A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 133

Vol 2 Chapter 33: Ravenclaw Dinner

As Dumbledore sat down, a large amount of food appeared on the table.

“Is he… a little crazy?” a girl asked, looking at William.

The girl named Lisa Dupin is Ravenclaw’s little wizard this year.

“Crazy?” William laughed, “Professor Dumbledore never hides his madness!

I have to say, he should have been in Ravenclaw, not Gryffindor! ”

Everyone laughed, and many Ravenclaw students agreed.

“What did the principal just say?” Lisa asked curiously.

William’s wand waved gently, and a row of golden letters appeared in the air.

niit! bbber! oddnt! eak!

“Idiot, fat dummy, scrap, twist!

The four words    represent the mentality of Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, Slytherin and Hufflepuff when looking at others.

Our Ravenclaw wizards usually think of themselves as the smartest, and the other House students are idiots.

Pudgy means that Gryffindor students are braver and stronger in sports than others, and they will think that others are chubby dunks who lack sports.

Slytherins are pure-bloods, and they also advocate pure-bloods. They think that Muggle-born wizards are unproductive waste.

Hufflepuff’s students are always busy and upright, and they think that the students in the other three colleges are very crooked. ”

William explained, everyone was thoughtful, and many students from other colleges were also looking at this.

William smiled, Dumbledore always likes to say some dark humor.

He waved his wand again, and the golden letters all shattered, turning into a beautiful small firework, which spread out over the Ravenclaw table, and disappeared before it landed on the table.

Ravenclaw students applauded.

Lavender Brown, who was sitting next to Percy, pointed at William and asked, “Prefect, can everyone be like him?”

“Oh,” Percy said embarrassedly, “I think… with more training, maybe…”

“Everyone, don’t compare yourself to the genius of Ravenclaw.” Nick, who almost lost his head, said loudly.

He was performing, grabbing his left ear and pulling it down. His head wobbled and slid off his neck and rested on his shoulders as if it were hinged.

“Why do you say that?” Seamus Finnigan wondered.

Nick flicked his head back to his neck, cleared his throat, and said, “William is a genius, the last time I saw such a great student, was young Dumbledore.

Last year he alone gave Ravenclaw several times more points than our final total.

New Gryffindors, I hope you can score more and help us win the House Cup this school year, okay? Don’t be as humiliating as last year.

Many Gryffindors have not won the House Cup! ”

Hermione looked at William who was talking to Lisa at the Ravenclaw table, clenched her fist secretly, and made up her mind: “I will definitely help Gryffindor win the championship, just wait and see!”

Everyone had a great time eating this meal. At the end of the dinner, Professor Dumbledore stood up. The restaurant also returned to silence.

“Oh, now that everyone has eaten and drank enough, I want to say a few more words to everyone.

First of all let’s welcome our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher – Professor Quirrell! ”

There was only sparse applause. Compared with Tywin the previous year, Quirrell was dozens of Snape worse in appearance, temperament, and even in clothes.

There is no harm without comparison!

Dumbledore didn’t care, but continued happily: “At the beginning of the semester, I would like to raise a few points of attention to everyone.

Note to first-year freshmen, students are prohibited from entering the forbidden forest. Some of our senior classmates should also keep this in mind. ”

Dumbledore’s shining eyes swept towards Weasley and William.

“Besides, Mr. Filch, the administrator, wants me to remind everyone not to use magic in the hallway between classes.”

“The selection of Quidditch players will be held in the second week of this term. Students who are interested in participating in the college team, please contact Mrs. Hooch.”

“Finally, I have to tell everyone that those who do not want to suffer an accident and die in pain, please do not enter the corridor on the right on the fourth floor.”

William and Qiu looked at each other, both of them were a little strange.

Where Dumbledore is not allowed to go, the reason is usually explained directly, such as the Forbidden Forest… There are many dangerous magical creatures there. Professor Robert the year before last wandered there and finally died in it.

And Dumbledore didn’t say the reason, he simply reminded the little wizard who was so energetic that he could go to the fourth floor for adventure at night.

“Now, before everyone goes to bed, let’s sing the school song together!”

Dumbledore was so happy, it was his favorite show almost every year.

All the teachers’ smiles seemed to freeze, especially Professor McGonagall.

At this moment, Professor Flitwick quietly appeared before Ravenclaw’s desk.

He floated, his wand in his hand, like a conductor.

Dumbledore obviously noticed this too, with a smile on his face and a slight pause, waiting for Ravenclaw to finish.

William waved his wand and turned the huge long table into a large piano.

There are many other senior students who are using magic wands to deform the cups, changing a lot of musical instruments.

The Ravenclaw students all stood up.

The beautiful senior and prefect Penello Crewatt sat beside the piano, tried a few notes, nodded to William with a satisfied expression.

There are also several witches, holding Muggle and wizard instruments, sitting on either side of Penello.

Tonight there will be Professor Flitwick’s conductor, Penello’s piano, the accompaniment of six witches, a choir of several hundred people, and the Hogwarts school song.

Ravenclaw’s ghost Lady Grey slowly emerged from the ground.

She is the lead singer.

William proposed this concert before the summer vacation.

In the first year, he felt that the Hogwarts school song was too messy. The charm of music lies in conveying feelings. Only the feelings that are condensed together can move people’s hearts.

The chaotic school song is destined to be unremembered by everyone.

Professor Flitwick was quick to agree, and he also suggested that William find Lady Grey to perform.

William asked many times before she agreed to perform, and the tune was provided by Ms. Gray herself.

As Dumbledore announced the start, for a time, Hogwarts was lit like day.

The whole castle, no matter where you are, you can hear this grand music and the neat school song.

The students from other colleges saw such a huge battle for the first time, and they were so shocked that they were speechless.

Barrow the **** man stood in the corner of the castle, staring at Madam Gray, listening to the beautiful singing, speechless for a long time.

This is the first and only time that the entire Hogwarts school song is sung only by Ravenclaw, because other people really can’t make it out.

The “Funeral March” by the twin brothers didn’t even sing, and went to the Ravenclaw table as an audience.

This is not a Hogwarts dinner, but a Ravenclaw dinner!

The song ended with thunderous applause.

Dumbledore smiled at Professor McGonagall: “William, he always gives me some new tricks.”

The implied meaning of    is self-evident.

Hogwarts is a school, they are divided into four colleges, and there is competition between them~www.readwn.com~ Otherwise, what is the purpose of the college cup?

When the overall temperament of an academy takes on a new look, far exceeding that of other academies, the contrasting effect appears immediately.

In order not to lose to Ravenclaw, other colleges must also make some work next year, otherwise they will be completely crushed until William graduates.

That was a full seven years.

Similarly, Ravenclaw’s grand school anthem is destined to be circulated at Hogwarts for many years.

Until these students get old…someone will keep mentioning them.

(The eighth update, it’s gone today, and I’ve been squeezed dry.

Thanks to “Joker v”, “terry Wing”

, “I really didn’t fall in love”, “Daoist friends, please stay behind”, “I am nothing”, “Hehehehe Jia”, all the big guys’ rewards.

I owe two more debts.

By the way, Dumbledore’s sentence, there is no so-called Latin way to read it, is “May Merlin bless you”, this is a fan setting, this phrase does not make this sentence, and Rowling did not say it.

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