A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 3

Chapter 3: The Professor Was Killed By A Wild Boar!

“Sorry, I’m late.”

The giant apologized, bent over and walked in, rubbing his head against the ceiling, almost hitting the chandelier.

The giant scratched his hair and smiled embarrassedly: “I should have arrived at nine o’clock, but I encountered a small situation on the way.”

This hair doesn’t matter as soon as you grab it, it’s a strange ponytail hairstyle, and it starts to be messy.

Father Roy swallowed and asked dryly, “Are you a professor at Hogwarts?”

There was no impatience in Roy’s tone. It seemed that he was not the one who complained about being late.

Roy is not short, at nearly 1.9 meters, but in front of the giant’s height of nearly 5 meters, he looks like a hobbit.

The difference in body size between the two sides is too great. This kind of deterrence cannot be said casually. At this time, Roy can only be decisive.

Hearing Roy’s question, the giant hurriedly replied, “My name is Rubeus Hagrid, and I’m the key keeper and hunting ground keeper at Hogwarts.

It was supposed to be Professor Snape to welcome the new students, but something happened recently at Hogwarts.

Professor Robert, who taught Defense Against the Dark Arts, wandered in the Forbidden Forest during the day, and was killed by Tebo Warthog.

The school is short of manpower for the time being, so let me help…”

Everyone didn’t hear what Hagrid said later, and everyone’s attention was attracted by the words “The professor is dead”.

Roy took a deep breath, exchanged glances with Lyanna, and said anxiously, “I just said don’t go, this school is too dangerous.

God! Even the professor will die…”

“That’s not the case. With Professor Dumbledore here, Hogwarts is the safest place in the magic world.”

Hagrid blushed and stammered in defense: “It’s just that the position of magic defense is very evil. Every year, professors who apply for jobs will have some problems.”

“What did you say? This kind of thing happens every year at Hogwarts?!” Lyanna’s voice was a little sharp, and she had doubts about the security of the school.

“It’s not like that—” But Hagrid couldn’t go on. He found that the other party’s words… seemed to be fine.

“Hey, I’m going to write a letter of entrustment to Sherlock Holmes and ask him to investigate at Hogwarts.”

Annie, who found the opportunity, shouted excitedly and rushed all the way to her bedroom.

Hagrid kept scratching his head, which was about to become a chicken coop, and found that he had screwed up today.

He stared, at a loss.

It is the teacher’s responsibility to take in new students. Hagrid is not a teacher. He asked Dumbledore to go out this time.

The reason is very simple. He hopes that he can do well and asks Dumbledore to let him pick up Harry next year!

This is the first Muggle family. He screwed up everything. Not only was he late, but he also caused some misunderstandings in the Muggle family…

Hagrid would rather deal with the cute Hungarian Hornets!

There was a lot of noise in the living room, like a vegetable market. At this moment, a young voice sounded.

“Hey, since you are a wizard, can you show us all a hand?”

William raised his head, his beautiful dark green pupils looked at Hagrid.

William’s words finally saved Hagrid from his embarrassment.

He glanced at the boy gratefully, and asked cheerfully, “Are you this year’s freshman? I know you, thank you for taking care of Milia for two days.”


“Well, Milia is the owl.” Hagrid explained, “Thank you for the fish **** you gave him, he likes it very much.”

William glanced at Bobo Tea, and he wanted to say that the owl stole it himself, but the silly orange was still licking his claws, so he didn’t care about it.

“Then you—”

“Just call me Hagrid.”

“Hagrid, can you cast some magic for us to see?” William asked.

The best way to dispel the doubts of parents is to use the supernormal power of magic. Any ordinary person will be shocked and yearned when they see it.

“Oh, strictly speaking, I can’t use magic, but…” Hagrid blinked slyly, “I’m doing this for work too, and Professor Dumbledore will understand.”

Saying that, he stretched out his big hand to the furry brown suit, and after fumbling for a while, he took out a broken pink umbrella from it.

Wait…why is it pink?

Unexpectedly, behind Hagrid’s tall and mighty, there is actually a cute girl’s heart hidden.

Hagrid’s big hand held the umbrella, as if holding a toothpick. He excitedly said, “Don’t blink, it’s time to witness magic…”?

? He swung his umbrella in the air with a swish sound, and then pointed directly at the goldfish in the fish tank.

Suddenly there was a violet flash and a sound like a firecracker, and then the little goldfish turned into a monster with half body fish on the left and half body on the right.

Although the monster was only one finger long.

“Oh, that’s wrong, it’s not left and right, it’s up and down.” Hagrid muttered softly and waved his umbrella again.

This time, it became a monster with an upper body fish and a lower body human.

William’s eyelids twitched. Is this the legendary mermaid?

Hagrid scratched his beard as if he had drunk fake wine, his face flushed.

He lied: “The mermaid in the black lake looks like this!”

William looked suspicious.

Hagrid pulled his beard and defended in a low voice, “I’m not very good at Transfiguration, this is Professor McGonagall’s field, you can’t expect my Transfiguration to be as good as hers.

Actually, I’m a master at raising magical creatures! ”

William was very skeptical, but Hagrid’s half-transformation technique still made Roy and Lyanna completely sluggish.

As they have accepted the society… ahhh, as they have accepted the decadent education of capitalism, today they have completely turned the world view upside down.

If it wasn’t for Hagrid’s size, Lyanna, as a professor, would probably send Hagrid directly to the Cambridge laboratory for slice research. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

And Roy, who has 20 years of medical experience, also wanted to see the wizard’s teeth, how different they are from ordinary humans.

In an instant, Hagrid became the most popular person in the Stark family.

Even Annie haunts Hagrid, wanting to see the magic that transforms the living.

Annie vowed to write to Dumbledore at a rate of seven letters a week from now on, asking her if she could be admitted!

As for Sherlock Holmes…let’s stay in the Himalayas and play in the mud.

Hagrid spent a pleasant afternoon tea time at William’s house.

After a while, the Stark family became his “dear old friends” in the Muggle world.

It wasn’t until evening that Hagrid smiled and took William to Diagon Alley.

Neither Lyanna nor Annie followed. Hagrid’s size was so huge that he occupied the entire back of the parking lot by himself.

Just like that, it was barely blocked.

Annie pouted and suggested in a low voice, “Can Annie and Bobo tea squeeze in the trunk.”

But he was directly rejected by his father Roy.

The little girl began to ask for gifts again, and William agreed, and she paused for a while.

As the cat owner, Bobo Tea found a comfortable position, lay in William’s arms, raised his chin and glanced at Annie.

Ever since she was knocked off the sofa by the other party, in Bobocha’s eyes, Annie has completely lost the qualification to play it!

Now William, who can go to the magic world, is its designated **** shoveling officer.

What a supreme honor!

(As long as the collection is recommended, Hogwarts will give you an owl, delicious, first come first served!)

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