve it for a few days…”

Before Qiu’s words were finished, the door was opened again.

This time, an acquaintance walked in – Cedric.

Cedric said, “William, the twins told me that you are here alone.

Let’s go, I’m in the carriage over there, I’ve reserved a seat for you…”

He grabbed William’s hand, and before he finished speaking, he caught a glimpse of Qiu who was trying to save the little rabbit.

His face flushed instantly, and he stammered and asked, “Who is this?”

“Qiu Zhang, the new friend I just met.” William quickly explained, “By the way, what did you just say?”

Cedric coughed and said slowly, “It’s nothing, it’s just that the carriage over there is too crowded and there isn’t enough space. I’m going to come to your carriage.”


——I am the separator of Qiu Zhang’s little rabbit——

(I ask all wizards to vote for a recommendation, and give a rabbit raised by Qiu Zhang as a gift. It tastes delicious and is excellent for making soup.)

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