A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 161

Vol 2 Chapter 61: Snape’S Concerns

late at night,

Principal’s office.

“The girl almost died.”

After being silent for a long time, Snape who was sitting in the chair suddenly said.

Because the sound was too loud, the principals in the portrait were “wake up”, and everyone stared at the rude Snape in dissatisfaction.

But Snape ignored the dead.

“Is there nothing you want to say?”

Dumbledore looked away from the “Transfiguration of the Day” in his hand, and said calmly: “I remember that you always hated Hermione and started to care about her?”

“It’s two different things!” Snape defended angrily. “If the students die, this school will also be closed, and I don’t want to… be unemployed.”

Dumbledore narrowed his eyes and remembered a certain student… that person also said that he did not want Hogwarts to close, but in the end he framed another innocent person.

Seeing that the Headmaster was distracted, Snape was even more dissatisfied. He knocked on the table and sneered: “I don’t believe that the great Dumbledore can’t detect the invasion of trolls!”

Dumbledore said calmly: “Severus, you think too highly of me. I am also a human being, and there are times when I am negligent.”

Snape, clearly in disbelief, stared at the headmaster. “It’s not like an accident.”

“Of course it wasn’t an accident.” Dumbledore closed the book and pushed the half-moon glasses.

“In the evening, I went to the Forbidden Forest to investigate, and Gulu Gulu told me that there was one less clan member.”

“Gollum?” Snape was stunned. “Who is this?”

“The leader of the troll tribe closest to Hogwarts in the Forbidden Forest,” Dumbledore replied.

“He told me a while ago that a black-robed wizard suddenly appeared and took a clan member.”

“Wait…” Snape looked at Dumbledore suspiciously. “You still communicate with trolls?”

In Snape’s mind, the trolls only purred.

“Well, it’s just some simple daily communication, didn’t I tell you?” Dumbledore laughed.

“In addition to Troll, I can speak Mermaid, Goblin, and even understand… Parseltongue.”

Snape looked at Dumbledore in shock. He knew that the Headmaster was very powerful, but he didn’t expect such a combination of virtue and art.

“Wait…you say you understand Parseltongue?”

“I can only understand, but I can’t speak.” Dumbledore blinked, “Don’t look at me like that, it’s always right to learn another language.

If you are interested, I can teach you foreign languages privately. ”

“I’m not interested.” Snape refused coldly.

This made Dumbledore a little disappointed.

“Then, that idiot named Gulugulu told you that there is one less clan member…”

Snape hesitated.

“Headmaster, I don’t mean to offend, you should know that trolls can’t use their heads, right? They can count?”

Dumbledore leaned back in his chair and took a sip of his tea.

“Don’t be so prejudiced, there are exceptions to everything, and there are smart ones among trolls. They can understand simple human language and even speak some.”

Snape said impatiently: “That’s right, I think putting Longbottom in the troll should be just right to be their leader.”

“Severus, be patient, including with that child, you know how Neville’s memory is so poor.” Dumbledore said solemnly.

Snape snorted coldly, “The one from Hogwarts is missing a clan?”

“That’s right, according to Gollum’s description and the memories I got from his head, a wizard attacked the Horde and took a troll.

He is also prejudiced like you, thinking that trolls are not very intelligent, so he does not hide his appearance at all. ”

“Who is that person?”


“Really him?” Snape squinted, as Dumbledore had warned him about Quirrell.

“He’s the black-robed wizard who won’t attack Gringotts, right?” Snape said to himself, thinking of Tywin last year.

“Maybe he, maybe not.”

There was something in Dumbledore’s words, but Snape didn’t understand, he asked earnestly:

“Headmaster, since you’ve already identified Quirrell, why are you leaving him at school?”

“Harry!” Dumbledore looked directly at Snape. “We protect him, but we also have to train him, train him, let him hone his abilities.

So I set up the level and left something at the end of the level that attracted Quirrell and Harry. ”


“Severus, I can’t tell you yet.”

Snape was silent for a moment and stood up, “I don’t care about your secrets at all, I just hope that there will be no more accidents.”

Dumbledore didn’t speak, and he fought with Voldemort, and he couldn’t guarantee that there would be no accidents.

He is not Merlin after all.

Snape limped away, and when he was about to reach the door, Dumbledore pulled out a bottle.

“There is toxin in Lou Wei’s teeth, which will prevent the wound from healing. Even you and Pomfrey can’t make an antidote in a short time.

Here are Fox’s tears…take it. ”

Snape took the bottle and remained silent. Before he went to the level to replenish the potion that William stole, he always went to the principal’s office.

Because Lou Wei wouldn’t let him in.

Today, things were urgent and I wanted to break through, but I was bitten by Lu Wei unexpectedly.

Clearly, Quirrell had put the troll in as a trap, pretending to be breaking in and testing Dumbledore.

Unexpectedly, Snape was accidentally hit, and Lu Wei bit him.

And the tears of the phoenix can dissolve all toxins and are the best magic medicine.

After Snape left, Dumbledore picked up the book on the table again and continued to look.

In the office, only the sound of Fox eating cuttlefish bones.

The Halloween troll incident died down quickly, without making a splash.

As we enter November, the weather becomes very cold. The mountains around the school were gray and covered with snow and ice, and the lake was cold and hard as hardened steel. Every morning there is frost on the ground.

Hagrid could be seen from the upstairs window, wrapped in a long moleskin coat, rabbit fur gloves, and huge **** fur boots, defrosting his broomstick on the Quidditch pitch.

From this month, the Quidditch season begins.

Ravenclaw’s training is more intensive, and everyone wants to get a good start.

It wasn’t easy though, as their first opponent was Hufflepuff.

It’s a tough fight.

William was not so worried. In the time loop, he was the first to enter the Hufflepuff team, and he knew the bottom of every player.

Willian knows their tactics, common positions, and even everyone’s weaknesses and characteristics.

But the other party hasn’t seen him play a game yet. This lack of intelligence will have a great impact.

The only one ~www.readwn.com~ that will affect the results is Cedric. If he gets the Snitch in the first five minutes, William won’t win even if he can score.

Fortunately, Qiu is a Seeker. She is talented and knows Cedric well, so he won’t let him catch the Golden Snitch so easily.

So in this atmosphere, the first game of the year began.

(In the ps official setting, Dumbledore can understand Parseltongue but can’t speak it. This is what Jk Rowling said in an interview. As for which one I can’t find, the boss will also make it more difficult for colleagues what.

Of course, some people will say, why didn’t he hear it fifty years ago? It’s very likely that Dumbledore hasn’t learned it in fifty years. After Voldemort opened the Chamber of Secrets, he began to learn it. Of course, this section is my personal patch, commonly known as the second Assume. )

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