A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 153

Vol 2 Chapter 53: Cedric’S Rivals

After extracting the teeth of the big mouth flower, Professor Sprout asked everyone to fertilize the plants.

Fertilizer is Professor Sprout’s favorite dragon manure compost. In her opinion, this fertilizer is a good thing like gold waste.

It just quickly went wrong, this time it was McLaggen of Gryffindor. After being silent for a long time, he finally made a big news.

For some reason that only he knew, he shoveled a large amount of fertilizer directly into the mouth of the big mouth flower.

This annoyed Dazuhua and swallowed him in one bite.

Fortunately, Big Mouth Flower had just had his teeth pulled out. McLaggen wasn’t bitten, but his head was down and half of his body was stuck in it.

Several little Gryffindor wizards tugged at his feet and tried to pull him out, but Big Mouth Flower just wouldn’t let go.

Professor Sprout came over angrily. She put her hand under Dazuhua’s mouth and scratched lightly.

The flower trembled as if it was ticklish, and spit out McLaggen.

McLaggen was bathed in golden dragon… fertilizer, and fell to the ground, and a golden “rain” fell from the sky.

William turned his wand, and an oil-paper umbrella appeared in his hand, which he propped up in time to block it.

Qiu got under the umbrella with the keen reflexes of the Seeker, and the others were not so lucky, they were all hit by the “rain”.

“Thirty points from Gryffindor!” Professor Sprout said angrily.

William put away the umbrella and walked over carefully. With his left hand wearing a dragon leather glove, he picked up the plants on the ground.

“Clear spring is like water!” William cleaned the plants and checked them carefully.

——Bubble pods.

This is a magic plant that grows a chubby pink pod with sparkling beans inside.

In William’s view, the Bubble Pod is more like a pea shooter, as it can fire or throw beans at living creatures.

William was suddenly inspired to get Cedric to make a batch of pea wands, another good prank product.

Professor Sprout was even more angry, she said why there were so many less bubble pods, it turned out to be eaten by the big mouth!

After the herbal class, William and the Ravenclaw students were on their way back, and soon they heard about a teaching accident.

——Flying lesson event.

That’s right, our beloved Mrs. Hooch… She also had a teaching accident in her class.

This time, the protagonists are Neville, Harry and Malfoy, the three hapless bear children.

Last year’s Sharby had a reason to say that brooms were not good, but Neville couldn’t use that reason.

After all, this is a Nimbus 1700, and after a few months of “new car” running in, there is no problem at all.

Other manufacturers also said that if there is a quality problem, it will be repaired and replaced.

Even with such a good broom, it couldn’t stop Neville’s kick from reaching the sky.

Neville is like a new driver. When he was learning to drive at the driving school, the coach clearly grabbed his ears and told him to hit the brakes, but he just stomped on the accelerator.

After last year’s teaching accident, Mrs. Hooch performed well. She used the Floating Charm in time to save Neville from fractures and loss of money.

Neville was frightened, and Mrs. Hooch decided to take him to the infirmary to have a look.

But Mrs. Hooch made a more serious mistake here. She shouldn’t leave alone, and let the first-year wizard stand waiting for her with a broom.

This is unrealistic. Without the professor watching, anything could happen to the children.

Especially Gryffindor and Slytherin.

So Harry and Malfoy got on.

“So…Professor McGonagall made Harry a Gryffindor Seeker?” William asked in surprise in the corridor.

Wood originally wanted to hide this, but on the day of the game, everyone was caught off guard.

Unexpectedly, he was talking to the twins about this, and before he had time to explain the secret, Fred saw William and Qiu walking this way, so he waved the news and told them aloud.

“Oh, well, William knows as long as he knows.” Wood was a little helpless. “Our opponent is not Ravenclaw anyway.”

However, this can only deceive himself.

William and Qiu know, which means Cedric will know. This small group of them will never hide from each other.

This kind of thing is also good. For example, the twins know that William’s Quidditch is very good.

This is also the reason why William did not conceal his strength during the selection process. Even if he concealed it, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff would know it.

no point.

“Qiu, it looks like you have a competitor.”

After Wood left, the group continued to walk towards the restaurant, William said.

“Who, Potter? Come on, William, he’s only in the first grade.” Qiu didn’t care very much.

“Professor McGonagall is a master of Quidditch, and since she chose Harry exceptionally, she has her reasons.

I believe that the professor’s vision is not wrong.

What’s more, Quidditch also has talents, like when you were in first grade… so don’t be careless. ”

Qiu nodded thoughtfully, she was ready to continue training with Cedric.

When the two have nothing to do recently, they always exchange their experience as a Seeker and train together by the way.

In the words of Cedric: Everything is going well!

After the four entered the restaurant, they happened to meet Harry Potter and his little sidekick Ron.

“Good job,” George patted Harry on the shoulder and whispered, “Wood just told us that we are also on the academy team–batters.”

“Wood…Didn’t he say…secret?” Ron glanced at William and Qiu~www.readwn.com~ It’s alright, William and Qiu knew it just now, or in the presence of Wood. Freed laughed. “And, we’re not afraid of Ravenclaw at all. ”

“That’s it! I’m telling you, we’re going to win the Quidditch Cup for sure,” said George. “You must be great, Harry, and Wood was incoherent when he told us about it.

No one will be our opponent. ”

“It’s too condescending to say that in front of us, isn’t it?” William chuckled.

“Hey, brother, I know you’re very good, but Quidditch is a team game.”

“That’s right, we are a team.” Qiu retorted seriously. “We Ravenclaw are in no hurry to play against you Gryffindors.”

“That’s right, it smells a bit like that. It’s full of fire.” George laughed.

Qiu raised her eyebrows, pursed her lips and smiled, and looked at Harry again.

Harry’s breathing was a little short. In his view, there was a very beautiful girl with long black and shiny hair in front of him, looking at him with a smile.

“Say something!” Harry told himself.

He really wished he could be dashing and natural, and now he told a joke to amuse everyone and show his humor and composure.

However, he couldn’t hold back a word.

William almost laughed out loud, even the boy who survived. It seems that Cedric still has many competitors.

It’s just that from the current performance, Cedric can hit ten!



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