A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 204

Vol 2 Chapter 104: Face-Blind Lavender

William took out a bottle of compound decoction, this commonly used potion, he usually carried in large quantities, so he didn’t have to go to Snape’s office to steal it.

He grabbed another hair and threw it into the bottle, which instantly turned into a dark green liquid.

Cedric took a sip, and his body quickly changed drastically.

He looked down at himself for a while, then suddenly reached out and grabbed William’s clothes, wanting to take off his robe.

William took two steps back in fright. Why did he feel that this scene seemed familiar?

Skilled in movements, anxious and anxious, with a hint of anticipation?

Wait… Didn’t Cedric take off Warrington’s clothes like this during the first time loop?

Cedric also looked confused and asked, “Aren’t you going to take off your clothes? I can’t go out in oversized clothes, that’s too weird!”

Cedric is almost two years older than William, and he is slightly taller than William.

“I have clothes here.” William quickly took out a robe from the ring.

Cedric ripped off his clothes and started changing into William’s clothes.

To be honest, seeing myself **** on one side does have a very strange feeling.

The most terrifying thing is that Cedric was wearing clothes and making a strange noise from his mouth, like King Billy.

“Hmmmm~ William, I didn’t realize… ah? You look so thin, but your body is so strong… Look at your strong biceps… Have you been exercising? Ah ah ah~”

“…” William turned his neck unnaturally, always feeling the smell of burning bananas all around him.

After changing his clothes, Cedric went to the auditorium with a handsome face, while William walked towards the ancient rune office alone.

Ancient Rune is a truly fascinating subject. This word is not a single word, but also refers to books and spells related to magic left in ancient times.

Therefore, to master these, Hogwarts students must start with the basic and simplest ancient Rune script.

After mastering these, you will know the meaning of a large number of runes, just like a historian learning the simplest oracle bone script.

Of course, there are many ancient runes that have magic power in themselves, which cannot be put on paper and can only be passed on by word of mouth.

The role of ancient rune is far more than that. In this era, in order to facilitate everyone to cast spells, many magics are simplified.

The magic composed of ancient runes is much more powerful.

Also, the casting speed will be slower, because there is a long chant in it.

So many wizards in that era also had good swordsmanship to prevent being approached…for example, Gryffindor.


While walking on the fourth floor, William suddenly heard someone calling him.

William turned his head and found that it was Hermione following her roommates.

“Why are you here, aren’t you going to play?”

Hermione greeted familiarly, and both of her roommates looked at William curiously.

So curious… On the first day of school, I flew over the Black Lake with many wizards.

Such a cool man is still the youngest recipient of the Merlin Medal; the store he runs makes a lot of money, and it is said that he is just playing tickets.

Dropping the top of this row is enough to shock these little girls who have not seen much of the world for a moment.

William is also a **** of learning. Every teacher has a good heart. It is inaccurate to describe it as a neighbor’s child. It should be said to be a typical child of the royal family next door.

In fact, countless students tried to get close to the small group of William, but so far, Hermione was the closest.

Now that we met, William also stepped forward to say hello.

Hermione introduced enthusiastically: “This is my roommate, Lavender Brown and Padma Patil, this is William Stark, you should have heard of it.”

Lavender Brown has a chubby baby face, a strange yellow ribbon wrapped around his head, and is dressed a bit bells and whistles.

Parvati Patil is a black-haired Indian girl with a red mole on her forehead, which makes her look extraordinarily beautiful.

Best of all, she also has a twin sister, Padma Patil, who is currently at Ravenclaw College.

Um… This is a pair of beautiful sisters of Pandilian!

“Hello.” William had a smile on his face. “I hear Hermione mention you all the time.”

“Oh, what did she say about us?” Lavender Brown couldn’t help but asked curiously.

“Before school started, she was afraid that her roommates would be difficult to get along with. She didn’t expect to come to Hogwarts and found that she had two warm-hearted and beautiful roommates.”

“Did she really say that?” The two laughed while covering their heads.

“Of course, I never lie.” William’s smile grew brighter.

“However, I think what Hermione said is not so accurate, you are more beautiful than described.”

“William, do you really think so?” Lavender was immediately familiar.

“How could I lie to you, I never lie to beautiful girls.”

William’s voice fell, followed by another shy laugh.

Hermione quietly looked at William’s side face with a dazed look on her face.

She and Lavender had known each other for a semester, and neither of them had spoken to her so enthusiastically.

William has only known each other for a few minutes, so they are so familiar?

Also, when did she say that the two of them are… warm and beautiful? !

William glanced at Hermione out of the corner of his eye, and the corners of his mouth twitched. Fortunately, the little girl’s emotional intelligence wasn’t low enough to question him face to face.

No wonder Hermione’s popularity is so bad, her IQ is on the rise, but her emotional quotient is about to disappear.

William and a few people chatted for a while, and said some interesting things, which won a burst of laughter.

“Okay, I still have something to do, so I won’t delay you going to the auditorium, Hermione, go find Professor Bascida with me.”

William thought about it, and decided to take Hermione away, so that she would be taken to see Voldemort by Harry, the arrogant child~www.readwn.com~ William wanted to know, without Hermione’s help, Harry and Ron would have been able to Go through a few levels in the restricted area.

Hermione didn’t think for a second, then nodded decisively, and really stopped watching Quidditch.

Quidditch is boring, whoever likes to watch it will watch it!

After the two of them walked away, the two girls looked at Hermione’s back together, and there was jealousy in their eyes.

Lavender Brown took a deep breath and said enviously, “What do you think their relationship is?”

“Have you… already started dating?”

“No, it looks like they are just ordinary friends.” Parvati Patil said in curry-flavored English.

“I heard from my sister that Stark is still single.”

Lavender disbelieved: “However, when Hermione entered the school, no one spoke to her, only William was a friend.”

“I heard from others that they knew each other before they entered school,” explained Parvati Patil. “It used to be just a neighbor.”

Lavender sighed: “I also want to find a boyfriend like this… Of course I’m not a nympho. To be honest, I’m face-blind, which means that I can’t tell who is handsome and who is not.”

“Also, don’t look at William’s wealthy appearance, I’m not interested in Gallen, I’ve never touched Gallen.

I only hope to have an ordinary love relationship with an ordinary-looking boy like William, and finally form an ordinary family. ”

Parvati: “…”



(Thanks to “Feng Ling 15” for the reward.)

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