A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 167

Vol 2 Chapter 67: The Strongest Wand!

Christmas is approaching, Hogwarts is covered with several feet of snow, and the Black Lake is covered with hard ice.

In the morning, William and the others left the castle after eating, preparing to go to Black Lake to catch a mermaid.

If you just look at this proposal, I don’t know if it is the twins’ idea, but in fact, they are wronged.

The two were busy thinking about how to take off Quirrell’s scarf, how could they have thought of what merman to catch.

It was Cedric’s suggestion, who insisted that Christmas was a wonderful holiday and something should be done with a festive feel.

So he proposed to fish for merman, hang it on the Christmas tree, watch it as a fish mannequin, and put it back when the dinner is over.

Don’t look at Cedric’s usual attire like an honest man, but he’s actually the one who’s really wilted.

His real intention was to grab the merman and pluck a few hairs for the wand core.

Cedric had never tried merman hair before, and his curiosity struck again.

And he didn’t want to take the risk alone, so he dragged William and the others, and the deduction of points was also deducted by everyone.

In William’s view, sooner or later, Cedric would be beaten to death due to various murderous behaviors, or be beaten to death by his furry magical creature.

“Can a merman’s hair make a wand too?”

Walking on the road, the wind was howling, and William tightened the collar of his thick clothes.

As soon as he walked out of the door, he regretted it. It was too cold outside.

“Certainly, even centaurs and veela hair. But they are very sensitive, and Mr. Ollivander rarely uses them.

I would love to try it out, maybe there will be a clever response. “Cedric said seriously.

He also used the armpit hair of the troll, the troll that William had killed.

It’s a pity that no one buys the wand with the core of the troll’s armpit hair, and the response is too slow, as if the IQ is not online.

William smiled and said: “Actually, I also have a genius idea. I have been thinking about the material matching of the wand for a long time, and I want you to help me make it.”

“What match?” Cedric rubbed his hands together, regardless of whether he could cast magic or not, let’s do it first.

He is not like Mr Ollivander, who only likes to use certain materials.

“The outer material is a polyethylene shell, and the core is two layers of erbium-doped silica with different refractive indices.

I tell you, the benefits of such a core are also obvious.

The magic spell emitted from the hand can be fully reflected and transmitted in the magic wand, which not only reduces the loss, but also achieves amplification, and its power is stronger than six!

This is the strongest wand! ”


Although Cedric understood every word of William’s words, he didn’t understand a single sentence.

Cedric decided to ask Professor Keridi Boubaji what polyethylene was and what was erbium-doped silica in his next Muggle studies class.

Professor Boubaji is an expert in this field. It is said that he studied in the United States for seven years and graduated from Clayton University with seven doctorates.

The last time Cedric asked what an atomic bomb was, Professor Bubagi told him that it was a special firework for Christmas with a very beautiful pattern.

After the twin brothers found out, they wanted to buy one and release it at Hogwarts.

When they were about to leave the castle, a few people ran into Professor Quirrell.

In the blizzard, Quirrell was covered in a thick metal casing, and his two short hands were exposed.

Looking from a distance, those who didn’t know thought he stole someone’s trash can and put it on him.

“The armor…too heavy…inconvenient,” Quirrell stammered. “Don’t think…attack…me again!”

The twin brothers were provoked by Professor Quirrell, and the two used magic to control the giant snowballs, making them fall on Quirrell’s head.

But the thick shell blocked the attack of the two.

Professor Quirrell squinted his swollen eyes and took a bite of the brown bread in his hand. He doesn’t eat school food anymore, for fear of being drugged by students.

Quirrell laughed, and suddenly burst into tears.

“There is no next time, there is no more, I will leave soon…hehe.”

Several people felt that Professor Quirrell was crazy, afraid of being touched, and left in a hurry.

After walking out of the castle, George said angrily: “It seems that no one can take this reward.”

The amount of the bounty offered by William has risen to one hundred and twenty Galleons. If no one can take it away, the money will be his in the end.

“Did you expect this a long time ago?” George asked.

William nodded.

If Quirrell really wanted to hide what was under the scarf, it would be enough for little wizards to see.

As for why he was injured… Quirrell may have strength, but before, he only pretended to be a waste. In order not to expose him, it was impossible for him to show his extraordinary strength, and he could only endure attacks constantly.

“We’re going to stay here for Christmas and keep attacking Quirrell,” Fred laughed.

The Weasleys are going to Romania to see Charlie, and neither the twins nor Ron will be home.

The twins send back so many Galleons every month, and their family’s situation has eased a lot, and a few people can still afford the ticket.

But Mrs Weasley insisted on exploring the way, which seemed to have turned into a runaway Jurassic Park.

“Don’t be silly, do you think Professor Quirrell will stay at school for Christmas?” William shook his head. “He’ll definitely leave school to recover~www.readwn.com~ Damn!” Missed this opportunity, twins All feel very pity.

When they were about to reach the Black Lake, they met Hagrid again.

Hagrid carried a large fir tree on his shoulders and walked quickly towards the castle.

“Hagrid, do you need help?” William asked loudly.

Hagrid stuck his head out between the branches, a smile on his furry face: “No, I can do it, it’s easy.”

Hagrid hummed a happy ditty, and he said happily, “Why are you going?”

“Let’s go . . . go wild,” George lied.

They didn’t want to be known by Hagrid and went to Black Lake to catch merman.

Magical creatures are Hagrid’s favorite, so what if the mermaid is also his best friend.

Hagrid looked at a few people strangely, and said solemnly, “Don’t go to the Forbidden Forest, it’s very dangerous.”

“We’re not going,” Cedric waved his hand, “just take a walk near Black Lake.”

“Okay.” Hagrid nodded, as long as he didn’t go to the Forbidden Forest.

“Go to the dining room for a while, it’s beautifully dressed up. Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick are there, busy putting up Christmas decorations, you’ll be surprised.”

Several people quickly agreed.

“By the way, did you see Harry?” Hagrid patted his body, shaking the thick snow down.

“At this point, Harry should be taking Potions class, right?” Fred said with a smirk.

“Yeah, Harry’s favorite Potions class, and the old bat will take good care of him by the cauldron.” George gloated.

Hagrid sighed, looking worried.

(Second, please recommend votes, everyone.

Thanks for the reward of “Daoist, please stay.” )

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